SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Lexi Update from Sept 30 2008 

I visited Lexi this past weekend and she is still chunky and is getting her fuzzy winter coat which does nothing to help her look slimmer. She spends her days in a pasture with Rhythm and Willy a QH gelding. She is still very sweet, but preferred to graze over socializing with me.

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Lexi Update from July 29 2008 

Here are some photos of Lexi from last July. She’s doing great (although a bit on the tubby side), although she did have an abcess a few weeks ago (she’s fine now). 

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Lexi Update from June 28 2008 

Lexi was seen by Dr. Hannah yesterday to evaluate her soundness and ability to be started under saddle. We had xrays taken in 2005 and then again this spring by NW Equine for comparison purposes. Armed with her xrays, Dr. Hannah did flexion tests, trotted her in straight lines and in circles, and determined that Lexi showed NO SIGN of lameness! Lexi has been given the green light to start in…

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Dory — adopted by Betsy B of Sultan WA 

Dory is a beautiful Arabian/Appaloosa cross mare that was part of a big Animal Control seizure from Snohomish County in early 2008.  A yearling the size of a weanling at the time of her rescue, she fully recovered and was adopted in late 2009.  She has been in classical dressage training for over a year now and is doing well.  Her adopter recently moved to New Hampshire, and Dory will be…

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Buckwheat Adopted by Kathy and Kevin K. of Beavercreek, OR AVAILABLE FOR RE-ADOPTION THROUGH SAFE

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Zan videos from Jan 8 2011 

Jamie took some video of us riding. She does give a small buck/kick out going into the canter. She’s had over 60 days of professional training but *is* still green. Also, she has had over a month off. As you’ll see, canter was easier to the right than the left. She’s still a little green (note the buck into the canter) but also should note that she had had over a month off when this video was…

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Zan Update from Jan 8 2011 

Zan’s thread just does not reflect what a little gem she is. It’s been a dark icky winter so far and I have not been as motivated, as I should be, but the weather was crappy in the mountains and I was up early this morning (and bailed on riding last night) so I figured I’d try and get a few rides in today. Zan is simply a pleasure to be around. She’s a very good girl on the ground… easy to…

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Bucky B Lucky: a TV Star! 

January 5th was an exciting day for SAFE and Bucky B Lucky. A few weeks ago, we were contacted by a reporter named Jenny Cunningham from KCTS‑9  (the Seattle PBS television station). She told us that she was working on a story about what happens to racehorses once they leave the track.  She had seen the Seattle Times article about Lucky and decide to use Bucky B Lucky as the centerpiece of the…

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Honeycutt Update from Jan 5 2011 

Yesterday Honeycutt was moved back to Silverdale to once again live with our VP Bonnie at her farm over in Silverdale. Honeycutt lived there for over two years previously so this is a bit of a homecoming for both of them, although still temporary. She reported that Honeycutt settled right in and this morning she caught Honeycutt and her horse Jay grooming each other in the pasture, just like…

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2011 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: February 10, 2011 Corona, 10 yo Thoroughbred gelding (owner surrender) Intake Date: February 27, 2011 Brandy, 37 yo QH-type mare (King Co Animal Control) Bud, 32 yo QH-type gelding (King Co Animal Control) Intake Date: March 20, 2011 Romeo, 6 yo Hackney Horse stallion (owner surrender/abandonment) Placed Horses Lexi Delilah Baxter Euthanization Tia (old age/neglect) Romeo…

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Buckwheat Update from Dec 26 2010 

It has been quite a while since I posted about Bucky. He’s full of energy and seems to be enjoying himself. He is a real cutie! He’s always escorting me to his stall when I come down to feed in the evenings, and he has very good barn manners. I had his ACTH re-tested in late summer/early fall and it was elevated, so we increased his pergolide to 1.25 mg. Last winter, Bucky looks like he was part…

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Summer Update from Dec 26 2010 

Summer is doing well. She continues to be on pergolide, but she’s doing well at 1mg. Her coat is slightly longer and thicker than last year but I think that’s more a reflection of the kind of winter we’re supposed to have. She’s holding her weight and is continuing to look really good. My vet was out in Dec and he’s really pleased with how she’s doing. She’s been on Adequan for about a year and…

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Aiden Update from Dec 19 2010 

Aiden update!! Thanks Peggy!! Just letting you know baby Aiden is doing great, the “herd” has let him back in and he cuddles the mare all the time.. he did not know what to do when she was in heat, I looked out one day and he had her tail in his mouth and was pulling her backwards, it was really funny to watch him try to figure out what she needed him to do. He did not have a clue, but he kept…

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Bubbles & Lola Update from Dec 19 2010 

Bubbles and Lola are at a wonderful foster home together and they are doing terrific! Here’s an update from their foster mom: The girls are doing well and are happy. Bubbles is getting better with her blanket being taken on/off and they both have improved on being caught while out in the pasture. The first week they did not want to be caught when bringing them in for the night. Now they are at…

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Zan Update from Dec 5, 2010 

Update from SAFE Volunteer Coordinator, Allison Sheka: I took Zan out yesterday for a good grooming and photo shoot. She stood nicely in the crossties and has good manners on the ground. She was shy about being caught, but came around with cookies. I put her in the arena to run around a bit and she is a SUPER CUTE mover. She bucked and cantered around and showed us her pretty trot. She had her…

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Nadia Update Dec 1, 2010 

I received an email from the woman who had Nadia and the other seized from her. She provided some information on Nadia, that she had purchased her from Darlene Wilson (same as Calamity) and that she is supposedly cart-trained and has been used in parades. She stated Nadia is purebred Arabian and is 12 years old. Obviously we will take this information with a huge grain of salt but it does help…

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Delilah Update from Dec 1 2010 

Since Delilah’s adoption did not work out, today we sent her up to start training with our trainer. I think she’s going to be a super nice horse, just need to be mindful of her alpha status and her size with other horses. She loaded and hauled perfectly…can’t wait to hear the reports of how she does under saddle!

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Zan Update from Dec 1, 2010 

Unfortunately, Zan’s pending adoption has fallen through. This has nothing to do with Zan herself, but rather a change in the status of the family that was planning to adopt her. Zan has returned to SAFE and she looks great. We are hoping to get a rider on her ASAP and get some pictures and video, but all reports from the trainer was that she is a super horse that turned out to be surprisingly…

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Deeds Update from Nov 18 2010 

Update from Sheridan: Deeds is doing well; he’s here at my place in Monroe. He did a month of training with Kim Gatley in Maltby, and it did wonders for him both on groundwork and under saddle. He’s very quiet and generally very sweet. I just wish I had more time to ride him; he enjoys quiet walking and trotting and working on suppling exercises — but my schedule and taking care of the horses…

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