SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Sasha Update — Oct 18, 2008 

From Merle: Daphne came out yesterday and trimmed Sasha’s feet. She was very pleased at how Sasha is doing. Sasha is fun to work with. Hopefully, she will get her new home soon.

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Dory — Background, History, Photos 

Dory is one of the Elledge horses from Snohomish County that SAFE has been quietly housing for the county since last March. If you are not familiar with her story, she first went to the Enumclaw auction after the seizure along with the other mares and foals. When she was discovered at the auction on the day of the public sale, along with Ella who was near death, there was a public outcry which…

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Biscotti — Oct 13, 2008 

Scotti is just fine from his choke incident a while back, and yesterday was the big day — he was weaned. We weaned him and the Arab filly we have from Sno County (Ariel) at the same time and also brought Kayo, Julie’s colt, here as well, so they could all be weaning buddies together. I really thought Scotti would be the easiest because he is so confident and Hope really doesn’t have much…

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Sasha Update — October 11, 2008 

Pending adoption! And update from Merle: Sasha is doing great! What a smart girl she is. Yesterday she had company come to see her and got to show off all her new training. Looks like Sasha will get new home soon. That is so great! Sasha was so cute with the little girl that was here. Sasha really liked her and was amazed by her bright blue rain coat. Very fun. So happy that this very special…

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Sasha Update — Oct 3, 2008 

From Merle: I went and got Sasha from Jaime’s today. She will spend some time here “playing” in the round pen. Sasha was a little reluctant to get in the trailer but finally decided to go in. And a funny story from Valerie: Thought I would share a funny Sasha story — back when Sasha first came to Jaime’s and was housed in the arena (see pics above where Jaime describes trying to catch her to fix…

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Annie Update from Sept 28 2008 

Update on Annie from Julie B., foster mom: I am now riding Annie in English tack with no problems. She is going well under saddle but has tried to buck when asked to trot — not sure what that is about! She continues to improve with listening to leg and seat aids. I have now ridden her outside of the round pen and she did very well. I have also ridden her near other horses and that didn’t seem to…

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Update from Phoenix’s new adopter 

Update from Phoenix’s new adopter: So, here is the first of what will be MANY updates  After Jaime and I got him settled in his new paddock yesterday I left and got his grain and put together packages for the boarding facility to feed him. When I came back, he was still out grazing so I took him out of the paddock and let him hand graze for about 30 minutes and then we walked the fenceline of…

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Phoenix Adoption Annoucement 

Congratulations to Bernadette Ziegler on her adoption of Phoenix!! Bernie fell in love with Phoenix the last couple of months while she has been volunteering out at the farm, and finally decided to adopt him. He will be boarded at a facility in nearby Clearview, so he won’t be going too far away, thankfully, as I will miss him terribly. He was a superstar today with trailering and arriving at…

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Scotti — Sept 18, 2008 

Scotti is sounding a lot better but NOT being a good boy for them. He’s making me chase him for 15 minutes before he will allow himself to be caught, and getting it down his throat isn’t fun either.

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Biscotti — Sept 14, 2008 

Poor Scotti was sounding bad again yesterday, and thankfully Hannah happened to be out and checked in on him. He is back on the antibiotics for another week. He seems like he feels ok, but his breathing sounds like Darth Vader. If he doesn’t improve after another round of antibiotics he will need to be scoped.

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Holly Update — Adopted! 

Holly has been adopted by her foster mom, Merle of Duvall, WA! It’s official! I got the PM today that Holly is staying here at J&M Swan Acres. I am excited! Holly is a wonderful horse and I am lucky to be the one to care for her. I had hoped she would have a little girl to show her and love her but a little old lady will have to do. I have started her round pen training and she is so smart!…

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Biscotti — Sept 2, 2008 

Scotti is doing much better. I had some gravel delivered today and he and Hope were very excited and running around. He’s still getting his hay soaked and his breathing is still somewhat ragged. He was not a very good boy for his antibiotics last night but was much better this morning. I will be happy when the 5 days is up.

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Biscotti — Sept 1, 2008 

Scotti gave me a huge scare last night. I was gone most of the day school shopping and by the time I got out to feed it was 8:30 and already dark. I fed everyone and was heading back to the house passing by the front pasture that Hope and Scotti were in, and Scotti whinnied a greeting as he always does, except it sounded really weird and wrong. I went over to check on him and his breathing was…

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Biscotti — August 30, 2008 

Here’s a photo from August 28th with volunteer Crystal: And from Monica who did an article on him in her Horsebytes column: Scotti sure doesn’t look like he has ever had any nutritional setbacks in his life! If you haven’t yet been to visit him, though, it is his personality that constantly lures people into the paddock. I was…

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Annie Update from Aug 28 2008 

Update from Monica B.: Yesterday I tried to make the most of a break between rain showers. With the help of Ashley, who boards her horse at Edensgate, and her friend Hailey, we put Annie through her paces. I hope to supplement this at some point with some footage under saddle, but she looks pretty good just out in the field! If you want to just go…

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Holly Update — Aug 15, 2008 

Update from Holly’s foster mom: Here are some pictures of Holly from today getting ready for the SAFE horse show. Holly has learned to be clipped, bath and is learning how to be a show horse, for showmanship. Holly would make some 4‑H girl and wonderful project! She is so calm and sweet. She cleans up real good!!! I’ve had so much fun working with her. 

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Holly Baby Photos! 

Pictures of Holly, I am guessing about 6 months old in these photos. These photos were given to me by a former employee of Jean’s who asked to be anonymous.  Holly’s dam was called Mellie and was a registered appaloosa named Moonlight Melody. As far as we know, she was owned by Jean at the time of the seizure, but was not found. It is believed Jean may have given her to a friend prior to the…

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Sinatra Update from Aug 5 and August 15 2008 

Sinatra is now available for adoption! I have some new information on Sinatra from someone who used to work out at Jean’s farm in Monroe. Sinatra is actually older than Phoenix. Sinatra turned a year in around the April/May timeframe, and Phoenix was more like a July/August baby. However, Sinatra’s dam, Sea of Wisdom, was not very tall, not more than 14h, whereas Phoenix’s dam, Olympic Spirit…

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Holly Update — Aug 13, 2008 

Holly update from her foster mom: A Holly update… It’s been a while since I’ve let you know how Holly is doing. She is really good! Although, yesterday when I went out to bring horses in I found her on the driveway. The other three horses were still in the pasture. She had jumped the gate, broke the hot wire over the gate and bent the heck out of the gate. She had a couple small scratches was…

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Sunny, thank you for the Sunshine

Sunny, thank you for the Sunshine 

Sunny was nearly 30 years old when he came to SAFE, a badly neglected Arabian gelding with terrible teeth, an enlarged knee, and a tendency to choke. A diet of extremely wet mush made from beet pulp and senior grain helped him regain some of the weight he lost so that we could get his loose tooth extracted and his teeth floated. Although he had been treated so poorly in the past, he was a very…

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Gelding Day for Phoenix and Sinatra 

Today was the day that Phoenix and Sinatra were turned into happy geldings. The procedure was done in the front pasture by Dr Hannah.   Update 7/23/2008: Phoenix was rechecked yesterday by Dr. Hannah and is doing well. He has had quite a bit more swelling than…

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Holly Update — July 18, 2008 

Holly update from her foster mom: Holly is doing good. I have given her my TB gelding as a pasture buddy and that is working out good. At night they are brought into their own paddock and stall. I am in AZ taking care of my daughter, who just had surgery but I get daily reports on Holly and the rest of my critters. I can’t believe how well the horses do here in 112 heat! Holly is a wonderful…

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Sinatra Update from July 14 2008 and July 17 2008 

Sinatra was gelded today! All went well, although his recovery was a little wild. Then he was forced to stand and watch Phoenix have his brain surgery. We tried putting them in separate stalls, but they were having none of it so they are sharing one for now. July 17 2008 They are both doing well. Phoenix has a bit more swelling than Sinatra (he was a little more endowed as…

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