SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Lola Update from May 27 2010 

And a little update on Lola, who’s also been out here at KCJ Stables since mid-April. We are loving having her and Jasmine here. They share a pasture off the back of the owner’s house and as we”ve mentioned over on Jasmine’s thread, he’s got a special love for Arabians so Lola is part of an (almost) all Arabian inhabited area of the farm we call Arabian Plateau. She’s adorable and is a hit with…

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Delilah Update from May 25, 2010 

Delilah did end up getting her teeth done today, and we figured out a way to do it with Sampson by doing it just outside the fence where he could still see and touch her and he was perfectly fine with that. She had quite a few sharp points and also one small wolf tooth which was removed.

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Honeycutt Update from May 17 2010 

I always hoped that some day I could come to this board and announce that I had adopted Honeycutt.…but financial concerns made me hesitate to take on the long term responsibility of another horse. I’m very sad to say that I have made the decision instead to sell my farm in Silverdale. Not only can I not afford it any more, I also have finally admitted to myself that keeping up a five acre…

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Buckwheat Update from May 16 2010 

Foster Home Update: I wanted to update everyone on how Bucky is doing. He is just so darn adorable! He and Summer are doing very well together. When he first arrived, they were getting along but tended to be a little independent. Now more often than not they are hanging out together. Bucky will often mirror her posture and we’ll see both of them with the same back leg cocked. Bucky was a little…

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Summer Update from May 16 2010 

Update from foster home: Summer continues to do well. She and Bucky have become good friends and they have a nice routine established. Summer reminds me quite a bit of a wonderful older horse we had many years ago. I found Wallstreet when he was 18 and I wanted a very calm and reliable mount for my husband, who was just learning to ride. Over the next 8 years, we successfully showed him at local…

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Sinatra Update from May 15 2010 

Update from Sundance Equestrian: Sinatra has continued his new life out at the barn, but since he is still without a girth, we have continued to work him on the line. This week he made amazing progress & started to get more comfortable working to the right as well as the left and even some consistent cantering on the line both directions. He has a way to go before he is truly soft &

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Lucky Update from May 13, 2010 

Dr. Bryant left a little bit ago. Overall the news is good…not great, but good. Lucky has two bone chips in his left front ankle. One is quite large and completely detached, the other is smaller and adhered to the bone. He also has significant remodeling going on on both sides of his cannon bone above the joint indicating that his body is still healing from a fracture or some type of trauma…

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Baxter Update from May 8, 2010 

Baxter was wonderful for his second ride today! Really, he’s almost TOO laid back, he’s completely non-reactive to anything you do up there. Getting him forward was the biggest issue, as he really didn’t mind if you thumped him with your legs or even slapped him on the neck with the reins. Jumping bat didn’t faze him either. Finally a dressage whip elicited a reaction — a small buck, and then he…

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Delilah Update from May 8 2010 

Sampson is hilarious! He has decided he wants to be a racehorse when he grows up, and practices in his field as often as he can. He *loves* his ball and every time he notices it he races over to it to give it a bite or a kick or a shove. He is a big boy, even next to his mama, who’s not exactly liliputian.

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Lucky Update from May 8, 2010 

Lucky is SUCH a sweet boy, with great manners, very neat and tidy in his stall. The LF leg is ugly, and he has a hard lump on his RH as well, just above the fetlock. He’s covered in bites and kicks from the other horses at the auction house. We took him out today for some hand grazing and grooming and he was just so sweet and polite. I really like this horse! Unfortunately, Lucky appears to be a…

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Super (Horse) Saver by Jet Parrett 

My friend, Maeve and I talk about what we’d do if we won the lottery or hit it big at the track. Generally it’s a given that we’d pay bills and buy a farm. But what happens when you hit it’s ‘a little’ big at the track? The first thing that came to mind was that I would get the horses’ teeth done & finally get that hitch on my truck. Then there was a list of bills I could pay and various…

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Bucky B Lucky Background & History 

