Do you think you can guess when Luna and Mina will have their foals? We’re going to have a fun contest to see who can guess the closest to the actual birth!
We’ll give a you a clue to get you started. The two mares were both palpated and ultrasounded by equine repro specialist Dr Brandi Hollihan from Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital on April 26, 2018. Here’s what we learned at that exam:
Luna was estimated to be at 175 days into gestation.
Mina was estimated to be at 145 days into gestation.
So, if you think you can accurately predict when the foals will be born, here’s your chance! For a donation of $5 per guess, choose the mare (Luna or Mina), the birthday (including time of birth) and the sex of the baby, which will be used as a tiebreaker. The person with the closest guess for each foal will receive half the pool of money raised by the this fundraiser. The other half will go to SAFE’s Foal to Four Fund.
For a $5 donation, you may enter one guess in the contest. You can enter more than once. The person who is closest to the date and time of the actual birth will be the winner for that mare’s contest. In the case of a tie, the sex of the foal will be used as a tiebreaker.
Good luck!!!!!
UPDATE: Mina is officially on “Foal Watch” status as of Nov 1, so we’re not taking any more guesses for her!! You can still submit guesses for Luna.