SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

The Good Life 

What do you do when you have a pile of nice soft hay and your belly is full? Why you nap in it, of course!

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Whisper Update — January 9, 2009 

From Monica, her foster mom: Whisper is doing great! Here are photos of her out today…the weather is finally good enough she can go into a small paddock. She bucked and tossed her head in delight upon being released-it wasn’t glamorous but she thought she was coolJ. She is alert and wide eyed and feeling great. She is pictured here with her next door neighbor Wishes(aka-Star) . [gallery…

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Whisper Update — January 8, 2009 

The access road to where Whisper is is flooded, so I haven’t been able to visit her, but here was the update from yesterday: “I can’t wait until the time I can give Whisper a bath-she is one smelly girl. What a sweetheart too! I let her loose to wander the barn aisle way while I cleaned her stall and she was a great helper cleaning up the loose hay and stray apples. She is starting to feel…

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Annie Update from Jan 7 2009 

Annie is doing well also, although she had a little setback last week. She tripped at the trot and then spooked herself which got her rider unbalanced, which started her bucking, and Andrea’s assistant fell off. She’s just fine, Annie was pretty upset about it though and they had to go back to working on the lunge line for a few days to settle her down and then they were able to go back to where…

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Greta update — Jan 7, 2009 

Here’s an update on Greta: Sorry I haven’t been better at staying in touch. I moved Greta last summer to a small farm that is 4 miles from my house, she loves her new pal and we did a few trail rides together over the summer. Unfortunately she developed acute laminitis in October, it was quite a shock because she has been such an easy keeper. I won’t bore you with all the details, I’ll just say…

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Lola Update from Jan 6, 2009 

Lola got her feet done today as well…she was a very good girl and we had no issues getting her done quickly. She really likes attention, she just likes to act grumpy but as soon as you start petting her, her little ears come up. She’s just insecure and trying to tell us she’s a tough girl. It’s absolutely adorable.

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Aiden Update from Jan 6, 2009 

Aiden got his first hoof trimming today. He was so good! He was a little unsure about it and jumped a couple of times but didn’t try very hard and by the time we got to the last two feet he was standing there like a perfect angel. His sister Lola (not sure if they are at all related, but I call them siblings) is VERY protective of him and will try to put herself between you and him with her…

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Whisper Update — January 6, 2009 

Whisper went down tonight and gave her foster mom a scare. But I had her bring out the grain, give her a few bites and then take it away and sure enough, Whisper got herself right up. Crisis averted. Good girl, Whisper! ***** Monica checked on Whisper every couple hours throughout the night, and while she was usually down, she jumped right up when Monica came in as she now understands that…

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Whisper Update — January 5, 2009 

From Bonnie: a little birdie just told me that Whisper is on her way home this afternoon!! We have received a tremendous amount of support for Whisper’s care, and it is thanks to all of you that we were able to send her to Pilchuck when she needed to be sent there. The outpouring of concern over the fate of this little filly was incredible. Thank you from the bottom of my/our heart(s)! ***** And…

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Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009

Aiden Update from Jan 4, 2009 

Aiden is the sweetest little colt! Little Lola is a spitfire…she’s got lots of attitude especially when food is near and her little ears will go flat back (but she doesn’t do anything except try to look mean, which is really just cute). Aiden on the other hand, is absolutely fascinated by me now that I bring the food, and his eyes follow me everywhere when I am in his stall, and he will come…

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Whisper Update — January 4, 2009 

I have the MOST excellent news from Pilchuck! Whisper got herself up, all on her own, THREE times yesterday! We are giving her one more day and if she continues to do well, we plan on bringing her home tomorrow!

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Whisper Update — January 2, 2009 

From Laura: I went to see Whisper today at 11:30. She was standing up, and munching on her hay. The little Miss was very bright eyed, and met me at the stall door. (She must have known that I was accompanied by an apple.) After she ate her apple, she promptly attempted to mug me for another one (which I did not have.) I don’t advocate a horse being pushy at all…but for Whisper I have to make…

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Lola Update from Jan 1, 2009 

Here’s photos of the possible Lola taken today. Sorry for the too-big halter, that’s a yearling halter, going to have to pull out the foal halters, she’s tiny!  She’s very weak and wobbly on her hind end, and stocked up behind, as you can see: She’s very sweet and affectionate. She does have some food-aggression issues (ear pinning when there is food near her), but the rest…

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Aiden Background and History 

Aiden was surrendered by his owner to SAFE with encouragement from Animal Control. He is about 8 months old, chestnut with a blanket (I think — need to recheck) and a star, Appaloosa colt. He’s in extremely poor condition, with a BCS of about a 1.5–2.0, and is covered with rain rot. He’s sweet but not halter broke, although he got a crash course today as he was caught and led to the trailer and…

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Whisper Update — January 1, 2009 

From Monica Bretherton: I too got to visit Ms. Whisper today. Forget champagne, New Year’s from now on will be about the sweet smell of alfalfa! Met, Whisper was up and eating, so there was no need for her to be wearing the helmet while I was there. However, it was standing by outside the stall, so presumably they are still…

