SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Declan, One Year Later

Declan, One Year Later 

There are no timelines when it comes to our horses. We promise them that no matter how long it takes, we will be there for them to rehabilitate them into the horse they were always meant to be. This week marks the year anniversary of when we met Declan. Many wonderful things have happened in his life since then. Hours of care, patience, hard work, and empowerment. Declan was restarted under…

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Autumn is Here

Autumn is Here 

On the direct heels of Tanis’ passing several weeks ago, we received a call regarding a horse in need — another roan mare. It felt, admittedly, a bit like kismet. We know that Autumn’s story starts with an Animal Control seizure. She was one of group of 44 horses taken from a hoarder in Lewis County. This was a horrific situation that involved dead horses, as well as mares and stallions…

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Scotty’s Buddies

Scotty’s Buddies 

Scotty arrived at SAFE with his half-sibling Violet, the two of them essentially attached at the hip. In order to foster new and healthy relationships (and mitigate the herdboundness that existed in each of them), we made a point of introducing them to new friends once they were off their quarantine. Scotty popped over into our ‘boys herd’ (we are a mare-heavy organization, and thus only have…

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Darla is Adopted!

Darla is Adopted! 

Dearest darling Darla has been adopted! During the summer, long time horse owner Monne came to SAFE looking for an equine partner and met Darla. The two of them took their time getting to know one another, with Monne coming out to visit and ride Darla a number of times before tying the knot, so to speak. Darla came to SAFE as a very sensitive mare, and while that is not something that goes away…

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Rest in Peace, Alumni Moon

Rest in Peace, Alumni Moon 

The Alumni community mourns the loss of another big girl today (10/26/23). Four years ago, this past August, Moon left to live with Beth Ann and her amazing herd in Oregon. Moon had the best life and enjoyed many good days with her family. Sadly, the time came when her hooves couldn’t hold her to this world any longer. Beth wrote us this morning: “Today when I walked out Moon just patiently…

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Violet Coming Along

Violet Coming Along 

Since her arrival at SAFE, Lexee N has been working with Violet to help her find freedom in her feet and life in her movements. The last few times Joel visited us, he worked alongside Lexee and Violet, and Lexee has the following to say about this beautiful mare: “The lovely Violet has been a tough horse to get along with. She has a lot of resentment towards people and this reflects through her…

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Snohomish Animal Control Training Days

Snohomish Animal Control Training Days 

Recently, we were happy to host two Snohomish county animal control officers here at SAFE for a day of training. Established in 2005, SAFE hasn’t taken a year off from equine rescue in almost two decades, and over those years, we have learned a thing or two about all that goes into both rescuing and rehabilitating horses. We are more than happy to share our knowledge with the folks who aid us in…

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Gabby is Adopted!

Gabby is Adopted! 

Gabby was taken in by SAFE in April of 2022, where she went directly to foster with our dear friend Trisha, who had previously fostered (and then adopted!) Caramel. Well today, I bring you another tale of a foster fail: Gabby has found a permanent home with Trisha. The two of them have put in a tremendous amount of work together, building trust, and slowly but surely chipping away at the…

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Alumni Update: Henry (James)

October 2023 Update on James’ weight gain progress at almost 3 months after adoption! The first photo shows him when he initially arrived, while the second photo showcases his current appearance. Notably, he has been successfully building muscle in his shoulders and has significantly reduced his rib visibility. 

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Getting to know Scotty

Getting to know Scotty 

When we intake a horse who we know for a fact has had a riding background, we are equal parts hesitant and hopeful. There is a chance that what the horse has been taught will make for a relatively easy re-start — the mere fact they have been saddled before eliminates some speculation as to how that is going to go. Of course, there are always many variables that make it so that we always treat a…

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Independent Inula

Independent Inula 

A few months back, we split up the Gig Harbor horses around the property — integrating them into herds, or otherwise facilitating a change of scenery from the paddock they’d been quarantining and living in up until that point. Mother and daughter, Ciara and Inula, were both involved in this separation, and at the time we had prepared ourselves to deal with the fallout of separating a pair who…

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Ciara’s Saddling Journey

Ciara’s Saddling Journey 

Ciara came to us as part of a larger seizure in Gig Harbor, alongside a tableau of horses who, aside from their lack of proper care and handling, were, as is the nature of all living creatures, of varied personalities. The ‘easiest’ of the bunch were Ciara’s daughter Inula, along with Wren, who were relatively uncomplicated as far as horses who haven’t had much quality handling go. Meadow and…

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Say Hello to Jupiter

Say Hello to Jupiter 

Animal Control seized Jupiter back in December of 2022, but his case was ongoing for so long that we were prevented from talking about him until very recently. He, much like the others who were a part of his seizure, was placed in a foster situation where SAFE supported him from afar. But when his foster reached out to us that she could no longer house him, we made plans to bring him here to the…