Bucky B Lucky was born March 21, 2005 in Washington state. A grandson of Seattle Slew, Lucky began his career as a racehorse as a two year old and continued racing until the age of four. In 18 starts at Emerald Downs, he had three wins, four seconds and two third place finishes. He earned a total of $20,115 on the track. His last race was on September 25, 2009 and he reportedly retired after…

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Sinatra Update from May 1 2010 

Sinatra has graduated from training! We are very proud of him! He’s done so amazingly well and really is a success story to be proud of, considering the state he came to us in 2 years ago. I picked Sinatra up today and brought him back to the farm, but tomorrow he heads out for his next adventure! He will be going to a new foster situation at a hunter/jumper training facility in Woodinville…

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Baxter Update from April 24, 2010 

Baxter got ridden for the first time today by our trainer Andrea Lucianna. He did really well. We put a western saddle on him and he was completely unfazed by the saddling and girthing up. She did a lot of slapping the saddle and jumping up and down on the stirrup and lying over his back and he barely blinked an eye. Once she got on him, he was willing enough, but very green. Leaned on the bit,…

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Delilah Update from Apr 8 2010 and April 19 2010 

Sampson got his own photo essay this morning. He’s strong in mind and body — and there is not a shy bone in there — he takes after Delilah in that respect. Jet and I tag teamed on the attention, or all the pictures would have been closeups. I wish the sun had been shining like it is this morning (in Seattle, anyway), because he did some…

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2010 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: May 2, 2010 Deeds, 14 yo Thoroughbred gelding (former SAFE horse, owner surrender) Intake Date: May 7, 2010 Bucky B Lucky, 5 yo Thoroughbred gelding (auction) Intake Date: May 28, 2010 Bubbles, yearling Saddlebred/Standardbred filly (owner surrender) Intake Date: June 1, 2010 Goliath, Thoroughbred gelding (owner surrender) Calamity (owner surrender) Zanadu (owner…

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Aiden Update from Mar 31 2010 

I’m Aiden’s foster mom, and the cutie is doing well. He always tries hard, even if he could still use more confidence. It seems like he’ll have a great work ethic without being hot. I think once he finds his “person” his confidence will flourish and he’ll be totally fabulous. He’s now about 13.2 hh at the withers, and almost 14hh at the hip.

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Delilah Updates from Mar 27 2010 

7:23 am: Unfortunately, Delilah is not taking to motherhood as well as we had hoped. I have been up every two hours all night because she will not stand to let him nurse without being held and forced to. Dr. Evergreen was just here to do the iGg test and he looks healthy, but we are concerned. Delilah gets agitated when he starts chasing her around trying to nurse and has swung her butt at him…

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Here you go…many more pictures to come but I need to feed horses, myself, take a shower, eat, and maybe take a nap first. But mom and baby are doing great and he’s a healthy, strapping big solid dark bay colt. He’s been up, nursed, and all the things he’s supposed to do. Vet will be by at 5am (yes, you read that right! Has to be between 8–12 hours after birth) to do the iGg test and check them…

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Foal Watch 2010 

March 24 Nope…no foal…! But man, that is one big mare and she can make one HUGE mess! Have I mentioned how much I hate cleaning a stall bedded with straw? UGH! And she is drinking about 6 full 5‑gallon buckets of water every day and then peeing it all back out about every 20 minutes. I have pelleted bedding underneath the straw to help absorb all the urine but its ridiculous how wet and…

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Delilah Update from Mar 20–21 2010 

Hoping to get some updated photos of Delilah today. She’s bagging up and getting close I think. She’s huge and uncomfortable and has lots of edema under her belly and between her front legs. Yesterday she got a little excited and tried to do a little head flip/mini rear and her hind end went out from under her and she fell down…poor girl just has no coordination right now. I’m not technically…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 9 and 16 2010 

Mar 9 Sinatra is doing great! The trainer reports he is the easiest to start so far. She’s been on him at the walk several times now and he’s just really good. She will trot him tomorrow. She says he might be one we could get away with just 30 days on if he stays doing this well. He gets a little nervous, but no buck, and she says he feels very honest and tries hard to please. Mar 16 Sinatra…

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