SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

2010 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: January 19, 2010 Scarlett (King County Animal Control) Delilah (King County Animal Control) Intake Date: March 26, 2010 Sampson (born to SAFE horse Delilah) Placed Horses Rhythm Krabask Waldo

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Baxter Update from Jan 1, 2010 

Baxter is doing really well and he was excellent for being patient while myself and three volunteers worked on him today. He got his hind end cleaned up a bit since he had the runs after his deworming and he got his tail cleaned, brushed and braided and his mane brushed and braided also. I worked on his rain rot quite a bit and a lot of the scabs are starting to come off now. I weight taped him…

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Annie Update from Dec 31 2009 

Update from Allison: I rode Annie again yesterday and she was good. She is still a handful on the ground but resonds very well to verbal corrections. She continues to go well under-saddle, tho she still needs work in the canter. She has a tendancy to cross-canter but that should go away with fitness and balance. Annie steers mostly off weight, she is very soft in the bridle and moves forward off…

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Whisper — Neglecter sentenced 

Sentencing in Whisper’s case: Ineligible to Carry Firearms, or Vote. 12 months community supervision, 90 days electronic home monitoring. Do Not Possess, Own or Board ANY domestic or exotic animal. $600 in Court fees. Restitution to be determined.

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Summer Update from Dec 30 2009 

I recieved an email today from Summer’s former owner, which answers most of our questions about Summer’s history before Jean: I owned Impromptu as a younger mare as well as her daughter Paprika’s Mark. I was horrified to hear and read of her life the last decade. I bought her daughter from the breeder to be my show mare (Pinto circuit) and then went back and bought Promptu as a broodmare and…

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Baxter Update from Dec 19–20, 2009 

Dec 19 Baxter had been doing so well, too well…I guess. I should know that with a horse in this bad of shape there are going to be ups and downs, and today we had our first down — a mild gas colic. I just started him on a small amount of beet pulp last night and he’s just getting a couple of cups twice a day but it might have been enough of a change to bring it on. He was pooping but still…

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Lola Update from Dec 16 2009 

Wish I had had my video camera handy this afternoon. I went out to the back pasture to look for one of Rolo’s shoes that he pulled and Lola and Sinatra started racing each other around the entire perimeter of the pasture, then back into their paddock, and then back around the pasture, back into the paddock, etc etc. Lola was running so fast!! She’s such a tiny thing but she can really move. I…

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Annie Update from Dec 13 2009 

The trot picture is from before I listened to Andrea and just gave Annie her release. I have issues trusting her under saddle because she is such a freak on the ground so I tend to hold onto her mouth, alebit it lightly, but still holding just in case she does something. Which she never has. In yesterday’s lesson with Andrea, she convinced me (it took some cajoling on Andrea’s part to get me to…

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Baxter Update from Dec 12, 2009 

Baxter is doing really well. He’s sure spunky! He’s been getting turned out in one of the paddocks and he trots around especially if he sees me coming with food. He’s up to about 3–4 flakes of hay a day now and scarfing everything we put in front of him. He got wormed today with 1/2 dose of ivermectin, he’ll get a full dose in a week. He’s doing super though…which is a relief as I was worried…

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Dexter Update from Dec 12, 2009 

Dexter had a little mini training session today with our trainer, who came down to teach some lessons. He did great! She put a bridle and saddle on him (which he didn’t care about at all) and lunged him a bit. He was a bit nervous about being lunged (probably been round penned) but did well once he figured out what was being asked. He was feeling pretty spunky on the lunge line and did a few…

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Buckwheat Update from Dec 10 2009 

Bucky got retested last week when the vet did Dexter’s teeth and the initial exam on Baxter. His ACTH levels came back in the normal range, so the Pergolide dosage is correct and is working for him. He still got pretty hairy this winter, but its not a curly coat and the real test will be to see how he sheds out this spring. He’s definitely perkier than when he first came and his weight is doing…

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Biscotti — Adopted! 

Congratulations to Tracy R. of Arlington, WA on her adoption of Scotti! Scotti settled himself in quite easily with her other two horses, both of whom she adopted from other rescues.  Here are some photos of his first day in his new home. 

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Baxter Update from Dec 5, 2009 

Baxter was seen by Dr. Kelli Taylor from Evergreen Holistic Vet today and she concurred with the Body Condition Score of 1/9. He has rain rot all over him including his ears and around his eyes. He has a heart murmur right now, hopefully like Whisper this will resolve as he gets healthy again. He has a scabbed-over injury to his right hind but other than that he just needs weight, and lots of…

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Dexter Update from Dec 5, 2009 

Introducing…Dexter! Isn’t he the cutest? He’s a bit butt-high at the moment, so he still has some growing to do. He’s very round, and a far cry from the condition he was in when he was seized (currently a BCS of 5/9). Today he got his teeth done and his wolf teeth extracted in preparation for being able to go into training, and he also got his first round of shots. He is such a gentleman, so…

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Dexter Background & History 

Dexter was seized by Skagit County Animal Control in April 2009 due to neglect and starvation. At that time he weighed 698 lbs and had a BCS of 1.5. Despite his emaciated state, he had shoes on and was being ridden by his owner. Skagit County Animal Control officers placed Dexter into foster care where he gained weight and recovered from his neglect. In December 2009, Skagit County Animal…

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Baxter Photo Gallery — Day of Seizure 

Here are photos taken of Baxter just following his seizure. These photos were taken at the Skagit County Fairgrounds, where we met Skagit County Animal Control officer, Emily Diaz, and the vet who initially examined the seized horses. 

