SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Greta Update — Feb 23, 2011 

Update from our volunteer who did a site visit on Greta this year: Greta seems happy, when I showed up she just sort of stared at me and didn’t want to come over to say hi. When her mom showed up she got really happy and came over to her mom who haltered her. Her mom said she’s come a long way with trusting people. The shelter is HUGE more like a large overhang with a wall in the back, but I…

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Charmeon Update — Feb 21, 2011 

This beautiful video was sent to us from the trainer who has been working with Char.  She has had about 5 rides so far (in both western and english tack) and seems to be doing an excellent job with her!  I love the music…“beautiful, beautiful”, is certainly what I think of when I see this mare in motion! And here’s some photos as well.  What a nice mare! 

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Lexi — Adopted! 

Today, Lexi went off on her next adventure in life!  Congratulations to Cindy G. of Lynnwood, WA!  We were sad, but also so happy, to see her finally find her forever home.  Cindy is SO happy to bring Lexi home! Lexi has a long history as a SAFE horse and you can read her entire journey from feed lot to forever home by clicking here.

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SAFE Journal — Feb 20, 2011 

Today was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the air was crisp and clean, and horses were enjoying the weather as well.  Today, Lexi went off on her next adventure in life!  We were sad to say goodbye, but so happy to see her finally find her forever home.  Cindy is SO happy to bring Lexi home! Our volunteer Victoria, who last weekend had her first lesson on Lucky, which was, shall we say, a…

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Zan Update — Feb 20, 2011 

Sara had a lesson on Zanadu today that went really well. They are using trot poles to help with canter departs and it seems to help her a lot. No more kicking out in the departs and she is picking up the correct lead right when asked, not rushing into the canter like she was before. I didn’t get any pictures, but did get some video, which I will post tomorrow once I figure out how to get it off…

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Nadia Update — Feb 19, 2011 

Nadia has gone into training!  Our trainer picked her up from the foster home on Thursday night.  She reports that Nadia looks great and that Judy, her foster mom, did a great job getting weight on her.  She worked with her a little bit yesterday, Nadia was very nervous so they just did a grooming session with her and are giving her a little time to adjust to her new surroundings.  Hopefully I…

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Lexi Update — Feb 19, 2011 

I am thrilled to announce that Lexi’s adoption has been approved!  She will be leaving for her new home this weekend!  Congratulations to Cindy G. of Brier, WA on her adoption of Lexi!!

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Tia Update — Feb 19, 2011 

Tia is doing ok.…she continues to be happiest in her stall and gets nervous outside of her stall.  Dr. Hannah did a brief dental exam on her and most of her teeth are at the gumline so there isn’t much to be done, a few corners that could be rounded and she thinks she can do it in 5 minutes without sedation.   Her left eye is responding well to medication and seems to be bothering her less.…

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Corona Update Feb 19 2011 

Corona is doing great!  His bloodwork was rechecked and his muscle enzymes which had been elevated previously are now normal, allowing him to be given some bute this week which has surely made him feel more comfortable.  He continues to be a very tolerant, good boy for his twice-daily cleanings and she thinks that in another couple of weeks he will be healed enough to return to SAFE and just…

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Lucky Update — Feb 17, 2011 

Today, Dr. Bryant from Pilchuck Hospital came out and took follow-up xrays on Lucky’s injury to his left front fetlock.  When he took xrays last May, he was less concerned about the bone chips (he has several, but all could be easily removed) than he was about the fact that Lucky appeared to have had a fracture to the cannon bone that was still healing and there was significant remodeling going…

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KCTS‑9 — From Stable to Table 

Aired Friday, Feb 18, 2011 on KCTS-TV channel 9 From Stable to Table examines the disturbing fate of retired racehorses and the people who try to save them. Featuring SAFE horse Bucky B Lucky!

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Viewing Parties for Bucky B Lucky’s TV Premier! 

SAFE will be hosting two separate viewing parties for Lucky’s big debut as a TV star!  As we mentioned previously, PBS will be doing a story on what happens to racehorses after their racing careers are over, and Bucky B Lucky will be featured prominently in this story.  On Friday, Feb. 18th, the story, as part of a regular show called “KCTS Connects”, will air on PBS (Channel 9 or 109 for…

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Corona Update Feb 13 2011 

Quick update on Corona — he is doing very well, on antibiotics now and the vet reports he is very tolerant for his twice-daily chlorahexadine scrubs.  She does feel bad for him as he is probably in some amount of discomfort, but she has not felt comfortable giving him bute yet because his muscle enzymes were elevated on his bloodwork.  We are going to recheck his bloodwork tomorrow and hopefully…

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Lucky Update — Feb. 13, 2011 

