SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Biscotti — July 5, 2009 

After his hoof trim today…and while everyone was focused on Lola and her antics, Scotti decided he’d like to pick up Daphne’s Hoof Stand…he kept trying and trying at different angles to get his teeth around the pad.…When that wasn’t working he decided to put his own hoof up on top again but he kept missing…Since he was so interested in using his feet, Daphne, in her great way of…

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Holly Update — July 4, 2009 

Update from Holly’s adopter: Holly sends her regards to all this 4th of July!! We had an early trail ride this morning and some round pen work to finish off. I told Holly that I am going to rename her.…. Tally, if she keeps going!! Happy and Safe 4th to all! Holly and Merle

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Lola Update from July 4 2009 

While I was out today, Lola was showing her Naughty side…digging into Daphne’s bag and stealing a plastic bag with treats in it, running off with it…it was all quite funny. I was a bit too busy watching the antics but did manage to get this shot of Daphne catching the thief in the act! And then while Scotti was being a pretty good boy about getting his feet done, Lola decided that Daphne’s…

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Honeycutt Update from May/June 2009 

Poor Honeycutt stepped on a nail somewhere in his pasture and ended up with an icky wound in his heel bulb. He was an amazingly good boy through this ordeal, including a trip to the vet hospital — he hopped right in the trailer without a fuss. He had to endure 4 days of shots (penicillin), 12 days of twice-daily oral medication (SMZs, yuck!) and 3 weeks of daily bandage changes and a Davis…

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Biscotti — June 19, 2009 

Scotti’s been being a pill to Lola and Aiden and Classy was having a nervous fit about being moved to another pasture and so I thought I’d try the two of them out together. Classy has a reputation for being dominant to other horses but I figured Scotti could use some getting kicked around as sassy as he is. Well Classy’s reputation held true…WOW! She just exuded fury at him…and he did…

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Aiden Update from June 14 2009 

Aiden’s healing up very nicely, the swelling is gone, no more forced exercise. After the first few days he started to STINK really bad, and I had to get in there and clean everything out several times, during which I pulled out a huge chunk of rotting nasty yuck…not only did he stand and let me clean it, but he even let me stick my finger up in his incisions and clean all the gunk out. The…

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Dory Update — Jun 14, 2009 

New photos of Dory the Adory-able! She was a little naughty today, she is going through a little bit of terrible twos.  She threw a little mini-fit being taken away from the horses and being very naughty but I worked with her a bit and while she will test new people with everything she can think of, once you are consistent and firm with her she gives it up and goes right back to being a good…

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Whisper Update — June 14, 2009 

Visited Whisper today, and wow! She looks amazing! She has grown a lot in height (she was 13.3 a few months ago, and I sticked her today at 14.2 at the wither and 15h at the butt — she is going to end up a good sized horse I think!). She also has filled out a LOT…you can see the QH in her now! And she had to be cut back because she really was getting too fat. Amy (foster mom) has done a…

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Summer Update from June 4 2009 

Update from Summer’s foster mom, Brenda: Summer is doing great I just love this mare. She needs a job with young horses teaching them the ropes. Figi has learned so much from her. I will have to get a video of Summer teaching Figi about personal space and making her back half the field it is so funny. 

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Sasha — May 31, 2009 

Sasha is doing well, I had my husband take some video of us lunging. I decided not to put her saddle, bridle, and side reins on today since it was so warm and I just wanted to give her little bit of exercise. She had gone lame in her rear legs about 2–3 weeks ago and I had the vet out and we ended up doing x‑rays to see if she had OCD lesions or patellar fixation. It turned out to be the latter…

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Babies in the Field 

Sinatra was The Older Brother, of sorts, on the baby pature this weekend but I certainly will not call him the mature voice of reason…he was up to lots of antics including removing his younger friends’ masks and nipping and getting in everyone else’s business (which was super fun for putting on fly masks!). I’m pretty sure Lola was ultimately “in charge” most of the time. Saturday morning I…

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Annie Update from May 26 2009 

A few photos of Annie today, with a friend of mine who used to train dressage (Vivian Doolittle) and who is volunteering her time to help us. Annie hasn’t been worked in over a month but she was a very good girl (even for having her back feet picked!). She got a little balky but gave it up quickly and did not escalate it at all. She thrives on attention and really does want to please. [gallery…

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Lola Update from May 25, 2009 

Lola is ready to be offered for adoption. She has made such a turnaround since I last saw her and not just because she has grown and shed her nasty coat. Gone is the little filly with the ‘tude, she is a total sweetheart now! Allison and I were able to groom her head to tail without even a halter and she just stood there and loved every minute of it. What a good girl! Here are some photos of…

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Aiden Update from May 25, 2009 

Aiden has turned out so beautiful! He is almost all shedded out and his head is really very refined for an Appaloosa. I am beginning to wonder if he is purebred — he also has a lot of mane and tail compared to the rest of the Appaloosas he was with who were all foundation appys with very little tail. Whatever he is, he is sure cute! And very sweet! A little more timid than Lola, but very sweet…

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Sinatra Update from May 10 2009 

Very funny Sinatra story from the day before yesterday. Sinatra and Benny were doing their “bite each other’s blanket” game and having lots of fun. And then Sinatra reared up and put his front feet over Benny. Benny started to walk off, and Sinatra just walked along with him on his hind legs, going along for the ride just as cool as a cucumber. Benny was also unfazed by his little cremello…

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Whisper Update — May 5, 2009 

From Laura: Update on Whisper’s case: Although we asked for at least 2 Counts of Animal Cruelty against Whisper’s previous owner, we learned today that Snohomish County has charged her with 1 Count of Animal Cruelty. A bit disheartening, to say the least, but at least the gal is being charged. Michelle Esteban (KOMO) has been notified, so there may be some sort of public announcement made. It…

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Holly Update — April 28, 2009 — First Ride! 

Update from Holly’s adopter: Holly had a big day today. She got her feet trimmed then it was to the round pen for some fun. Julie came over and we showed off how much Holly has learned, including wearing her saddle. Then Julie hopped on Holly and they went for Holly’s first ride in the round pen. All that ground work made it really easy for Holly to understand what was asked of her. She and…

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Biscotti — April 27, 2009 

New photos of Naughty Scotti. He is quite a bit bigger than Ariel now. He still has a long way to go to shed out his sheepskin rug but hair is coming off of him like no tomorrow.  Ok, he is the most expressive horse with his upper lip I have ever known. He catches any kind of scent in the air and up it goes. Here he is RUNNING with his lip up…funny boy! 

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Annie Update from Apr 26 2009 

We haven’t had any new photos of Annie in a while so I took a bunch today, just out in the pasture. She hasn’t had any work the last few weeks as Kyle has been her primary handler, and I’ve noticed she’s actually getting a bit tubby. She looks great actually, both her and Willow are very naturally slender even when they have a good cover over their ribs just from the way they are built and their…

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Whisper Update — April 26, 2009 

From Amy: I’m currently Whisper’s foster mom and here’s a quick update. She’s doing very well. Healthy, curious, and friendly. Very level-headed and just sensitive enough. I find her very easy to train. She was a bit pushy when she arrived a month or so ago, but is quickly becoming a well-behaved lady. She knows to give me room when I bring the food and she doesn’t apporach until I give the…

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Dory Update — April 24, 2009 

Sorry updates have been delayed on Dory, but here are some photos I took of her yesterday. She looks fantastic, all shedded out! And is it just me, or does she have more spots this year? 

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