Carrie S worked with Sienna during the May Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their experience:

I had the privilege of working with Sienna in the groundwork class at the Joel Conner Clinic on May 3–5 2024.  I could easily just say ditto to everything that Sue C said about Sienna in her previous clinic reports.  Sienna is a lovely and generous mare who has been an incredibly safe and patient teacher for so many of us in the horsemanship program at SAFE.

Lesson number one – get life.  Lesson number two – get more life.  Lesson number three – get even more life… I had no idea how to do that and am still in the kindergarten stages of learning groundwork.  Sienna doesn’t settle for muddled communication and I was doing lots of that with her.  If I wanted life out of her, I had to find that life within myself.  She knows if  I’m phoning it in and she disconnects.

Over the course of the clinic I was able to build on my foundation with Sienna that we have been working to create.  I could hold focused attention on my intention for longer periods of time along with getting my hands and feet sending fewer contradictory signals.  Sienna provided feedback in the form of lightness, flexion, and more life.  I almost think Sienna’s purpose is to be a kind and patient teacher at SAFE.  Because I cannot for the life of me understand why she hasn’t been adopted 10 times over.  She has a ginormous heart, is a great paddock herd mate, and have I mentioned how kind she is?  Those eyes!!

I feel grateful for the chance for Sienna and I to work together, make lots of mistakes, and find some common ground. Thank you, Joel Conner, for being able to quickly assess a situation and offer things that make a difference each and every time.  You’re a gifted clinician.  The team at SAFE operates at such high standards and I’m so grateful to explore and learn within this community.  And a huge thank you to Bonnie Hammond for having this dream of a safe harbor and bringing it to life.”