SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Sasha — Oct 2, 2009 

From Megan: Good Morning- I wanted to post a quick update on Sasha (sorry it’s been so long!). She’s currently on hold with her training as she’s had some lameness issue with her hind end. Originally Tacoma Equine thought it was a stifle issue, but Dr. Sara Owens is working with her and after attempting to block (Sasha was a bit naughty with that) and doing x‑rays, nothing conclusive has come…

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2009 Q4 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: December 4, 2009 Baxter (Skagit County Animal Control) Dexter (Skagit County Animal Control) Placed Horses Benny Cedar Wishes Haley Biscotti

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Buckwheat Update from Sept 26 2009 

Well, Bucky sure gave us a surprise today! His weight is looking great, no more ribs, and he’s now wasting half of his mush so I’ve had to cut him back. Allison and Katie decided to take him out and saddle him up and see how he did. He was great for tacking up…he’s just a doll with his little ears! You can see he still has a little bit of that long hair hanging on, but the winter coat he is…

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Dory Update — Sept 21, 2009 

I am very pleased to announce that Dory’s adoption has been approved! We are just working on finalizing when she will leave for her new home. Dory’s adopter is one of our wonderful volunteers named Betsy who has been helping out at my place for several months. Dory will be her future endurance/competitive trail mount. Congratulations to Betsy and I am so excited for both of you! 

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Whisper — Update on her case 

The gal that surrendered Whisper (Rose and Skye) to the City of Snohomish was found GUILTY of 1 Count of Cruelty to Animals in the First Degree. Not quite everything she deserves, especially since a fourth horse died in her care, but at least it’s something. Sentencing will be November 5, 2009.

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Buckwheat Update from Sept 1 2009 

Poor Buckwheat. His ACTH results came back…normal for this time of year is around 21–53, his was at 164, so quite elevated and definitively Cushings. Well I guess it is a good thing that his adopters could no longer keep him so we can now get him the care he needs! He will be started on Pergolide ASAP and we will retest him in 3 months to see if his dosage is correct. For now he is very much…

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Annie Update from Aug 30 2009 

Annie looking beautiful today. Sarah was really working with her to get her to lengthen her frame a bit, she wants to travel very bottled up or very behind the vertical. She finally got her to do a little better and I was snapping up lots of photos. I got so many good ones I couldn’t decide on the best ones, here are a few of them. Afterwards we worked on her canter under saddle, which she…

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Buckwheat Update from Aug 29 2009 

Bucky is settling in here at the farm. This week has been a busy week for him, as he got wormed, his feet trimmed, his teeth floated, vaccinated and and overall health check. We were pretty concerned about Bucky when we got him back because he is thin and also did not completely shed his winter coat this summer as he has in previous summers, so we suspected Cushings. When Dr. Hannah looked at…

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Dory — SAFE Benefit Horse Show, Aug 24, 2009 

Dory did great at the show! She was a little vocal in the showmanship class but settled down as the day wore on and stayed very manageable even when she was nervous. Susan Hammon from Cowgirl Spirit graciously stepped in to help with handling Dory in Showmanship and Halter when we were short a handler. 

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Annie Update from Aug 24 2009 

Annie did just fabulous at the show! She surprised us all by being just cool as a cucumber with all the activity in the arena! I was really proud of her, our little wild child has grown up! Of course, she had to remind us just how sensitive our little drama queen can be by taking almost an hour to get in the trailer, bringing to mind fond memories of the mare that once threw herself on the…

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Sinatra Update from Aug 24 2009 

Sinatra was among several SAFE horses who competed at the 3rd Annual SAFE Benefit Horse Show. He was a superstar at the show, and even won a blue ribbon in the Halter class for the Rescue Horse division. I talked to our judge, Leslie Killpatrick, over email, and told her how thrilled we were about Sinatra’s placing in the Rescue Halter class, and how much he means to us all. I also sent her a…

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Buckwheat Update from Aug 5 2009 and Aug 20 2009 

Due to some health problems in Bucky’s adoptive family, Buckwheat’s adopters are going to sadly have to sell their farm and Bucky is in need of a new home. This sweet guy is still quite ridable and sound and is free to an approved home. If not adopted, he will be returning to SAFE after the SAFE show on August 22nd. Please contact me if interested in seeing Bucky at his current home in…

