SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Sinatra Update from July 17 2010 

Update from Sundance Equestrian: Sinatra has progressed so much on the line! We are so exited about him! He is now able to canter calmly and quietly as well as trot like an old pro ‑we are all very proud of him and the work the Danika and Chelsea have put into him. With the addition of his new bridle, we were able to add the rig into his routine this week — readjusting him to work with bridle…

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Bubbles Update from July 8 and 17th, 2010 

Training update from Stacy Riggs (July 8, 2010): “Bubbles is doing great. She has been learning to tie and has been standing tied for a couple hours each day. She stands quietly and has not offered once to pull back or paw. We have a lot of traffic in the barn with tractors, sprinklers, kids moving horses around and she just stands and watches. I am also able to pick up all 4 of her feet. She is…

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Dexter Update from July 17, 2010 

Today’s update comes from Sara Hall who has been riding Dexter on a fairly regular basis: I took Dexter for a spin today. Although quiet green and very quiet- he’s not lazy. He did give me quite the workout though. Dex is a super sweet, easy to handle (in my experience) guy. He has really filled out these days. He let me catch him, lead quietly, tied quietly, tacked up quietly, stood nicely for…

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Greta Update — July 16, 2010 

From Molly: Quick update; Greta is doing great! With the help of my awesome natural hoof practitioner and some diet changes.…no re-occurrence of founder. I can’t believe 5 years has already gone by since the SAFE beginnings, what amazing work has been done. Thank you!! I love my rescue pony.

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Lola Update from July 13 2010 

I spent some time with Lola this weekend. I’ve been concerned about her since she lost her friend & pasture mate, Jasmine, this week. She was very quiet for a couple of days but Saturday I got out in the pasture with her and she was engaged and interested in just hanging out. She had been mostly standing under a tree but as I moved around the pasture she followed so I planted myself in a…

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Lola Update from July 6 2010 

As the sun came out this afternoon, Lola & Jasmine got some turnout on one of the grass pastures while Basil got his lesson today. It was kinda hard bopping back and forth taking photos of everyone so I mostly got grazing photos of the girls… and then she made a friend.…a BIG friend…Mike the Mule! He kinda took a liking to her too so they spent most of the rest of the time grazing next to…

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2010 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: July 12, 2010 Dusty, 8 yo Quarter Horse stallion (King Co Animal Control) Placed Horses none Deceased Jasmine (colic)

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Dexter Update from June 28, 2010 

So I’ve had a little bit of time to handle and observe Dexter and while I have not seen any of the bad behavior on the ground (he’s been quite compliant still), I have seen some of the behavior concerns with regards to fences and other horses. I think the issue here is a horse that is young, and was gelded late (at age 3, we were told), who has no social skills at all, and has learned he can get…

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Delilah Update from June 25 2010 

It’s been a while since I have given a Delilah and Sampson update! I will work on getting new pictures this weekend, he is GINORMOUS! He’s a little monster but a cutie…and he is TURNING GRAY!!! Lots of white hairs all over his face and ears where he has shedded out. He is now just over 3 months old, can you believe it? I have decided that he will be weaned at 4 months, a bit earlier than I…

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Dexter Update from June 21, 2010 

Once again Dexter was pending adoption but unfortunately things did not work out. He seems to have developed some very concerning bad habits at his last two foster/adoptive homes. He is continuing to test fences and is showing aggression towards other horses, and he has also started being very naughty on the ground — nipping, rearing and striking. This is of course very surprising and disturbing…

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Sasha — June 12, 2010 

From Megan: *fingers crossed that she’ll continue to be sound when we start to ride her again* I have her on SmartPak supplements to help her heal and so far it seems to be helping. She hasn’t dug the hole in her paddock to stand in (common for horses with suspensory issues). Time will tell when we start to ride her, though.

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Sasha — June 12, 2010 

I am thrilled to announce that Sasha’s adopter has decided to keep Sasha! She is doing well with her layup and she is going to start riding her at a walk in August. Yay for Sasha!

