Nadia came back from training today and I was able to get a quick video and some still shots of her under saddle. She was so good that our volunteer Sara’s daughter, Angelique, was able to take her 2nd riding lesson on her even though she had just arrived in a strange place she had never been before. What a sweetheart of a little mare! Here are some photos and a video clip (please excuse the jeans and lack of proper headgear, this was an unplanned session). Here Nadia demonstrates not only her excellent “Whoa”, but also she does flying changes!
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia under saddle
- Nadia — beginner rider aboard
- Nadia — beginner rider aboard