Lola Update from Feb 16, 2009

Lola is growing and doesn’t have as much rain rot as Aiden had. She is still putting on the tough girl act but once you touch her the ears come back up. Silly filly!! She sometimes will stand to have her blanket on and off. She is getting the leading down but would prefer if we did it her way. They are starting to shed. can’t wait to see the color under all that hair.

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Whisper Update — February 11, 2009

From Monica: I was grooming our sweet Whisper tonight and she is really filling out in her body and I am actually going to be cutting her food back. She has shoulder muscles forming and a nice round rear, and a bit of a belly, too. She has changed so much in just this last week, since Komo 4 was out here. She is shedding out and becoming this glossy coated beauty. I sticked her and she has grown…

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Sasha — Feb 8, 2009

Good Evening- Here are some more pics of Sasha. We’ve been working with a trainer for about four weeks now. We’ve been doing a lot of linking up to get her to be comfortable with leading and stopping. She’s doing quite well in paying attention to me and my body language instead of other things going on around the barn. One of my lessons is right during feeding time, so it’s good practice for her…

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Annie Update from Feb 5 2009

Update from Allison: So I took Annie out for a thorough grooming session the other day, and I could not believe this was the same horse!!!!!! At first, she was a little jiggy, like “what are we doing, why is there no wall behind me”, but she quickly relaxed and dropped her head as I curried her. She is shedding like crazy so she must have been itchy and the brushing felt very good. She didn’t…

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Whisper Update — February 5, 2009

From Monica: Ok, the camera adds ten pounds…at least I hope it was the camera:-) I tried not to cry, but that sweet Whisper has a way of getting into the hearts of those who have had the priviledge of working with her. I swear I had many profound statements on Whispers behalf, but they played the tear jerker card-go figure. I really thought it was a nice story on Whisper and SAFE and I hope it…

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Summer Update from Feb 4 2009

Summer gets a haircut!  She is such a nice horse. I have never had a problem catching her and today she did not even blink at the clippers and let me clip her with out moving. 

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Summer Update from Feb 2 2009 and Feb 4 2009

 I promise I wont always post so many pictures but she is just so dang sweet. She is already warming up to us. Here she is with my boys. Summer is doing great. She is eating good and her and Figi are getting along just great. Summer had a visitor yesterday and she might be contacting safe!!!! Even if she does not decide to adopt her she knows lots of people and…

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Deeds Update from Feb 1 2009

Update from Deeds’ Adopter: So… Mr. Deeds got to be our model this wednesday! We had some reps out to my work to demonstrate a very fancy digital xray machine. Since my vet knew that i was planning on rechecking Deed’s enlarged fetlock and suspensory, he asked if i would be interested. Now, i have to admit that i have not ridden Deeds since i brought him home (i know, i know!), i was just so…

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Annie Update from Jan 30 2009

Annie is also wrapping up her training and coming back to Monroe this weekend, where hopefully we can find enough volunteers to keep her going until she finds a home! In the last couple of weeks Annie has also made huge strides in her training. While she will always be a more sensitive horse than Willow, she is going very well walk/trot/canter as well and she also is past the point of testing…

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Summer Update from Jan 26 2009

Summer came home from Laura’s on Saturday, just in time for our little mini-snowstorm. I had her in a stall and I turned her out in the arena with Cedar yesterday for some turnout time. WOW did she play hard! I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes…she was galloping, doing sliding stops, bucking, and just having a good old time. Both her and Cedar were playing together…

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Whisper Update — January 21, 2009

From Monica: Whisper wanted me to send a note out to her people, oh yes-she has people. She is doing well and getting more energy by the day. I am looking for some ideas about hay…she is picky. Some days I worry she isn’t eating enough hay. For awhile she appeared to not want anything but there was lots of extra when I got home. HMMMM… otherwise she devours her mashes, and…

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Whisper Update — January 17, 2009

Whisper got promoted into a 15 turn out in the large paddock today. We are limiting her turn out until her strength increases. In the attached video she shows her joy with a buck and a lope across the paddock. She is quite impressed with herself…she is such a hot to trot girl. I washed her legs and hind end again today, since those are worst areas covered in mud fever. The scabs are falling…

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Whisper Update — January 15, 2009

Hello Whisper fans, my name is Monica Carlile and I am Whispers foster mom. I’m sorry I was not savvy on this site, but now I am up and running and will do daily Whisper updates. First and foremost, she is doing great! She is so sweet and appreciative of anything I do to or with her. She loved her bath! As a matter of fact I was washing back under her tail and teet area and thought she was going…