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Goodbye, Tanis

Goodbye, Tanis 

Tanis, beloved SAFE horse, was laid to rest last week under a warm blue sky following a sudden and painful colic. As is the case with colics, they can escalate quickly from seemingly mild into devastating rather quickly. We first noticed something was amiss around turnout time, when after finishing her grain mash breakfast, Tanis was down in her stall. Horses lying down when there is food around…

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Arrow Goes to Foster

Arrow Goes to Foster 

As winter approaches, more horses find themselves in precarious situations. Older horses and hard keepers become more difficult to maintain away from pasture, and we tend to get an uptick in calls from Animal Control hoping to place horses with us along with owners looking for assistance as the weather changes. Being able to help with these requests is all dependent on our available space. Our…

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Welcoming Harper and Cookie

Welcoming Harper and Cookie 

Horses that come to us by way of Animal Control are often times kept quiet as the case moves through the legal system and all that that entails. Harper and Cookie are two such cases — these mares received shelter at SAFE months ago, but we have only been cleared to share their story now that their ownership has been officially transferred to us. There are actually three minis involved in this…

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Ready to Take Home: Pepper!

Ready to Take Home: Pepper! 

Sweet Pepper has been back at SAFE for a few months now, has received a restart under saddle, and is ready to start meeting adopters. Due to her confirmation, Pepper will never be a tremendous athlete, but she is sound for trails and light riding, which is exactly what she’s the very best at. We work on helping Pepper to become a get on and go type, and she is a pretty straightforward ride if…

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Barbie Girl

Barbie Girl 

We went from lush, green meadows to buzzed dry fields in a matter of a few weeks, and soon as the rain and mud approaches, we will seed our fields and lay them to rest until next year. But even after the grass is mostly gone, the fields and lanes stay open a bit longer to allow our horses a separate location to explore and stretch their legs a bit. Normally when we open Barb’s gate to the lane,…

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Are you Team Edward?

Are you Team Edward? 

If the answer is “yes!” then you’re in luck — this handsome guy is ready for his forever home! Edward has been under saddle since May of 2022, and has really proven himself to be a very responsible and reasonable guy. With regular work, he is soft and responsive, and a real sweetheart to boot. But time off is Edward’s Achilles heel. A week off at this point would be about at the top limit of…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo

October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo 

Congratulations to our October Volunteer of the Month, Jeanne! We are extra lucky, and get to see Jeanne twice a week, as she is a Barn Assist on Wednesdays, and joins us for the AM chores on Thursdays; which she Co-Leads with another volunteer! Coming to the barn on a day when Jeanne will be there, always brings a smile to everyone’s face! Jeanne shows up each week with an upbeat, can-do…

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2023 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: August 21, 2023 Scotty (Owner Surrender) Violet (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: September 23, 2023 Cookie (Animal Control Seizure) Harper (Animal Control Seizure) Pippin (Animal Control Seizure) Jupiter (Animal Control Seizure) Placed Horses Jax Henry Zelly Darla

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Poppy’s First Ride!

Poppy’s First Ride! 

Poppy is a great example of how well-preparedness leads directly to a horse’s success. After a somewhat tumultuous first cinching, we realized that Poppy would need a bit more work to get her comfortable with the process, and stepped back a bit to better get her ready. After just a few days of stopping her by a hind foot, working more on tossing the saddle up, and continued work with the flag,…

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Wren’s First Saddle

Wren’s First Saddle 

For many of the horses who come to SAFE who are in need of a start or a restart, we spent a great deal of time preparing them for their first saddling and their first rides. But due to the variation in personalities and past histories, the speed at which we are able to hit these milestones varies. Wren came to SAFE in May, and little was known about what had been done with her. From our initial…

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Introducing Pippin

Introducing Pippin 

Horses contain multitudes: they can be regal, majestic, brave, goofy, beautiful… the list goes on. But I would argue that most full-size horses don’t usually conjure the word ‘cute.’ Mini horses, on the other hand, are the epitome of ‘cute.’ And if there is an even stronger version of that word, I would argue that Pippin would be the definition. Pippin, or Pip as she is colloquially known, is…

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Alumni Update: Otto

Alumni Update: Otto 

A note from Gabby, Otto’s adopter: Thank you SAFE, for everything you did for Mr. Otto-matic. He has blossomed even more over the last 5 months! Growing up even more. His feed program is free fed by net — quality orchard grass, 3 quarts of soaked beet pulp and 3 quarts alfalfa pellets once a day with one cup of fresh ground flax, magnesium, GutX by 100XEquine and equerrys economy blend. Otto…

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Tiva, All Cinched Up!

Tiva, All Cinched Up! 

Tiva has been working hard this summer, if not to fit into a bikini, then for something infinitely better: a saddle. There had been talk of Tiva meeting a saddle from the beginning. Even in those earliest days when she was a wild creature, pinning her ears and cowering in fear, we held a vision of her in tack, small in the back of our minds, but no less clear for it. Over the last year and a…

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