SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Tia Background & History — Aug 19 2010 

Tia was brought to our attention by one of our volunteers, who has been involved in Animal Rescue efforts for some time. She was located in Skokomish, on an Indian Reservation near Shelton. There is no Animal Control in that area, but fortunately the horse was bad enough that the Sheriff was willing to confiscate the horse should the horse have a place to go. Once I saw the pictures, I knew that…

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Lexi Update from Aug 8 2010 

I just had to post how proud I am of Lexi. She did GREAT for me at the show, especially considering I’d only started working with her the previous week and she’d had a month or two off before that. Anyway, for the record she won the dressage Intro A & B classes as well as the high point for Intro (with a 68% score). She then went on to win the Green Horse Walk Only pleasure class, and placed…

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Lexi Update from Aug 4 2010 

Update from foster mom: Lexi is doing well and we’re going to try all sorts of classes at the show Saturday (dressage, english, western, trail — all walk/trot). She’s a good all arounder. I’ve been working with her lightly almost daily since I picked her up last week and am definitely enjoying her. I haven’t had her on the trails yet (hope to this evening); I am willing to bet she’d be great.…

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Lexi Update from July 27 2010 

Lexi hasn’t had much done with her the last few months due to lack of volunteers to ride her, and she has gotten a bit fat and sassy. Last night she was ridden by Amy, who previously fostered Whisper and Aiden, and then Amy took her home to work with her for the next 10 days and take her to the SAFE show! So hopefully she will be posting some updates soon and we will get to see her in action at…

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Lexi Update from Feb 13 2010 

Lexi is available for adoption again! The past few months she has been ridden by an 11 year old girl and has proved herself to be safe and quiet. We took her back because of some concerns that the foster home was not able to handle her strict farrier routine and she had also dropped weight in their care. She had her teeth done a few months ago and is once again in need of a child or small adult…

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Lexi Update from Aug 30 2009 

Allison tried Lexi out western today. She was so cute! And you can slow that trot down to a nice western jog too!  She cooled her out bareback afterwards. Video also:

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Lexi Update from Aug 23 2009 

Lexi was so good at the 2009 SAFE Benefit Show! Everyone was amazed she had only had 75 days under saddle…she was so laid back and easy going! She wasn’t real comfortable having horses she didn’t know close to her so we put a red ribbon in her tail just to be safe, but she was really good. 

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Lexi Update from Aug 12 2009 

I rode Lexi myself tonight. She did great! She’s a lot of fun, and VERY sensitive to your seat and weight aids. She did great even with my cats deciding it was a good time to chase each other up the arena posts as we rode by. She didn’t like the length of my arena where the shelters were, but her idea of spooking is more like a slow-motion leg yield away from whatever she doesn’t like. Once she…

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Lexi Update from Aug 8 2009 

Lexi was awesome today! She looks so good, like a little mini-Warmblood! Alison got to ride her (I will have to have a turn soon though, she looks so fun!). She very steady now, very consistent on the bit and very forward, none of that pony movement or attitude from her! Out on the trails she was awesome, totally fearless, she charged to the front and even though she walks on the buckle she…

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Lexi Update from July 23 2009 

Lexi’s doing great in her training. She’s not quite consistent with her canter work yet, she has a hard time maintaining it on the corners with a rider but is getting there. She’s totally unfazed by anything that is going on around her and very calm and easy going. She pulled a shoe yesterday and her foot immediately began to roll inwards so it is our consensus now that she needs to just stay in…

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Lexi Update from July 10 2009 

Lexi is doing fabulous with her training. Training sessions are still being kept short but she has remained completely sound even with a consistent 4–5 days a week of work. She has now done some short canter sessions under saddle as well. She is described as very smooth to ride and is going fairly consistently on the bit now. She will still flip her head a little at the very beginning of a work…

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Lexi Update from June 27 2009 

Well today was the big video day for Lexi. And wow! I know its always exciting seeing these horses under saddle for the first time, but with Lexi it was even cooler, because the change to her FEET with the shoes has been amazing! She almost looks normal! Just that little bit of support from the shoes has not only made her more comfortable, but she is straighter in her entire leg and her front…

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Lexi Update from June 25 2009 

Lexi’s training is coming along very well. Like Rhythm, she is also now walking and trotting around the big arena under saddle. We also, after much discussion and getting Dr. Hannah’s blessing, put front shoes on Lexi as she seemed like she was getting footsore. She walked off immediately more comfortable with the shoes on. It’s a bit scary making *any* changes with her feet but my farrier felt…

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Lexi Update from June 3 2009 

Lexi has also progressed to having a rider leaning over her back at a walk. She’s a little more nervous with Rhythm and hence a little behind him but coming along nicely as well.

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Lexi Update from May 29 2009 

Lexi is doing well in her first couple of weeks in training. She has learned to cross-tie, lunge, get baths, and is wearing a saddle and bridle. She wasn’t thrilled with the bit at first (was trying to spit it out) and bucked the second time she was saddled but has otherwise been very good. She is also now great about being caught (an issue at first) and walks right up to you to be caught.

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Lexi Update from Sept 30 2008 

I visited Lexi this past weekend and she is still chunky and is getting her fuzzy winter coat which does nothing to help her look slimmer. She spends her days in a pasture with Rhythm and Willy a QH gelding. She is still very sweet, but preferred to graze over socializing with me.

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Lexi Update from July 29 2008 

Here are some photos of Lexi from last July. She’s doing great (although a bit on the tubby side), although she did have an abcess a few weeks ago (she’s fine now). 

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Lexi Update from June 28 2008 

Lexi was seen by Dr. Hannah yesterday to evaluate her soundness and ability to be started under saddle. We had xrays taken in 2005 and then again this spring by NW Equine for comparison purposes. Armed with her xrays, Dr. Hannah did flexion tests, trotted her in straight lines and in circles, and determined that Lexi showed NO SIGN of lameness! Lexi has been given the green light to start in…

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Dory — adopted by Betsy B of Sultan WA 

Dory is a beautiful Arabian/Appaloosa cross mare that was part of a big Animal Control seizure from Snohomish County in early 2008.  A yearling the size of a weanling at the time of her rescue, she fully recovered and was adopted in late 2009.  She has been in classical dressage training for over a year now and is doing well.  Her adopter recently moved to New Hampshire, and Dory will be…

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