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Sinatra Update from June 3 2010 

Update from Sundance Equestrian: Sinatra has continued to enjoy his time off. He is so quiet you hardly know he is there sometimes and he is just waiting to get his feet trimmed so he is good to go. We are going to test him out on the line again and see if he is feeling 100% again. No new tack on the horizon yet as Danika wasn’t able to show and sell cookies at the horse show but Vera donated a…

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Zanadu Background & History 

Zan is a 5 year old unregistered chestnut paint/pinto mare surrendered to SAFE by her owners due to financial distress. Zan was previously rescued from a feedlot in Eastern WA (not sure if it was CBER, if anyone recognizes her, please let me know!). It was some time ago as she has been with the owner that surrendered her almost 2 years ago, and prior to that she had two foals (one of them a…

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Bubbles — Background & History 

Bubbles was a surprise to the Oregon woman who rescued her dam from a bad situation. And not only was she not in a position to care for an extra horse, she had physical limitations that prevented her from giving the youngster the handling she needed. In May 2010, the yearling filly was surrendered to SAFE, part of a joint venture between SAFE and Sound Equine Options, a 501(c)(3)…

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Lola Update from May 27 2010 

And a little update on Lola, who’s also been out here at KCJ Stables since mid-April. We are loving having her and Jasmine here. They share a pasture off the back of the owner’s house and as we”ve mentioned over on Jasmine’s thread, he’s got a special love for Arabians so Lola is part of an (almost) all Arabian inhabited area of the farm we call Arabian Plateau. She’s adorable and is a hit with…

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Delilah Update from May 25, 2010 

Delilah did end up getting her teeth done today, and we figured out a way to do it with Sampson by doing it just outside the fence where he could still see and touch her and he was perfectly fine with that. She had quite a few sharp points and also one small wolf tooth which was removed.

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Honeycutt Update from May 17 2010 

I always hoped that some day I could come to this board and announce that I had adopted Honeycutt.…but financial concerns made me hesitate to take on the long term responsibility of another horse. I’m very sad to say that I have made the decision instead to sell my farm in Silverdale. Not only can I not afford it any more, I also have finally admitted to myself that keeping up a five acre…

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Buckwheat Update from May 16 2010 

Foster Home Update: I wanted to update everyone on how Bucky is doing. He is just so darn adorable! He and Summer are doing very well together. When he first arrived, they were getting along but tended to be a little independent. Now more often than not they are hanging out together. Bucky will often mirror her posture and we’ll see both of them with the same back leg cocked. Bucky was a little…

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Summer Update from May 16 2010 

Update from foster home: Summer continues to do well. She and Bucky have become good friends and they have a nice routine established. Summer reminds me quite a bit of a wonderful older horse we had many years ago. I found Wallstreet when he was 18 and I wanted a very calm and reliable mount for my husband, who was just learning to ride. Over the next 8 years, we successfully showed him at local…

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Sinatra Update from May 15 2010 

Update from Sundance Equestrian: Sinatra has continued his new life out at the barn, but since he is still without a girth, we have continued to work him on the line. This week he made amazing progress & started to get more comfortable working to the right as well as the left and even some consistent cantering on the line both directions. He has a way to go before he is truly soft &

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Lucky Update from May 13, 2010 

Dr. Bryant left a little bit ago. Overall the news is good…not great, but good. Lucky has two bone chips in his left front ankle. One is quite large and completely detached, the other is smaller and adhered to the bone. He also has significant remodeling going on on both sides of his cannon bone above the joint indicating that his body is still healing from a fracture or some type of trauma…

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Baxter Update from May 8, 2010 

Baxter was wonderful for his second ride today! Really, he’s almost TOO laid back, he’s completely non-reactive to anything you do up there. Getting him forward was the biggest issue, as he really didn’t mind if you thumped him with your legs or even slapped him on the neck with the reins. Jumping bat didn’t faze him either. Finally a dressage whip elicited a reaction — a small buck, and then he…

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Delilah Update from May 8 2010 

Sampson is hilarious! He has decided he wants to be a racehorse when he grows up, and practices in his field as often as he can. He *loves* his ball and every time he notices it he races over to it to give it a bite or a kick or a shove. He is a big boy, even next to his mama, who’s not exactly liliputian.

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Lucky Update from May 8, 2010 

Lucky is SUCH a sweet boy, with great manners, very neat and tidy in his stall. The LF leg is ugly, and he has a hard lump on his RH as well, just above the fetlock. He’s covered in bites and kicks from the other horses at the auction house. We took him out today for some hand grazing and grooming and he was just so sweet and polite. I really like this horse! Unfortunately, Lucky appears to be a…

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Super (Horse) Saver by Jet Parrett 

My friend, Maeve and I talk about what we’d do if we won the lottery or hit it big at the track. Generally it’s a given that we’d pay bills and buy a farm. But what happens when you hit it’s ‘a little’ big at the track? The first thing that came to mind was that I would get the horses’ teeth done & finally get that hitch on my truck. Then there was a list of bills I could pay and various…

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