SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Whisper Update — Dec 21, 2008 

Whisper stayed up overnight but has been down twice this morning, and the last time her heart rate was up and she was breathing hard, but they got her up after one failed attempt where she was up and then fell down again. Her temp went up to 102 overnight and has been hovering around 101 so she’s definately fighting something. Keep jingling, please. From Lisa: What a long night! Kier and I…

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Whisper Update — Dec 20 2008 

Whisper went down again and I was making phone calls at 11pm tonight. We got her up again, once again she perked up but I am pretty depressed that she went down again so quickly. It’s going to be a long, cold night. ***** She managed to stay up all night. Thank goodness. She’s perky and eating this morning despite the icicles on her chin. We’ve put a call out to the media for a heated barn for…

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Whisper Update — Dec 19 2008 

SAFE has received the following donations earmarked for the care of Whisper: $100 from Dana Lim of Marysville WA $200 from Dede Renne of Kirkland WA $50 from Drue and William Coats of Bothell WA $400.00 from Djer Embacher of Marysville WA!!!!! THANK YOU to all of you for reaching out to help this filly!! Whisper gave me a big scare this morning. She was down when I went out to feed this morning…

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Sinatra Update from Dec 18 2008 

Here is Sinatra modeling his brand new big-boy blanket. Unfortunately, it’s so cold that he is now wearing his wrap-around baby blanket over top, but he wanted you all to see how sharp he looks without it: 

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Annie Update from Dec 17 2008 

Lots to write about Annie! She is doing great!! She is now off the lunge line and walking and trotting in the big arena! Annie, our little hotheaded redhead, is doing amazingly well. One thing that is clear about Annie is that it takes a while for her to trust people and she is really looking for one person to bond with. Right now, that person is Andrea’s assistant, who has been her main handler…

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Whisper Update — Dec 17, 2008 

Our little girl definitely has some opinions about things. She would like her food NOW and she would like to get out of the stall NOW and yes I will just push you over if you are in my way. She’s really quite cute with how pushy she is…she is obviously gaining her strength back quickly and its wonderful to see. Little Whisper had a bit of a fever today, and a little bit of snotty nose and a…

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Whisper Update — Dec 16 2008 

Yesterday Laura brought Whisper a beautiful new heavyweight Weatherbeata blanket for Whisper. Last night when Hannah was out to check in on her, we took off the canvas blanket and the blanket Hannah had loaned her and put the new blanket on over her pretty plaid blanket (also donated by Laura). We didn’t do up the leg straps on the top blanket because the bottom blanket hung a little lower and I…

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Whisper Update — Dec 14 2008 

Dr. Hannah was here this morning to check again on Whisper. Her temp was 98 degrees so she is still staying warm, but we added a 3rd blanket on her because it is just so cold out there, and very windy as well. We put some ointment on her wounds, and we really wanted to get some of the caked mud matts off of her because some of them are pulling loose and taking the hair with them causing some of…

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Whisper — Background and History — Dec 14 2008 

Whisper was rescued a week ago by Snohomish City Animal Control. Whisper was being kept in the backyard of a Snohomish city resident along with 3 other horses and severely neglected. Apparantly, Whisper went down and couldn’t get up, and she called Pilchuck out. They found Whisper on her back in a trough she had dug for herself, feet in the air. She was severely emaciated and dehydrated and the…

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Deeds Update from Nov 30 2008 and Dec 7 2008 

Update from Deeds’ adopter, Kate: Well, we didn’t do a photo shoot because we have a new wrinkle, er bump… The herd bliss was apparently on temporary hiatus and Deeds has been kicked, very hard, in the shoulder. The pressure of the kick appears to have split the muscle and left a deceptively small hole. Holy swelling! Luckily, the wound is at the bottom of the split and allows drainage. The…

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Biscotti — Dec 6, 2008 

Biscotti  is now a gelding! Everything went well and very quickly, he got up smoothly after the surgery and Kayo and he are sharing a stall and are “gelding buddies”. Here some photos to start off his new thread, taken about a month ago. His winter coat looks like a sheepskin rug, it is hilarious! He is taller than Kayo, who is a month older, and Ariel, who is two months older, so I am wondering…

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Sasha — Dec 6, 2008 

Happy Saturday to all! I hear you on the dream barn. I think I’d probably clone Pond-a-Luce‑a with a few slight changes. They have a nice hay loft and a wash rack with warm water. It came in handy today when Sasha had her first dental! She did very well and had two baby teeth come out after being floated and then the vet pulled two wolf teeth. One was very long and the other was a little nub.…

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Dory Update — Dec 2, 2008 

I went out and visited Dory on Saturday at her foster home (and brought a potential adopter to visit her as well). She is doing fabulous! She’s in with three other horses and they all cater to her as the baby — she sneaks her way in slowly to the other horses’ stalls and eat their food after hers is gone, so she’s a bit on the chubby side right now.  She looks great and is just as sweet as can…

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Annie Update from Dec 2 2008 

Last report I had from Andrea (which was on Saturday) is that Annie is doing well, but of course is much more reactive than Willow and Andrea is going slow with her…working on desensitizing, learning how to tie and have baths and all that. She’s tacked her up, lunged her in tack, and had a rider lean over her and walked her around, but not up on her yet (even though she’s had some rides on her…