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Whisper Update — January 14, 2009

From Monica, Whisper’s foster mom: Whisper had her first worming, first turn out into a paddock, her feet done and now a bath, too. I was nervous about the worming and did not know what to expect, but she didn’t have any problems at all. I honestly had never seen so many varieties of dead worms in a pile of horse manure before, it was pretty icky. I had a friend come by to see her and asked me…

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Annie Update from Jan 13 2009

Annie is doing fabulous! She has fully recovered from her panic after she bucked her rider off, and I got to witness her second canter under saddle. She is so beautiful under saddle — she has very beautiful movement, a lovely canter. She has this incredible neck…its very flexible (they call her the gumby horse), and she does have this neat trick of turning around and nipping your knee when you…

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The Good Life

What do you do when you have a pile of nice soft hay and your belly is full? Why you nap in it, of course!

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Whisper Update — January 9, 2009

From Monica, her foster mom: Whisper is doing great! Here are photos of her out today…the weather is finally good enough she can go into a small paddock. She bucked and tossed her head in delight upon being released-it wasn’t glamorous but she thought she was coolJ. She is alert and wide eyed and feeling great. She is pictured here with her next door neighbor Wishes(aka-Star) . [gallery…

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Whisper Update — January 8, 2009

The access road to where Whisper is is flooded, so I haven’t been able to visit her, but here was the update from yesterday: “I can’t wait until the time I can give Whisper a bath-she is one smelly girl. What a sweetheart too! I let her loose to wander the barn aisle way while I cleaned her stall and she was a great helper cleaning up the loose hay and stray apples. She is starting to feel…

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Annie Update from Jan 7 2009

Annie is doing well also, although she had a little setback last week. She tripped at the trot and then spooked herself which got her rider unbalanced, which started her bucking, and Andrea’s assistant fell off. She’s just fine, Annie was pretty upset about it though and they had to go back to working on the lunge line for a few days to settle her down and then they were able to go back to where…

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Greta update — Jan 7, 2009

Here’s an update on Greta: Sorry I haven’t been better at staying in touch. I moved Greta last summer to a small farm that is 4 miles from my house, she loves her new pal and we did a few trail rides together over the summer. Unfortunately she developed acute laminitis in October, it was quite a shock because she has been such an easy keeper. I won’t bore you with all the details, I’ll just say…

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Lola Update from Jan 6, 2009

Lola got her feet done today as well…she was a very good girl and we had no issues getting her done quickly. She really likes attention, she just likes to act grumpy but as soon as you start petting her, her little ears come up. She’s just insecure and trying to tell us she’s a tough girl. It’s absolutely adorable.

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Aiden Update from Jan 6, 2009

Aiden got his first hoof trimming today. He was so good! He was a little unsure about it and jumped a couple of times but didn’t try very hard and by the time we got to the last two feet he was standing there like a perfect angel. His sister Lola (not sure if they are at all related, but I call them siblings) is VERY protective of him and will try to put herself between you and him with her…

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Whisper Update — January 6, 2009

Whisper went down tonight and gave her foster mom a scare. But I had her bring out the grain, give her a few bites and then take it away and sure enough, Whisper got herself right up. Crisis averted. Good girl, Whisper! ***** Monica checked on Whisper every couple hours throughout the night, and while she was usually down, she jumped right up when Monica came in as she now understands that…

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Whisper Update — January 5, 2009

From Bonnie: a little birdie just told me that Whisper is on her way home this afternoon!! We have received a tremendous amount of support for Whisper’s care, and it is thanks to all of you that we were able to send her to Pilchuck when she needed to be sent there. The outpouring of concern over the fate of this little filly was incredible. Thank you from the bottom of my/our heart(s)! ***** And…

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Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009

Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009

Aiden is the sweetest little colt! Little Lola is a spitfire…she’s got lots of attitude especially when food is near and her little ears will go flat back (but she doesn’t do anything except try to look mean, which is really just cute). Aiden on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated by me now that I bring the food, and his eyes follow me everywhere when I am in his stall, and he will come…

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Whisper Update — January 4, 2009

I have the MOST excellent news from Pilchuck! Whisper got herself up, all on her own, THREE times yesterday! We are giving her one more day and if she continues to do well, we plan on bringing her home tomorrow!

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