Our barn bathroom was sad. It had a hole in the ceiling. It was unsightly and a bit drafty. Friends of SAFE to the rescue! SAFE Saturday Volunteer, Sarah McGarr, asked her talented friend, Andrew Perti to come and take a look. Andrew grabbed his tools and went right to work. With Jeanne’s help and a few trips to the hardware store- our barn bathroom is beautiful and whole! Not only did he plaster the ceiling but painted the entire room. Then while waiting for things to dry he repaired the flood lights on the covered arena and installed a new switch and outlet, that was an added bonus. Andrew lives in Washington DC and was visiting his good friend, Sarah.  When asked why he generously shared his vacation time his expression (behind the mask) clearly replied …why not? “I’ve got a soft spot for nonprofits.”

SAFE is so fortunate to have our enthusiastic volunteer, Sarah, who introduced us to her skillful friend, Andrew. Hooray for friends! Thank you both!

Beautiful new bathroom!





Andrew at work on the lights and wires in the smoke