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Annie Update from Aug 16 2009 

Update from Kyle: I worked with Annie today for the first time in a few months. The people who have been working with her have been doing a great job. I think Annie has really turned a corner. She was easy to handle, didn’t have any major overreactions, and worked nicely with me despite my not having worked with her for awhile. She stood nicely in the crossties, which is something I wasn’t…

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Sinatra Update from Aug 16 2009 

Sinatra got a beauty treatment today! Allison and I gave him a bath and scrubbed him within an inch of his life. He wasn’t so sure about it at first but then he did great! We gave him a bridle path, combed out his mane and tail, and then took some conformation shots of him. Sinatra has not gotten photographed much because quite frankly he really hasn’t been very photogenic, and is always filthy,…

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Biscotti — Aug 15, 2009 

Found some cute pictures from earlier this spring: Scotti: “Hey guys, stop sleeping and come play with me!” Lola: “Snore.” Aiden: “zzzz” Scotti: “If you don’t get up, I’m going to bite you!” Lola: “Hey now!” Aiden: “zzzz” Scotti: “You asked for it!” <chomp> Lola: “Ouch! You bit me! Why I outta.…” Aiden: “Huh? What’s going on? What’d I miss?” Scotti: “Oh, you’re up now. I guess I don’t…

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Sasha — Aug 15, 2009 

From Megan: Good Evening- Here’s some new video of Sasha. I got her papers in the mail last week–she is officially “Sashana Bint Snowlion,” last daughter of Snowlion RSI (see‑listingsS/Snowlion_RSI.html for pics of him–handsome devil, isn’t he?). I am riding Sasha three days a week (one is a lesson with my trainer) and my trainer riders her the other four…

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Sasha — Aug 6, 2009 

To answer everyone’s questions, yes, I was able to get the signature I needed with help from a great lawyer. It was a bit costly, but it was worth it because I do want to participate in the breed shows. I’m in the home stretch with respect to registration. I sent in Sasha’s hair for the DNA test last week and have a tentative registry number (yay!). They’re just confirming her sire & dam are in…

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Dory Update — Aug 3, 2009 

From Jet (volunteer): Since I got some time to spend with the SAFE horses this weekend I thought I’d share a couple thoughts and photos… Dory was absolutely A‑DOR(Y)-able…she was interactive, sweet and affectionate. Her energy was laid back & she really gave me a lift just to see her because she always let me know she was aware of me as well…in a good way  Meanwhile, Monica Bretherton…

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Holly Update — July 19, 2009 

Photos from Holly’s annual site visit: Holly looks fabulous (of course!) These are some of the pictures I took at my visit.  No one would ever have the faintest clue this filly came out of anywhere but a good Appaloosa breeding operation. She’s truly a very nice filly who will go far! 

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Holly Update — July 16, 2009 

Update from Holly’s adopter: I just wanted to give a little update on Holly. Cathy was out on sunday to visit and see Holly. Cathy was amazed how much she has grown…and still growing…Her training is going well and yesterday we had three horses working in the round pen at the same time and Holly stayed focused on her job. I am so pleased with her. I will try and get some pictures soon. Mindy…

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Update from Phoenix’s adopter 

Phoenix is having a great summer — I think he gets better looking all the time. Now that he has lost his winter coat entirely he looks darker than I remember last summer. Kind of reminds me of Kokomo. I am having some pictures taken of us working together next month — in the meantime, here are some shots of Phoenix enjoying sunset. photos by Karen Wegehenkel [gallery link=“file”…

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Sasha — July 14, 2009 

Happy evening! Quick update on Sasha–she’s doing very well being ridden at the walk/trot off the lunge and around the property. She seems to feel more secure with herself in the arena when there is another horse in there, so great practice! I have also gotten her used to the clippers (I’ve clipped her whiskers, fetlocks, and part of her bridle path–she’s still ticklish up there). And, on…

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Whisper — Adopted! 

Whisper’s adoption has been approved and she should be going to her new home in the next week or so! Congratulations to Sabra G. of Deming, WA on your adorable, sweet new filly!!!

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