Chelsey Braswell

Chelsey Braswell

Choosing this month’s Volunteer of the Month was easy! Chelsey Braswell has only been with us for a few months, but she’s made a big impact in a short amount of time. Her dedication and enthusiasm, along with her genuine love and affection for the horses makes her the perfect addition to the SAFE team.

Meet Chelsey:

I started volunteering at SAFE in February this year, simply because I just needed a good horse fix and there is nothing better than giving these “forgotten” horses the love and attention they deserve. I was raised on a horse farm and when that was gone there was a serious hole in my heart and volunteering at SAFE twice a week really makes up for that. I discovered SAFE just cruising through ads just browsing, and SAFE kept popping up on a number of horses available for adoption. After seeing Lola’s ad, I really hoped she’d be at the SAFE barn.. 🙂 My favorite part is Saturday mornings when I turn the horses out and watch them run and play and of course re-establish the alpha-horse 🙂 They all win me over. If I had the space I would probably want to take them all home. Deeds wins the sweetest horse award in my book. He will stand there and lick your hand or arm like any dog would. Dexter tries to help you clean up any way he can, he brought me the water trough brush once and even the hose… And Annie definitely likes to make herself known. After all, she IS the alpha mare, and SHOULD have ALL your attention 🙂 I just love her.

When I’m not volunteering at SAFE I work a full-time job at Carter Subaru. And thanks to Jaime, I now have a part-time job working at Pumpkin Farms Dressage where I’ve been given the opportunity to start taking riding lessons as well with the resident trainer, on horses way bigger AND smarter than me, but very patient with me 🙂 I’ve really learned and gained a lot by working with SAFE, the most rewarding work I’ve ever done.