We also had one of our newer volunteers Victoria ride Lucky for the first time in a lesson.  Lucky however, was having a “Thoroughbred day” — his brain was simply not in the game today and he was fidgety, agitated, and unable to concentrate.  Lunging settled him temporarily, but he got worked up again when Victoria got on and most of the lesson was spent just trying to get him to relax and go…

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Annie and Zanadu Update — Feb 13, 2011 

Today was lesson day at the farm today.  We had a potential adopter come out to watch Zanadu and Sara in her lesson today.  I missed the lesson but Sara reported Zanadu did great today, no bucking or kicking out in the canter at all today and the trainer set up trot poles to help with her canter departs and it really helped a lot.  Annie was also reportedly very good for her lesson — a change in…

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Charmeon Update — Feb 12, 2011 

Charmeon’s owner has hired a trainer to start her under saddle. She sent us this photo. Looks like she is doing well!  Also, I double checked her height as she looks much taller than 15h in the photo.  She is 16 hands and 1800 lbs!

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SAFE Journal — Feb 12, 2011 

Another busy day at SAFE! This morning Allison, one of our volunteers and myself hauled Annie and Zanadu up to the Evergreen Fairgrounds in Monroe where they participated in an event for the Snohomish County 4H called Equine-O-Rama. Dr. Hannah Evergreen gave a talk about her non-profit, Northwest Equine Stewardship Center, and talked about the process of rehabbing a rescue horse. I spoke a bit…

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Training Update on Baxter & Delilah — Feb 12 2011 

Delilah and Baxter both went on trail rides this week at the Pilchuck Tree Farm! Both did great, Delilah was relaxed and on a loose rein and Baxter was also extremely good. Sara was able to ride him in a lesson on Thursday, he gave her one buck at the canter but she rode him through it. Delilah did have one mishap with her rider this week. She doesn’t like cantering to the left much and her…

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Tia Update Feb 12 2001 

Tia seems to have settled down and is no longer agitated as long as she is in her stall, but her left eye is still bothering her quite a bit and very swollen and oozing. She may have banged it during her bout of anxiety, or its possible she is having a uveitis flare-up. Her anxiety may also be caused by the fact that she is losing sight in her left eye as well. For now we have held off on giving…

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Corona Update Feb 12 2011 

Corona is doing very well! Dr. Hannah has spoken to the vet who saw him earlier this week and she feels like the injury will be relatively minor once we get the infection under control.   We’ve been contacted by three people who knew Corona back when he lived in Canada, including his former owner, who had him from age 3–7, and a gal who leased him when he was 6. They lost track of him when he…

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Tia Update — Feb. 11, 2011 

Just a quick update on Tia. This morning she was again very agitated when the barn crew arrived and once again was given Ace to settle her down, which only brought her anxiety level down from about an 8 or a 9 to maybe a 5. Tia’s bloodwork came back and was somewhat inconclusive. Her liver function numbers were elevated but not so far out of range to be indicative of liver failure. Other numbers…

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SAFE Journal — Feb 11, 2011 

Yesterday was an extremely busy day at SAFE!  First of all, we have the new horse Corona who came in late yesterday afternoon.  Dr. Hannah finally got a chance to look at him last night.  She has not yet spoke to the vet who treated him previously (hopefully will do that today) but her overall impression is that it is “not too bad”, despite how bad it looks.  She was not able to get his penis…

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Corona Update Feb 11 2011 

Dr. Hannah finally got a chance to look at Corona last night.  She has not yet spoke to the vet who treated him previously (hopefully will do that today) but her overall impression is that it is “not too bad”, despite how bad it looks.  She was not able to get his penis out completely and did not want to sedate him because of his condition and until she spoke to the other vet.  She was puzzled…

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Vet Day at SAFE 

Dr. Hannah had a busy day at the SAFE farm doing spring shots and dental floats on Annie, Dexter, and Lexi. Lexi was a good girl and we are hoping to wrap up her adoption soon and send her on her way to her new beginning! Dexter was good right up until the sheath cleaning…he was not happy about that at all. Despite sedation it took two of us handling him (one with a stud chain) and Dr. Hannah…

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Tia Update — Feb 11 2011 

As I mentioned in my last update on Tia, she was very nervous and worked up yesterday when I went to visit. In fact, while Dr. Hannah was at our farm working, she received several calls about Tia from her farm help at NWESC. They thought she was upset because the other horses were out so brought another horse in across from her that she could see. That seemed to settle her for a little while but…

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Tia Update — Feb 10, 2011 

When I stopped by NWESC today to take pictures of our new horse, I checked in on Tia and also talked to Dr. Hannah a bit about how she has been doing.  Tia has gained quite a bit of weight and looks much better.  Dr. Hannah would still like her to gain a few more pounds, but her ribs are no longer visible.  Her hind legs are also not quite so stocked up and she seems more stable on her hind end…

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