Jeff and JR

Jeff and JR

This month we are recognizing our outstanding volunteer Jeff Frazzini! Jeff has volunteered with SAFE for over two years. He does feeding and farm chores every Sunday morning. Recently, he started assisting Facilities Coordinator, Victoria Guy, with maintenance and repair projects on Sundays as well. He has been a regular at our Fall Work Parties. He also frequently makes his truck (and himself!) available to haul donated hay, stall mats etc. We can honestly say that if you ask Jeff for help with something he will find a way to make it happen.

When asked how Jeff got involved with SAFE, he had this to say: “I decided to join SAFE because it seemed like a good organization doing good things. And that is true. It is a good organization doing good things! The first good thing I was involved with at SAFE was helping to save Bucky B Lucky. I think my favorite horse at SAFE is Strider.”

Jeff is a man of few words, and generally prefers to avoid recognition…but he’s such a valuable volunteer that we really felt, just this once, that we should make a fuss about him! Congratulations to our much appreciated May Volunteer of the Month, Jeff Frazzini!