SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Say Hello to Jupiter

Say Hello to Jupiter 

Animal Control seized Jupiter back in December of 2022, but his case was ongoing for so long that we were prevented from talking about him until very recently. He, much like the others who were a part of his seizure, was placed in a foster situation where SAFE supported him from afar. But when his foster reached out to us that she could no longer house him, we made plans to bring him here to the…

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Goodbye, Tanis

Goodbye, Tanis 

Tanis, beloved SAFE horse, was laid to rest last week under a warm blue sky following a sudden and painful colic. As is the case with colics, they can escalate quickly from seemingly mild into devastating rather quickly. We first noticed something was amiss around turnout time, when after finishing her grain mash breakfast, Tanis was down in her stall. Horses lying down when there is food around…

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Arrow Goes to Foster

Arrow Goes to Foster 

As winter approaches, more horses find themselves in precarious situations. Older horses and hard keepers become more difficult to maintain away from pasture, and we tend to get an uptick in calls from Animal Control hoping to place horses with us along with owners looking for assistance as the weather changes. Being able to help with these requests is all dependent on our available space. Our…

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Welcoming Harper and Cookie

Welcoming Harper and Cookie 

Horses that come to us by way of Animal Control are often times kept quiet as the case moves through the legal system and all that that entails. Harper and Cookie are two such cases — these mares received shelter at SAFE months ago, but we have only been cleared to share their story now that their ownership has been officially transferred to us. There are actually three minis involved in this…

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Ready to Take Home: Pepper!

Ready to Take Home: Pepper! 

Sweet Pepper has been back at SAFE for a few months now, has received a restart under saddle, and is ready to start meeting adopters. Due to her confirmation, Pepper will never be a tremendous athlete, but she is sound for trails and light riding, which is exactly what she’s the very best at. We work on helping Pepper to become a get on and go type, and she is a pretty straightforward ride if…

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Barbie Girl

Barbie Girl 

We went from lush, green meadows to buzzed dry fields in a matter of a few weeks, and soon as the rain and mud approaches, we will seed our fields and lay them to rest until next year. But even after the grass is mostly gone, the fields and lanes stay open a bit longer to allow our horses a separate location to explore and stretch their legs a bit. Normally when we open Barb’s gate to the lane,…

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Are you Team Edward?

Are you Team Edward? 

If the answer is “yes!” then you’re in luck — this handsome guy is ready for his forever home! Edward has been under saddle since May of 2022, and has really proven himself to be a very responsible and reasonable guy. With regular work, he is soft and responsive, and a real sweetheart to boot. But time off is Edward’s Achilles heel. A week off at this point would be about at the top limit of…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo

October Volunteer of the Month: Jeanne Arredondo 

Congratulations to our October Volunteer of the Month, Jeanne! We are extra lucky, and get to see Jeanne twice a week, as she is a Barn Assist on Wednesdays, and joins us for the AM chores on Thursdays; which she Co-Leads with another volunteer! Coming to the barn on a day when Jeanne will be there, always brings a smile to everyone’s face! Jeanne shows up each week with an upbeat, can-do…

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2023 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: August 21, 2023 Scotty (Owner Surrender) Violet (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: September 23, 2023 Cookie (Animal Control Seizure) Harper (Animal Control Seizure) Pippin (Animal Control Seizure) Jupiter (Animal Control Seizure) Placed Horses Jax Henry Zelly Darla

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Poppy’s First Ride!

Poppy’s First Ride! 

Poppy is a great example of how well-preparedness leads directly to a horse’s success. After a somewhat tumultuous first cinching, we realized that Poppy would need a bit more work to get her comfortable with the process, and stepped back a bit to better get her ready. After just a few days of stopping her by a hind foot, working more on tossing the saddle up, and continued work with the flag,…

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Wren’s First Saddle

Wren’s First Saddle 

For many of the horses who come to SAFE who are in need of a start or a restart, we spent a great deal of time preparing them for their first saddling and their first rides. But due to the variation in personalities and past histories, the speed at which we are able to hit these milestones varies. Wren came to SAFE in May, and little was known about what had been done with her. From our initial…

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Introducing Pippin

Introducing Pippin 

Horses contain multitudes: they can be regal, majestic, brave, goofy, beautiful… the list goes on. But I would argue that most full-size horses don’t usually conjure the word ‘cute.’ Mini horses, on the other hand, are the epitome of ‘cute.’ And if there is an even stronger version of that word, I would argue that Pippin would be the definition. Pippin, or Pip as she is colloquially known, is…

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Alumni Update: Otto

Alumni Update: Otto 

A note from Gabby, Otto’s adopter: Thank you SAFE, for everything you did for Mr. Otto-matic. He has blossomed even more over the last 5 months! Growing up even more. His feed program is free fed by net — quality orchard grass, 3 quarts of soaked beet pulp and 3 quarts alfalfa pellets once a day with one cup of fresh ground flax, magnesium, GutX by 100XEquine and equerrys economy blend. Otto…

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Tiva, All Cinched Up!

Tiva, All Cinched Up! 