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Baxter History & Background 

Baxter is a black and white pinto gelding that was awarded to SAFE after being seized by Skagit County Animal Control on December 4, 2009. Skagit County had already seized one horse from this person in April 2008  but apparently sometime later that summer, he decided to acquire another horse. Within a short amount of time, Baxter was severely underweight and the man’s neighbors alerted Animal…

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Aiden Update from Nov 19 2009 

I’m Aiden’s current foster mom, and he is doing quite well. I’ve been working with him a 2–3 days a week, and what a quick study he is! He now tolerates plastic bags whipping around him, accepts a bridle path clip with my cordless clippers, yields hind and forequarters nicely, and just today learned to trot on the lead in about 5 minutes (and I did it by myself). He may be initially more fearful…

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Deeds Update from Nov 15 2009 

From Kate, his former adopter: Deeds spends the majority of his day in pasture turnout. He is happiest with another horse and has been pastured with both sexes, young and old, big and small. He generally has a pretty mellow, get-along, kind of attitude towards his pasture mates, but doesn’t put up with a lot of nonsense either. The horse he is currently turned out with actually bullied him badly…

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Annie Update from Nov 14 2009 

I rode Annie in a lesson with Andrea Lucianna and she was sooo good!! She is a bit of a spaz in the crossties, walking all over and she pulled back once; but once you get on she is all business. We w/t/c both directions and worked on getting her to lengthen, which she still needs some work on. She is very focused on her work and seems to really like being ridden. She tries so hard to understand…

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Summer Update from Nov 7 2009 

I wanted to give everyone a quick update on Summer. We’ve been fostering Summer for the last six weeks and she’s doing really well. We lost our wonderful 29 year old TWH mare, Abby, in mid September, which left our Mac as an “only” horse. Mac is 30, and he’d never been alone before. He and Abby had been together for almost 20 years, and he was missing his friend terribly and was starting to get…

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Deeds Update from Nov 4 2009 

Due to financial issues, life changes and an upcoming move, Deeds is looking for a new home. SAFE will be helping his current adopter find him a new home from his current location in Bellingham. If he does not find a home by spring, he will need to be returned to SAFE.

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Aiden Update from Nov 2 2009 

Aiden moved to Duvall this weekend to be fostered with Amy who previously fostered Whisper and Benny. He is such a sweet little boy, fine to catch now and very mellow and laid back. He walked right in the trailer, hauled like a pro, stepped off the trailer and walked calm as a cucumber up the driveway to his new foster home. Settled right in and started eating his hay. From Amy: “Aiden is doing…

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Holly Update — Oct 24, 2009 

Update from Holly’s adopter: Holly is doing awesome!! She is being ridden several times a week. Even after my accident I made sure I found someone to keep Holly’s training going. She loves to learn so was easy to train. One catch is that she will carry a bit but it’s under her tongue. We ride her in a halter. She’s an indian pony. “I don’t need no stinking bit to do this stuff!” We keep bitting…

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Lola Update from Oct 23 2009 

We were contacted today by the person who bred Lola and owned her at the beginning of her life. Here is information about her registration and breeding: Registered name: JMJ CALA LILLY — HAHR*1A367932 Foal date: 29 Jun 2008 Sire: GRADE Dam: CAMILIA SAGLAWIYA Dam’s Sire: SABAR PASHA Her story: I gave her dam, Cami to a lady in Idaho three weeks after (Lola) was born because she had some of…

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Biscotti — Oct 19, 2009 

*sigh*…another emergency vet bill tonight. My fault — the horses came off the pastures about a week ago. I’ve been rotating them in turnout out onto the smaller grass pastures I let grow the last few months so they all get a little grass time a couple of times a week. I didn’t even think anything of it since they were all out on grass all summer, and none of the horses have had any trouble -…

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Sasha — Oct 13, 2009 

From Megan: Sasha update: Vet did a block on her right rear leg and confirmed the issue is her rear suspensories, let’s hope it’s not degenerative. She is on unlimited hand walking & stall/paddock rest for two months, then we can begin riding her at the walk or 10 mins for 14 days, 20 mins for another 14 days, then 2–3 mins of trotting with the walking for another 14 days and then we’ll…

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Buckwheat Update from Oct 5 2009 

Bucky is ready for adoption! He’s at a good weight and UTD on everything, and his winter coat that is growing in looks normal and healthy now that he is on the Cushings medication. I found him a very fun, smooth ride but he is a bit barn sour and probably best suited for an experienced rider if someone were to ride him, but he’s got great manners and would be an excellent companion horse also.…

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