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Lola Background & History 

New arrival at SAFE. Due to the fact that this is an open neglect case, I cannot provide many details at this time. This filly was surrendered by her owner to SAFE with encouragement from Animal Control. She is about 8 months old, black with a blanket, by an Appaloosa stallion out of an Arabian mare who did not survive. She’s in extremely poor condition, with a BCS of about a 1.5–2.0, and is…

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Whisper Update — Dec 31, 2008 

I had a very exhausting day (more on that later), but I wanted to give a quick update for the Whisper fan club. Whisper was down 3 or 4 times last night (I am beginning to lose count). After much discussion, the decision was made for Whisper to go to Pilchuck today. She is now safely in their ICU unit, in a huge heated stall where she doesn’t even need to wear a blanket. While she was there, she…

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Whisper Update — Dec 30, 2008 

Whisper was down again yesterday evening..not sure yet how she did overnight. Unfortunately, I threw my back out badly and am lying on the couch in misery after a very restless night. It’s my turn to do night watch tonight, but not sure how much help I am going to be. Equinevet — I know that cardiac myopathy is one thing that is being discussed with Pilchuck right now. We are running some extra…

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Whisper Update — Dec 29, 2008 

Whisper update, but its not a very good one. When Valerie, Hannah and Lisa got Whisper up last night, she had hit her head against the wall during her struggles and took a big chunk out of the inside of her mouth. Then while getting her up she swung her head and smacked Valerie right in the bridge of her nose pretty badly, and also smacked Hannah in the back of the head. Everybody’s ok, but the…

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Whisper Update — Dec 28, 2008 

I have several checks at my house as well I need to post (tomorrow, too exhausted tonight). Brief update: Whisper was down at about 8pm (?) yesterday, just before I got to Lisa’s for my night duty so Lisa and Kier could get some much-needed sleep. Her temp was going up and down but her heart rate was up, she was gassy and looking at her stomach, sweating and seemed much more uncomfortable, so we…

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Honeycutt Photo Gallery — SAFE Show Poster 

Honeycutt was the poster boy for the SAFE Benefit Horse Show poster starting with our 2008 show held at Bridle Trails. Here is the poster, along with some outtakes from our photoshoot. I did not have an assistant for the photo shoot, but Honeycutt stood still for me and never once tried to wander off. Honeycutt has never had the opportunity to win a blue ribbon like the one he is wearing in…

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Whisper Update — Dec 27, 2008 

more donations for Whisper and the other SAFE horses, via Paypal: 12/27 Phyllis Stroh donated $100 Jodycat donated $103 12/25 Alison Jones of Redmond WA donated $100.00 Robert Adkins donated $75 in the name of Dorothy Adkins of Marysville WA 12/24 Kyle Wohlers of Marysville WA donated $100 Ruth Okamoto of St Louis MO donated $75 in honor of Monica Bretherton Kay Thompson of Sammamish, WA donated…

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Whisper Update — Dec 26, 2008 

Christmas was a rough day for little Whisper. She went down around 3:30 in the afternoon, Lisa, Kier, Valerie and her husband got her up around 5:30. Then she went down again about 1:15am last night. What we are doing now is letting her stay down until her temperature falls to 98 or below, so this time she was able to stay down until 5am and then Lisa called Mike and I to have our turn at…

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Whisper Update — Dec 24, 2008 

From Lisa: It is now 5am.….We found Whisper down at about 2:00am and her body temp was dropping again. Called Dr Hannah (who I think was thrilled to hear from us again ) She jumped in her truck and was here pretty quickly. It was time to try out the newly installed hoist system. Whisper was not bothered at all by the commotion of getting the sling under her body, the noise of the electric…

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Whisper Update — Dec 23, 2008 

From Lisa: Whisper is doing well today.…..She hasn’t been down since early yesterday morning, which is very encouraging. (Of course as Murphy’s Law tells us — she won’t go down again now that we have this incredible hoist system in the barn) She continues to eat like crazy and is always happy to see us come into the barn. We are very grateful for the help getting this hoist system in place for…

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Whisper Update — Dec 22, 2008 

Here are some notes that Dr Hannah emailed me yesterday after Whisper’s bloodwork. Whisper’s blood work showed that she is well hydrated, her kidney and liver function is normal, her muscle enzymes are slightly elevated (this is expected based on what she’s gone through and so not of concern at this level), she is mildly anemic (in her last blood work her HCT was in the normal range, likely has…

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Sasha — Dec 21, 2008 

Good Afternoon~ I hope everyone is hanging in there with the snow.  Sasha is doing well–she had her feet trimmed last week.  I’ve been continuing to work with her on ground training and keeping her engaged.  She is very smart and gets bored easily so I’ve been mixing it up (e.g. going over ground poles, tarps, etc).  I plan to start to work with the Trainer next month after the holidays.  I…

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