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Biscotti — Dec 2, 2008 

Hope is up at Julie’s right now, and Scotti is still here with me. Kayo and Scotti are scheduled for their brain surgery on Saturday…then the fun begins of the twice daily forced exercise. *sigh* — I am not looking forward to that part, but am looking forward to the removal of their manliness (actually, they are both pretty good boys, not very mouthy or studdy yet, but still, I’d rather have…

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Summer Update from Dec 2 2008 

Summer is doing really well, and I can see that she feels much better now that she is on the Cushings medications. Her weight is great and she’s a great babysitter to the weanlings. I’ve also seen her gallop across the pasture a couple of times, so she is bright and perky. Her manure is still soft, but I switched her to Timothy hay and the most of her diarrhea has cleared up. I just went outside…

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Sasha — Nov 29, 2008 

From Megan: We moved Sasha to her new home at Pond-a-Luce‑A Stables today (about 2–3 mins from KCJ). She really enjoys the indoor arena and her new stall. She was excited and unsure of the trailer and it took a little longer than we’d hoped to get her loaded up. But, the Barn Manager at the new stable pulls her trailer into the arena once a week for practice loading and unloading (there are a…

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Annie Update from Nov 20 2008 

Annie’s doing well. So far Andrea (the trainer) is just getting to know them and working on ground work. Willow is learning to lunge and have things blankets thrown over her back and such in preparation for the saddle. She’s doing more desensitizing work with Annie as she is still the more sensitive and reactive mare even though she has had more training, Andrea wants to establish trust with her…

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Holly Update — Nov 19, 2008 

From Holly’s adopter: Dr. Hannah was out today to “winterize” the horses. She gave Holly two thumbs up! We used the measure stick and Holly is now 14.2 1/2 hands tall. She has grown 1 1/2″ since I last measured her in Aug. Holly’s rump is still taller than her withers. So much for my short horse. I will wait till spring to start her full training. It’s more important that she grow right now.

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Annie Update from Nov 16 2008 

Annie’s on her way up to training! Annie loaded into the trailer like a champ, but was very nervous when she couldn’t see Willow. She is still so insecure about her place in this world and hopefully her training at Half Trak Farm will help her confidence in people and herself. When Annie got put into her stall, she was more interested in what was happening in…

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Deeds Update from Nov 16 2008 

Hi there! Quick update for Mr. Deeds… That boy can EAT!!! Luckily, my two other mares are veeery easy keepers, so he kind of balances things out Unfortunately, he has been prone to some skin irritations this winter, as have many horses in our wet county. But, he is a perfect gem for baths and treatments, and has a set of blankets now to choose from- depending on the weather. So, he still gets…

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Sinatra Update from Nov 15 2008 

Sinatra and Benny have come to Silverdale to live with me for a while. It’s been a nice warm day, so I decided to spend some time grooming Sinatra. He looked so nice that I decided to try to document it using my iPhone. these are my favorites: 

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Sasha — Nov 15, 2008 

From Megan: Good Evening & Happy Saturday! Sasha had a busy day! She had a visit from the vet and got all of her shots and an exam as well. We did the weight tape on her and she was up to 821 lbs! We’re hoping to float her teeth in a month or so when she has a stall at her new barn (she’s moving to Pond-a-Luce on 11/30). I took some shots of her to share since the weather cooperated:…

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Sasha — Nov 8, 2008 

Hello Everyone! I finally joined and will continue to update you on Sasha’s progress. It’s been a bit tough where I’m at to work with her daily due to the rain and the lack of light when I arrive. I’m looking into other options (e.g. moving her to another barn with an indoor arena). I don’t want her to fall behind on her training. I did have some time between rain showers yesterday to take her…

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Sasha Update — Nov 2, 2008 

Congratulations to Megan M. from Tacoma, WA on her adoption of Sasha! From Jet: I will post photos when I get back but Sasha and her new Mom, Megan seemed to be getting along great when I left the barn. I’ve been bitting my lip for weeks in anticipation of her arival at KCJ where I board so I was there to meet everyone today Sasha had many of her old and new fans around today! It was obvious…

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Horsebytes Blog: Pasture Peerage From Phoenix’s adopter: Thanks so much Monica for chronicling Phoenix’s assimilation into his new herd. I have to say that they have been much kinder to him than at the last place — I don’t see any evidence of “physical reminders” of his place  Isn’t he growing??? He is starting to look more like a horse everyday and less like a…

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Sasha Update — Oct 28, 2008 

From Merle: On Sunday I will be hauling Sasha to her new home! I am so excited for her. Sasha is a fun horse and deserves the chance to be loved. Last night I went to the gate and called her. She came running in from the back of the pasture, put her head down to have the halter put on and walked nicely to the stall. Happy days for Sasha

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October 2008 Phoenix Updates from his adopter 

October 2, 2008 So Phoenix has a new teacher!!! [name removed] will be Phoenix’s trainer — we all met last night and — like everyone else — [name removed]  thinks Phoenix is the cutest thing  [name removed]  has a degree in Equine Science and a National title to boot! She will be a great source of information on diet, exercise, and everything “horsey” She is going to be working with him 2–3 days…

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