Victoria riding Bucky B Lucky

We are delighted to announce that Victoria Guy has accepted a position on the Board of Directors of SAFE. Victoria will be taking on the role of SAFE Treasurer, a position she will bring a great deal of professional and nonprofit experience to. 

Victoria has been volunteering with SAFE for the past two years, working hands on with our horses as one of the Sunday feed & chore crew. She also has ridden several of the SAFE horses in training, including the famous Bucky B Lucky. In July 2011, she was named Volunteer of the Month in recognition of her hard work and great attitude. As the newest member of the Board of Directors, she’s already hit the ground running by helping to organize last weekend’s very successful Open House at the new farm. As Treasurer, Victoria will work to continue SAFE’s transparent financial practices as well as instigating new best practices for the running of this organization.

In the next few weeks, we’ll be rolling out some more detailed bios for all the members of the SAFE Board of Directors, so you can get to know Victoria and the rest of them a little better!