Nadia Update Dec 1, 2010

I received an email from the woman who had Nadia and the other seized from her. She provided some information on Nadia, that she had purchased her from Darlene Wilson (same as Calamity) and that she is supposedly cart-trained and has been used in parades. She stated Nadia is purebred Arabian and is 12 years old. Obviously we will take this information with a huge grain of salt but it does help…

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Delilah Update from Dec 1 2010

Since Delilah’s adoption did not work out, today we sent her up to start training with our trainer. I think she’s going to be a super nice horse, just need to be mindful of her alpha status and her size with other horses. She loaded and hauled perfectly…can’t wait to hear the reports of how she does under saddle!

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Zan Update from Dec 1, 2010

Unfortunately, Zan’s pending adoption has fallen through. This has nothing to do with Zan herself, but rather a change in the status of the family that was planning to adopt her. Zan has returned to SAFE and she looks great. We are hoping to get a rider on her ASAP and get some pictures and video, but all reports from the trainer was that she is a super horse that turned out to be surprisingly…

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Deeds Update from Nov 18 2010

Update from Sheridan: Deeds is doing well; he’s here at my place in Monroe. He did a month of training with Kim Gatley in Maltby, and it did wonders for him both on groundwork and under saddle. He’s very quiet and generally very sweet. I just wish I had more time to ride him; he enjoys quiet walking and trotting and working on suppling exercises — but my schedule and taking care of the horses…

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Monroe Monitor: The Killing of Kings

The Killing of Kings by Caiti Raimer Published Nov 15 2010 For two years I’ve volunteered at S.A.F.E (Save A Forgotten Equine). A horse came to us one day, a victim of the racing world. His name is Bucky B Lucky; he is the grandson of Seattle Slew, and the sweetest gelding you could ever hope to meet. He was bought and sold, changing owners multiple times, he was a barn favorite at each. Read…

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Lucky Update from Nov 14 2010

Had a visit today from one of Bucky B Lucky’s former part-owners. Tara confirmed that Lucky was always a barn sweetheart. She also brought two win pictures of Lucky that his future adopter will get to keep. Very cool, thank you Tara! This might be a great time to share some pictures of Bucky B Lucky at Emerald Downs where he was a race horse. The first two pictures are from Opening Day 2009 and…

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Nadia Background & History

Nadia is a 12 year old gray Arabian mare that was original part of a Pierce County Animal Control seizure in early June 2010, out of a hoarder situation involving 18 ponies and horses and 55 dogs that were living in filthy conditions. This is also the same place where Zanadu and Calamity (RIP) came from. Nadia was one of only two remaining horses in Pierce County’s contracted foster home that…

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Seattle Times: Rescue Groups Save Racehorses from Slaughterhouses

Rescue Groups Save Racehorses from Slaughterhouses by Lynn Thompson Published Nov 9 2010 Bucky B Lucky, a grandson of Seattle Slew and a former racehorse at Emerald Downs, was rescued before he was to be transported to Canada for slaughter. The Humane Society says many racehorses are butchered when their racing careers are over. Read the full article at

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Holly Update — Nov 7, 2010

Update from Holly’s adopter: Yesterday Holly and I had a centered riding lesson from Karen Ireland. It was awesome! We did a group class with three of our friends. After so many years of trail riding, I had lots to work on. We did walk and trot. Holly was wonderful! There was 7 of us there today for the day. All my friends seem to have their birthdays around this time. Mine was the 4th of Nov.…

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Baxter Update from Oct 25 & 27 2010

Oct 25 Spent the day in court today speaking as a witness for the prosecution in the 1st degree Animal Cruelty case against Baxter’s neglecter. I was able to stay the rest of the day and hear the defense’s case and the closing arguments. Tomorrow the jury begins their deliberations…I am pretty hopeful that the jury will convict him… Baxter’s abuser’s defense hinged on his claims that a)…

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Delilah Update from Oct 25 2010

Unfortunately, Delilah got into it with the other dominant mare in her foster-to-adopt situation and Delilah did a bit of damage to the other horse. The other horse will be ok, but as Delilah clearly isn’t going to work out in her herd long-term, Delilah is once again being made available for adoption. She will continue to be fostered at her current location in Sultan. During the time she has…

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Aiden Update from Oct 24 2010

I am Aiden’s current foster mom and I just looked at all of the pictures from when he was brought to SAFE and I need to say, I am amazed at the transformation, all who were involved in his rescue have done an amazing job! He is still such a sweet baby, but has really come out of his shell being where he has lots of room to run and play. He keeps Hawk, his elderly friend moving around far more…

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Baxter Update from Oct 23 2010

Sara’s been working through a few forward issues with Baxter…he’s been doing a little bucking at being asked to go forward. I got him last night and worked through some of it, and today she had a very good lesson on him. He tends to be a little sulky about having a lot of leg used on him, but if he gets sulky, more leg just makes him buck. So the approach the trainer is working on right now is…

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Holly Update — Oct 18, 2010

Update from Holly’s adopter: Well, we learned something this last week. I brought Holly over to Julie’s to play. Julie hadn’t been on her in a long time. Julie had gotten new sand in her arena. I rode Holly and showed Julie some of the things we were working on. Then Julie got on Holly. They were doing great.  Julie asked for the canter and Holly took her lead like a pro. A few times around,…

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Zan Update from Oct 17, 2010

