Bucky B Lucky was moved into foster care with Helga Roberts at Dutch Mills Farm to continue his dressage training. We just got this wonderful update from Helga and we’re really pleased that he’s doing so well for her! SAFE is so fortunate to have Helga working with our horses and we know that Lucky will benefit immensely from working with her.
Lucky has been here now for just a little over 2 weeks, the first week he just got to hang out in the turnout and eats lots of grass! He immediately bonded with his neighbor, Auburn Express, who is also a bay OTTB, but a bit smaller than Lucky, and about the same age. Who knows, maybe they knew each other from the track! Lucky settled right in, he has been nothing but friendly in his stall, loves to be groomed and even though sometimes he doesn’t always pay perfect attention, leads well. He stands in the cross-ties like a champ and had his farrier appointment today; he stood perfect and was a pleasure for the farrier the whole time! He has been super good on the lunge line, never pulling, always picking up the correct leads.
Under saddle he did check to make sure that I REALLY wanted him to go forward (tried to stop a few times) but after some persuasive kicks he has been a willing partner. He is not spooky at all, doesn’t look at the horses next to the arena and even though he feels green as far as steering goes he is perfectly ok with trying anything! His canter needs some work, as he wants to break out of it on occasion, but that too, I am sure, will come along quickly. He has not once offered to rear or buck, he really hasn’t done anything naughty besides the usual “test-period.” So far, everyone in the barn quite likes the tall dark guy! I am hoping to bring him to the SAFE show to ride him in some dressage tests!
Before leaving SAFE Harbor Stables, Lucky was ridden a few times by Marita E who is a dressage rider and a friend of SAFE trainer Brittney Stewart. Marita had this to say about Lucky:
I had the pleasure of helping Brittney ride him for a short time and I have to say that I am so envious of whoever winds up with Lucky! He is such a special, talented horse and a good guy all around.