Tiva has been working hard this summer, if not to fit into a bikini, then for something infinitely better: a saddle. There had been talk of Tiva meeting a saddle from the beginning. Even in those earliest days when she was a wild creature, pinning her ears and cowering in fear, we held a vision of her in tack, small in the back of our minds, but no less clear for it. Over the last year and a…

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September Clinic Report: Bandit

September Clinic Report: Bandit 

Kirsten AL has been working with Bandit for some months, and worked alongside her in the September Joel Conner Clinic. Below, she reflects on the experience of the three days spent together and what she and Ms. Bandit learned: “Day 1 question – How to decrease cranky ears? My thought was to slowly and with small gentle steps reward the slightest improvement of cranky ears with a big release. I…

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Run Free, Big Girl

Run Free, Big Girl 

Heaven welcomed a new angel yesterday morning. It is with a heavy heart we share the loss of SAFE alumni Camille. She was living happily with her adoptive family of humans and horses until the end. Her condition and comfort had declined to the point that it was time to let her go. Her old arthritic joints could not carry her big heart anymore. Her family and herd miss her, but the little gelding…

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Moshi, Ready for Adoption!

Moshi, Ready for Adoption! 

Moshi is one of three Graham horses left at SAFE, and one of two currently available for adoption (Addie being the other, with Poppy still in her early days under saddle). While only started earlier this year, Moshi has made great progress as a riding horse, and is ready to start meeting adopters looking for a sweet little pony with a lot of spunk. Indeed, Moshi is still a green horse, and…

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Mirana’s Scrape

Mirana’s Scrape 

When we play ‘musical horses’ at SAFE, shifting paddock assignments around for one reason or another, we make two variations on the traditional rules of the game. The first is that everyone ends up with a spot at the end, and the second is that we typically don’t play music while we shuffle around. So while the lack of a chair pulled out from under them, literally or figuratively, might lead you…

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Alumni Update: Logan (Razin)

Alumni Update: Logan (Razin)

Razin, known now as Logan, is living a fine life with his horse buddy Liam, three mini donkeys, four dogs and of course his loving human family. Liam and Logan have their own stalls, but they sleep together in Liam’s if they choose to go in at night. Heather takes Logan on trail walks and does groundwork with him. He’s one lucky little dude!

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Addie’s Perfect Feet

Addie’s Perfect Feet 

When the Graham horses arrived at SAFE last November, their feet were a stinky mess. Overgrown toes, cracks and chips, and thrush for days. They were all, lucky for us, willing participants for the farrier, who was able to see them quickly after their arrival. But one horse in particular stood out on that day, not because of how cute or pleasant she was (though she also happened to be both of…

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Checking in with Edward

Checking in with Edward 

As summer begins its descent into fall, as the mornings grow a little hazier and the evenings come a little sooner, as the air takes on a crisper quality, some people begin to think about vampires. It’s not as outrageous a thought as it sounds! ‘Tis the season for pumpkin spice and draping yourself in a sheet to go ask for candy, and plus, the week of September 14th is the ‘Twilight Forever’…

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Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta

Learning First Aid with Sunny & Shasta 

A few weeks back, we hosted an Equine First Aid class here at SAFE, where individuals from both inside and outside our organization spent the day learning all about the basics of horse emergencies, and how to deal with them. The session was packed with loads of informational material, everything from how to spot signs that something is amiss with your horse to how to bandage wounds in…

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Violet and Scotty See the Vet

Violet and Scotty See the Vet 

Here is an example of the stars aligning at SAFE: The Friday after Scotty and Violet’s arrival, there was a vet appointment on the books. Two horses needed floats, along with several who were due for one vaccination or another. Two dentals and a few pokes is a light day, especially with cooperative patients, so there is often a little part of us that seeks something (non-emergency) to tack on.….

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Nova’s Horror-mones

Nova’s Horror-mones 

Nova has spent the entirety of her life here at SAFE. Her first breaths, steps, and moments were here on the farm, witnessed and overseen by the people who would go on to take care of her as she grew from a gangly filly into a long-legged mare. It is safe to say that we know Nova quite well. When she entered her fourth year, Nova underwent a change in demeanor that was uncharacteristic. We first…

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Friends for Arrow

Friends for Arrow 

Arrow was a stallion when he arrived at SAFE, and while he was kind and gentle, we made plans to get him the snip as soon as possible. We are pro-gelding around here for a number of reasons, but for the sake of this article, I will specify one in particular: friends. Stallions do not make great company for other horses, generally speaking, and in order for Arrow to be integrated into a herd…

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Flagging Poppy on the Rail

Flagging Poppy on the Rail 

For Poppy these days, wearing a saddle is no big deal. Nor are many of the things that once bothered her — being touched with a flag, or a rope. She has made huge strides, but there is still prep work to do when it comes to readying Poppy for a rider. One thing we do to help horses adjust to having something, someone, above them is to.. well, get above them. We practice this by bumping them up…

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Brandy’s Mouth

Brandy’s Mouth 

For some of us, getting older means our visits with doctors and specialists increase, our bodies requiring more maintenance to remain afloat. And while the same is often true for horses of a certain age, there are some cases when vet care is required less frequently. One such case is Brandy’s. Brandy, a Mare of a Certain Age, is no stranger to health issues. She gets a daily tab of prascend for…

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Alumni Update: Miah 

Miah was rehomed in early 2023. She is now living with Ashleigh who says Miah is happy and healthy and has two little girls who love her. Miah and Ashleigh’s daughter, Zoey, went to their first performance show together in April.

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Jacob’s Return to Work

Jacob’s Return to Work 

Jacob, we have learned, vacations well. I love this term, ‘vacations’, and the implications it has for horses (and humans) alike. While I don’t exactly imagine a horse on a beach, sipping piña coladas sprawled out on a lawn chair, the reality isn’t much different: a horse in a paddock, brought in to be brushed and farriered and occasionally doctored if need be, but otherwise spending his days…

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