Zan has turned out to be a really super riding horse. Our trainer reports she is super cute under saddle, with a really pretty trot, naturally on the bit, very sweet. She’s solid walk/trot/canter now and while in training, she caught the eye of a young girl that takes lessons with our trainer. For the last couple of weeks she has been taking lessons on Zan and even though she’s a beginner, she’s…

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Lucky Update from Oct 16, 2010

I rode Lucky today for the first time. We would have been on him sooner but he was pretty sore on his feet until we finally put front shoes and pads on him, and then we couldn’t seem to go a day without him pulling one of them. But we have them back on, plus bell boots, so hopefully they will stay now. Lucky was super under saddle. Really, really nice horse. Great to saddle, not girthy, opened…

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Holly Update — Oct 1, 2010

Update from Holly’s adopter: I brought Holly home today from her month at the ranch. She was happy to be home.  While there Portia worked on getting her to pick up her shoulders and balance herself. The canter work and transitions were another thing they worked on. Taking advantage of a very large outdoor arena was very helpful. I will continue to work her this winter and hope to take her back…

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2010 Q4 Impact Statement

New Horses Intake Date: October 19, 2010 Tia, 30+ yo Appy mare (Skokomish Sheriff) Intake Date: November 12, 2010 Nadia, 13 yo Arab mare (Pierce Co Animal Control) Placed Horses Dusty Goliath Sampson Deceased Calamity (flipped over during training)

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Baxter Update from Sept 30 2010

I worked with Baxter again last night. I think Jaime’s got him totally fixed now because both times I’ve worked with him he was Mr. Easytocatch. That said, he’s not exactly a snuggly horse… he just has an air about him that he’s waiting for you to be mean to him. He likes to have his mane scritched and his face scritched… and his ears. He took full advantage of having his rainsheet off and…

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Baxter Update from Sept 26 2010

Update from Sara: I rode Baxter in a lesson today. Like Dexter, he doesn’t know much (and is somewhat nervous about whips & crops). But… he’s willing to try and quite fun to ride (big, comfy trot!). He’s not very fit right now (which is understandable considering how wasted he was when he came in!) so we didn’t work very hard (a little walk, trot and canter). I really, really, really like this…

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Holly Update — Sept 24, 2010

Update from Holly’s adopter: I just got back from spending a couple of days at the ranch where Holly is “going to school”.  She is doing really good with her lessons and I had an awesome ride on her yesterday.  I tried to get some pictures but wasn’t too successful. Next weekend Holly comes home.

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Aiden Update from Sept 23 2010

It’s been too long since we posted an Aiden update. We moved Aiden to a foster home in Carnation this summer and he has been romping in 10 acres of pasture with his buddy, a 33 year old gelding named Hawk. I hadn’t seen Aiden in some time but last night I stopped by to bring some new blankets for him — he has grown from a size 60 to a size 70 since last winter! He looks fabulous…looks like…

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Deeds Update from Sept 21 2010

Many thanks to Sheridan Jones who has arranged for Deeds to spend a month in training with Kim Gately! Sheridan felt that Deeds could use a little refresher on his manners. We’re also hoping to get Kim’s opinion on what type of job Deeds might be suitable for, given his physical limitations. She’s been riding him regularly and he’s doing well, so hopefully with Kim’s help he can find his forever…

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Baxter Update from Sept 20 2010

Baxter left a month ago for a 3 month foster-to-adopt trial down in Spanaway with a local 4H leader. He’s looking fabulous and while still green, going well under saddle. He had also gotten a lot less aggressive towards neighboring horses so we were hopeful that it was just a matter of needing a bit longer to get over those stallion behaviors. But unfortunately, this adoption did not work out…

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Zanadu training update — September 20, 2010

Good news on Zanadu — she is now going well at a walk and trot in the big arena. She is much more confident now and very cute under saddle with a nice trot! She is also loving the work and the attention and comes running to the gate when its time to work! She should be ready to come back from training mid-October and will be available for adoption then!

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Aiden Update from Sept 26 2010

Bad news today from Aiden’s foster home. He somehow managed to cut himself in the pasture just above his coronet band requiring 6 stitches. It’s in a bad area and will require two weeks of stall rest and bandaging changing, so tomorrow we are moving him to NWESC’s new Rehab Center in Monroe while he recovers. Much thanks to Dr. Evergreen and NWESC for taking him on as a project (all vet work…

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Sinatra Update from Sept 15 2010

Update from Sundance Equestian: The big news this week out at the barn is Sinatra finally has a girth to call his own!! Thanks to a wonderful donation from his friends at SAFE, we were able to buy him a brand new girth. It is a size 38 — and yes, he probably could use a 36 depending on your saddle — but it fits and the saddles stay on and we are excited to actually get to see a person on his…

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Zanadu training update — September 9, 2010

Update on Zanadu: her trainer reports she is coming along — a little slower than expected as she was a little nervous about the mounting part — but is now trotting under saddle following another horse. She had a couple big spooks the first time but settled quickly. She will be finishing up her 60 days of training mid-October and available for adoption then.

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Delilah Update from Sept 6 2010

Sampson was weaned today! It was the most low-drama weaning ever, we put him in with Lola and Bubbles and he was so busy running around and playing with them he didn’t even notice Delilah leaving. I think he called once and it was over. Delilah was more than happy to leave him and is now off on her own adventure, on a foster-to-adopt situation!

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