Romeo — 6 year old Hackney stallion

Romeo is a 6 year old (7 in May) Hackney stallion, dark bay/white pinto, 14.2h, that was surrendered to SAFE after being abandoned on a property in Mill Creek two years ago.  The property owners have been feeding the horse and lost contact with the owner two years ago, after the owner asked if she could keep the horse in their pasture for a while.  After they realized that the horse had been…

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Biscotti Site Visit 2011

Here are some photos of Biscotti and his adopter Tracy at his site check on 3/20/11.  He is just shy of 3 years old and as you can see, Tracy has started some light under-saddle training with him.  He looks just great! 

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Nadia Update

Nadia is doing great! She is now going walk, trot and canter off the lungeline in the big arena. She was a little testy about being ridden at first, being sulky about going forward and generally crabby, but finally instead of trying to work with her like a horse that was not yet started with a ground person, the trainer took her off the lungeline and just pushed her forward around the arena and…

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Delilah — Adopted!

Congratulations to Eileen D. of Everett, WA on her adoption of Delilah!  Eileen takes lessons with our trainer, Andrea Lucianna, and fell in love with Delilah while she was in training.  Eileen had to put down her wonderful gelding, Spencer, last year due to a suspensory injury, and she didn’t think she would ever find another horse to fill that hole in her heart, and then she met Delilah.…

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ESMA Award for Best Use of Social Media by a Charity (International)

SAFE is honored to have received the Equine Social Media Award for Best Use of Social Media by a Charity (International). The winners in this category were announced today during a video award ceremony, which you can view on ESMA’s You Tube channel or in the video embedded below. SAFE would like to thank everyone who nominated us and voted for us in the finals. If you’re just arriving at SAFE,…

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Tia Update — Mar 2, 2011

Yesterday, I met with Dr. Hannah and some of the caretakers to discuss Tia.  While she has settled down from her very unsettling episodes of extreme anxiety that she was exhibiting a couple of weeks ago, she is still generally showing some signs of agitation at times.  She is not comfortable being turned out in the pasture at all and even when turned out in the arena, seems to spend a lot of…

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Nadia Update — Mar. 2, 2011

Here is a photo of Nadia under saddle yesterday.  She actually was not very good yesterday, she is very herdbound to her pasture mate and was screaming and fairly tuned out to the trainer (she’s since been moved and now shares a pasture with Delilah, who gets along with her but mostly ignores her).  When the trainer would lean over her back and go to mount, she actually got a little nasty about…

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March Volunteers of the Month: Abby and Andrew

Introducing our volunteers of the month, Abby and Andrew! Abby and Andrew are a couple that have been volunteering once a week at SAFE for about a year and a half now. They come on Friday mornings and are reliable, efficient, and always cheerful! They have also taken over training of new volunteers and helped work with the horses as well. They are a huge asset to SAFE and we wanted to say thank…

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Nadia Update — Feb. 28, 2011

I’ve been playing phone tag with our trainer, but I caught her for a few minutes this morning and she gave me a quick update on Nadia.  Their farm in Stanwood has been buried in 3 feet of snow (and still snowing today! thank goodness we just have rain here now) and their arena frozen but she has been on her once and just walked her around.  Nadia is very nervous and skittish, reminding her a lot…

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Corona Update Feb 27 2011

I was at NWESC today dropping off our two new horses and took the opportunity to get some updated photos of Corona.  He is looking so much better!  He has gained a considerable amount of weight already, his feet look much better, and his injury is looking considerably better.  His blanket wasn’t fitting well, so I found a better fitting one for him while I was there.  Here are some updated…

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New Intakes — Feb 27 2011

SAFE has taken in two senior horses (25+) surrendered tonight to King County Animal Control (we were told the mare is 37, the gelding is 33, but Dr. Evergreen thinks they are not quite that old, but definitely over 25). They are currently in SAFE’s care and are being housed at NWESC.  This is an open active animal cruelty case, so information is limited.  The two horses were taken from a…

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Greta Update — Feb 23, 2011

Update from our volunteer who did a site visit on Greta this year: Greta seems happy, when I showed up she just sort of stared at me and didn’t want to come over to say hi. When her mom showed up she got really happy and came over to her mom who haltered her. Her mom said she’s come a long way with trusting people. The shelter is HUGE more like a large overhang with a wall in the back, but I…

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Charmeon Update — Feb 21, 2011

This beautiful video was sent to us from the trainer who has been working with Char.  She has had about 5 rides so far (in both western and english tack) and seems to be doing an excellent job with her!  I love the music…“beautiful, beautiful”, is certainly what I think of when I see this mare in motion! And here’s some photos as well.  What a nice mare! 

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Lexi — Adopted!

Today, Lexi went off on her next adventure in life!  Congratulations to Cindy G. of Lynnwood, WA!  We were sad, but also so happy, to see her finally find her forever home.  Cindy is SO happy to bring Lexi home! Lexi has a long history as a SAFE horse and you can read her entire journey from feed lot to forever home by clicking here.

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SAFE Journal — Feb 20, 2011

Today was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and clean, and horses were enjoying the weather as well.  Today, Lexi went off on her next adventure in life!  We were sad to say goodbye, but so happy to see her finally find her forever home.  Cindy is SO happy to bring Lexi home! Our volunteer Victoria, who last weekend had her first lesson on Lucky, which was, shall we say, a…

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Zan Update — Feb 20, 2011

Sara had a lesson on Zanadu today that went really well. They are using trot poles to help with canter departs and it seems to help her a lot. No more kicking out in the departs and she is picking up the correct lead right when asked, not rushing into the canter like she was before. I didn’t get any pictures, but did get some video, which I will post tomorrow once I figure out how to get it off…

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Nadia Update — Feb 19, 2011

Nadia has gone into training!  Our trainer picked her up from the foster home on Thursday night.  She reports that Nadia looks great and that Judy, her foster mom, did a great job getting weight on her.  She worked with her a little bit yesterday, Nadia was very nervous so they just did a grooming session with her and are giving her a little time to adjust to her new surroundings.  Hopefully I…

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Lexi Update — Feb 19, 2011

I am thrilled to announce that Lexi’s adoption has been approved!  She will be leaving for her new home this weekend!  Congratulations to Cindy G. of Brier, WA on her adoption of Lexi!!

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Tia Update — Feb 19, 2011

Tia is doing ok.…she continues to be happiest in her stall and gets nervous outside of her stall.  Dr. Hannah did a brief dental exam on her and most of her teeth are at the gumline so there isn’t much to be done, a few corners that could be rounded and she thinks she can do it in 5 minutes without sedation.   Her left eye is responding well to medication and seems to be bothering her less.…

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Corona Update Feb 19 2011

Corona is doing great!  His bloodwork was rechecked and his muscle enzymes which had been elevated previously are now normal, allowing him to be given some bute this week which has surely made him feel more comfortable.  He continues to be a very tolerant, good boy for his twice-daily cleanings and she thinks that in another couple of weeks he will be healed enough to return to SAFE and just…

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Lucky Update — Feb 17, 2011

Today, Dr. Bryant from Pilchuck Hospital came out and took follow-up xrays on Lucky’s injury to his left front fetlock.  When he took xrays last May, he was less concerned about the bone chips (he has several, but all could be easily removed) than he was about the fact that Lucky appeared to have had a fracture to the cannon bone that was still healing and there was significant remodeling going…

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KCTS‑9 — From Stable to Table

Aired Friday, Feb 18, 2011 on KCTS-TV channel 9 From Stable to Table examines the disturbing fate of retired racehorses and the people who try to save them. Featuring SAFE horse Bucky B Lucky!

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