We are so grateful for the help of our volunteer riders. Casey is one of a very special group of people who make SAFE a great community, working together to train and find adoption homes for our horses. She has been studying and working up to five times a week out at the arenas with her string of SAFE horses. We love to see all the progress she is making with them and to hear of her successes with both Jewel and Stevie in this past Joel Conner clinic. Here is a bit from Casey about the experience with Jewel:

Jewel and Casey
Jewel was awesome in the clinic, and we got some great changes under saddle. At the clinic in August, we were struggling with going forward, particularly up to the canter. She was reactive to the leg and would stop, pin her ears, try to bite my leg and refuse to move. To help with this issue, Joel had us doing many transitions up to the canter on a long rein and then petting her down to the walk. Going into the clinic this weekend, she was feeling much more willing in her transitions. In addition, Joel showed us a figure eight exercise that really has her lifting and balancing. We yield hindquarters in the first part of the circle, reach the front quarters on the second half and then straight through the center. This is really helping Jewel find balance, which has resulted in greater comfort in her transitions. She is even offering canter of her own accord. Jewel is a lovely mare and is so ready for her forever home!
Here are photos of Casey working with Jewel at the clinic: