SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Observations on Delilah 

Excerpt from “Hoofbeats Across My Heart” by Jeannette Parrett “All of the mares are getting noticed on the SAFE message board but Delilah seems to be stealing hearts left & right. I’m not sure if it’s her maternal status or the fact that she looks like a giant teddy bear. Her photos don’t necessarily show her ravaged body. The pregnant body and long winter fur (or long parasitical evidence?)…

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Delilah Update from Jan 28 2010 

Delilah got her feet trimmed today and those long, flared feet trimmed up. Here’s the summary I sent to AC: Delilah was showing lameness in her left hind right after having her hoof flexed for trim and then set back down for a few steps and then got better. Seemed to be originating in fetlock or stifle area but not sure — not sensitive to hoof testers. Delilah had several older abcess tracks in…

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Baxter Update from Jan 26–28, 2010 

Jan 26 Baxter is not gaining as much weight as we would hope to see by now (7 1/2 weeks post-rescue). He’s eating fairly well — pretty much all the hay he can eat until he wastes it — but he wastes a lot of his grain dumping it on the ground and refusing to eat it. I tried cutting out the beet pulp as I thought he didn’t like that, but he’s still wasting it so now we are cutting out the oil as…

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Buckwheat Update from Jan 25 2010 

Bucky was moved down to Auburn to be Summer’s new companion. Sadly, Summer’s buddy Mac was put down yesterday after several colic episodes. Summer’s wonderful foster home was worried about Summer being alone and was very willing to bring in another foster horse to keep her company, and we just happened to have another older Cushings horse that would fit in perfectly. Sad that it is under such…

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Delilah Background and History 

Delilah is a 4 1/2 ‑5 year old dark bay/black Percheron or Percheron X draft mare seized by King County Animal Control on January 19th, 2010 and currently residing at the main SAFE facility. She has a BCS of 3 and is at least 7 months pregnant. She is approx. 16.2–17h, very sweet and easy to handle. She was living with 3 other mares and several other farm animals (live and dead) in a small area…

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Summer Update from Jan 20 2010 

Update from foster home: Summer is doing really well. She’s gained a little weight since she’s been here, and she looks great. When she first arrived, I taped her at 1150 pounds, and she’s now 1170. This morning after I let her out of her stall, she went down for a roll and got up and bucked and ran around the dry lot three times. She was feeling especially good! She has the most amazing trot.…

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Annie Update from Jan 16 2010 

I rode Annie today and she continues to do really well. She is fairly solid W/T/C and we are starting to learn leg yeilding, first at the walk and then at the trot and she is picking it up so well. This has got to be one of the most intelligent horses I have ever met! She picks things up so quickly and tries her heart out I am kinda starting to love her! Her ADD-type behavior is still there, and…

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Dexter Update from Jan 14 2010 

Dexter got his booster vaccinations today and the final verdict on his age — he is definitely a coming 5 year old, not a coming 3 year old. I don’t think the vet looked very closely last time because we had already been told he was 3. But he has canines which put him at 4 1/2 to 5 years old.

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Annie Update from Jan 10 2010 

I had a great time today and am SO glad we went. Annie is a very pretty girl and she was very brave for her first trail ride. Dexter was GREAT as well! We were able to get a group photo after. 

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Dexter Update from Jan 10, 2010 

Dexter went on a trail ride today. It was so much fun! Thank you so much to Kathleen for planning this and to Barbara for leading the ride! Dexter was awesome, this horse is seriously cool…he is so very solid and safe. I was so tired when I got back though that I fell asleep on the couch…and I think my muscles are going to hurt tomorrow! Dexter wasn’t a very fast walker and kept having to…

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Dexter Update from Jan 9, 2010 

I’ve been in contact with someone who thinks she knows who Dexter is. She described his markings pretty accurately (left shoulder marking of a longhorn, and another similar shaped marking under his throatlatch which you can not see in the pictures but he does indeed have), so it sounds like it is probably the same horse. If it is him, he would be a bit older than 3, more like 4 or 5 years old.…

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Dexter Update from Jan 3, 2010 

Dexter had his second ride today and did great! We have an eventer trainer named Leigh Mescher doing some volunteer training for us. She rode Amber and her working student, Ashley, rode Dexter. He doesn’t steer super well but otherwise, he did great! She cantered him a bit both directions as well and he has a nice, balanced canter.This is one of those horses that is just born broke and he is SO…

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2010 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: January 19, 2010 Scarlett (King County Animal Control) Delilah (King County Animal Control) Intake Date: March 26, 2010 Sampson (born to SAFE horse Delilah) Placed Horses Rhythm Krabask Waldo

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Baxter Update from Jan 1, 2010 

Baxter is doing really well and he was excellent for being patient while myself and three volunteers worked on him today. He got his hind end cleaned up a bit since he had the runs after his deworming and he got his tail cleaned, brushed and braided and his mane brushed and braided also. I worked on his rain rot quite a bit and a lot of the scabs are starting to come off now. I weight taped him…

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Annie Update from Dec 31 2009 

Update from Allison: I rode Annie again yesterday and she was good. She is still a handful on the ground but resonds very well to verbal corrections. She continues to go well under-saddle, tho she still needs work in the canter. She has a tendancy to cross-canter but that should go away with fitness and balance. Annie steers mostly off weight, she is very soft in the bridle and moves forward off…

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Whisper — Neglecter sentenced 

Sentencing in Whisper’s case: Ineligible to Carry Firearms, or Vote. 12 months community supervision, 90 days electronic home monitoring. Do Not Possess, Own or Board ANY domestic or exotic animal. $600 in Court fees. Restitution to be determined.

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Summer Update from Dec 30 2009 

I recieved an email today from Summer’s former owner, which answers most of our questions about Summer’s history before Jean: I owned Impromptu as a younger mare as well as her daughter Paprika’s Mark. I was horrified to hear and read of her life the last decade. I bought her daughter from the breeder to be my show mare (Pinto circuit) and then went back and bought Promptu as a broodmare and…

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Baxter Update from Dec 19–20, 2009 

Dec 19 Baxter had been doing so well, too well…I guess. I should know that with a horse in this bad of shape there are going to be ups and downs, and today we had our first down — a mild gas colic. I just started him on a small amount of beet pulp last night and he’s just getting a couple of cups twice a day but it might have been enough of a change to bring it on. He was pooping but still…

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Lola Update from Dec 16 2009 

Wish I had had my video camera handy this afternoon. I went out to the back pasture to look for one of Rolo’s shoes that he pulled and Lola and Sinatra started racing each other around the entire perimeter of the pasture, then back into their paddock, and then back around the pasture, back into the paddock, etc etc. Lola was running so fast!! She’s such a tiny thing but she can really move. I…

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Annie Update from Dec 13 2009 

The trot picture is from before I listened to Andrea and just gave Annie her release. I have issues trusting her under saddle because she is such a freak on the ground so I tend to hold onto her mouth, alebit it lightly, but still holding just in case she does something. Which she never has. In yesterday’s lesson with Andrea, she convinced me (it took some cajoling on Andrea’s part to get me to…

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Baxter Update from Dec 12, 2009 

Baxter is doing really well. He’s sure spunky! He’s been getting turned out in one of the paddocks and he trots around especially if he sees me coming with food. He’s up to about 3–4 flakes of hay a day now and scarfing everything we put in front of him. He got wormed today with 1/2 dose of ivermectin, he’ll get a full dose in a week. He’s doing super though…which is a relief as I was worried…

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Dexter Update from Dec 12, 2009 

Dexter had a little mini training session today with our trainer, who came down to teach some lessons. He did great! She put a bridle and saddle on him (which he didn’t care about at all) and lunged him a bit. He was a bit nervous about being lunged (probably been round penned) but did well once he figured out what was being asked. He was feeling pretty spunky on the lunge line and did a few…

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Buckwheat Update from Dec 10 2009 

Bucky got retested last week when the vet did Dexter’s teeth and the initial exam on Baxter. His ACTH levels came back in the normal range, so the Pergolide dosage is correct and is working for him. He still got pretty hairy this winter, but its not a curly coat and the real test will be to see how he sheds out this spring. He’s definitely perkier than when he first came and his weight is doing…

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Biscotti — Adopted! 

Congratulations to Tracy R. of Arlington, WA on her adoption of Scotti! Scotti settled himself in quite easily with her other two horses, both of whom she adopted from other rescues.  Here are some photos of his first day in his new home. 

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Baxter Update from Dec 5, 2009 

Baxter was seen by Dr. Kelli Taylor from Evergreen Holistic Vet today and she concurred with the Body Condition Score of 1/9. He has rain rot all over him including his ears and around his eyes. He has a heart murmur right now, hopefully like Whisper this will resolve as he gets healthy again. He has a scabbed-over injury to his right hind but other than that he just needs weight, and lots of…

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