Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic Reports
SAFE has had the good fortune to work with horseman Joel Conner for several years. Joel was recommended to us by Buck Brannaman, and it took sending him one horse to re-start — Kai — for us to know that we’d found the right person to help us. From the very start, Joel showed a deep commitment to developing a horsemanship program at SAFE to help staff and volunteers learn solid and consistent skills for working with the horses. He began coming to SAFE multiple times each year, putting on 3 day clinics to teach us these skills, focusing on groundwork and riding. In 2018, he began adding starting young horses under saddle to the program. He also has donated his time to teaching basic horse handling skills to SAFE volunteers, allowing those with little to no horse experience get safe, hands-on practice. In Joel Conner, we feel we have a partner who understands our horses and our mission as rescuers, and we are sincerely grateful for that!
Below, volunteers who work with SAFE horses in these clinics are asked to write up a short piece for the website about their experience and what they learned. These updates, collected over the past three years, will give you a feel for what a Joel Conner clinic is all about.

Nashville: Joel Conner Clinic report
SAFE Volunteer Rider Casey A has been working with Nashville and rode her in the riding sessions of last weekend’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about it: I rode Nashville in the riding portion of the clinic all three days. Joel put the first couple…

Asha: Joel Conner Clinic Report
SAFE volunteer rider Casey A worked with new girl Asha during the groundwork portion of last weekends’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say: I worked with Asha for the groundwork portion of the clinic all three days. This was the first time she had been…

Tasara: Joel Conner Clinic report
SAFE volunteer Marie Jainga took part in her first Joel Conner clinic last weekend, working with Tasara in the groundwork sessions. Here are her observations about her experience: First, I want to begin by thanking Bonnie and Terry for hosting these wonderful clinics…

Lacey: Joel Conner Clinic Report
Clinic report from SAFE volunteer rider Erika: This clinic was not the first time I’ve worked with Lacey, but it was the first time I’ve spent so much time working with her. The first day, Friday, we really worked hard to get to a soft feel, and we got to where she…

Valencia and new mom Kelly at the Joel Conner clinic
Valencia’s adoption got off to a great start when her new owner, Karen K, took her in the Joel Conner clinic in order to better understand the language of horsemanship that Valencia is familiar with. The two did quite well together, and plan to continue this work once…
Raven is Growing Up!
SAFE volunteer rider Casey has been working with Raven in preparation for our Colt Starting Clinic with Joel Conner on March 15–18th. Our goal is to make her first ride as uneventful as possible and for Raven to be as relaxed about a rider up top as she is with her…
Training Update: Ru & Valencia
Terry and her volunteer riders have been working with Ru and Valencia regularly since the last Joel Conner clinic in November. She has this to report on their progress: The more time I spend with Ruach and Valencia the more I fall in love with them. Both are probably…
Training Update: Jessel
Jessel is back on the payroll at Joel Conner’s after a light fall schedule. She is now old enough to be in full time work and so we have bumped her work up in preparation to move her back to Safe Harbor in the spring. Joel’s ranch has been a great place for Jessel to…
Clinic & Health Update: Anderson
Finally, the wet weather is here and Anderson’s cough has all but gone away! He is definitely a Northwest boy who likes wet air that is dry and certainly not smoky! We are going to lower his dose of prednisolone to try to wean him off of it. There is a chance he will…
Tasara Joins the Riding Horses!
From Terry: Sweet little Tasara is on her way to becoming a fun riding horse! I have been working with her for some time, getting her ready to be ridden. Due to her gentle disposition, we’ve been able to let other volunteers handle her too and do some groundwork with…