SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Deeds Update from July 13 2008 

Update from Deeds’ adopter, Kate: I have to gush about how amazed I am by this boy: Each day we’ve been taking little walks and just doing some getting-to-know-you stuff, grooming and so on. Last night, he was more than happy to just stand next to me while I chatted with a neighbor about his adoption… he just rested a hind foot and kinda leaned his head against my arm, not even trying to rub.…

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Deeds Update from July 8 2008 and July 9 2008 

Update from Deeds’ adopter, Kate: Whew! That was a looooong trip! Luckily, the big guy was quite relaxed each time i checked on him on the way to Lynden (though he was rather sassy about getting IN the trailer, thank you Bonnie for helping!). When we finally arrived home, he turned around and announced himself to the county. He walked very nicely up to his turnout and promptly rolled in the…

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Deeds Update from July 6 2008 

Congratulations to Kate A. of Ferndale, WA on her adoption of Deeds!  I can’t wait to see photos and hear how he is doing at your place. I am so happy he has found such a wonderful new home!! It took almost a year, but good things always come to those who wait. From Kate, Deeds’ Adopter: Deeds will be coming home on Tuesday afternoon! Thank you so much to everyone at SAFE who took care of him…

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Sinatra Update from June 30 2008 

Sinatra is actually starting to grow into himself and look like a horse. And he can move! When he gets going he is really quite fancy to watch. No action shots today but here are a couple enjoying his HUGE new pasture with Phoenix!  LOOK at this! He has straightened out behind!  I included a before photo from when he first arrived for comparison. Phoenix and Sinatra are…

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Buckwheat Update from June 24 2008 

From Jenny: I briefly visited Bucky last week — it was a bittersweet visit because of Shante’s passing (Shante’s final resting place is a lovely spot on kind of a knoll, under a huge tree). Bucky was eating his mush and hay when I arrived; he’s all shed out, his coat is glowing, and he is bright (though Kathy said he seemed out of sorts following Shante’s death). [gallery link=“file”…

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Annie Update from June 19 2008 

Another Annie update from her foster mom, Julie: Here’s another update on Annie. Unfortunately I can’t seem to post to the message board from my computer — I’ve tried everything and even my techno-savvy ex-husband can’t figure it out… Anyhow, yesterday was Annie’s fourth ride and first ride in “grown-up” tack : ) — my western Crates saddle, which is alot heavier than the breaking/backing…

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Biscotti — June 18, 2008 

Ok, the naming thing. We’ve thrown around the idea of a naming contest/fundraiser. I am not sure how many people are interested in this, but ok, how about $5/name? Contest ends Sunday 6pm. And PLEASE, pick good names! We are looking for a barn name, not a registered name, so while “Sail the Golden Seas” was really creative and cute, we won’t be registering him (his adopter could choose to try,…

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Annie Update from June 17 2008 

Fantastic update on Annie from her foster mom, Julie! I just wanted to give you an update on how Annie is doing. I have started her under saddle and have put three rides on her. I have bridled her and have ridden her with a snaffle. She is halter broke and leads safely. She will put her head in the halter herself and no longer tosses it when being haltered. She will move away from pressure when…

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Biscotti — June 16, 2008 

Photos courtesy of Leah Anderson: Hope’s baby (come on! Name please!) got his first “trim” today. He was a bit fussy at first but once I figured out that as long as I scritched his back and butt really hard — Daphne could do whatever she wanted with his feet. Even for all his struggles in the beginning — Hope was across the pasture and never even looked up.….thank…

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Holly Update — June 13, 2008 

Holly update from her foster mom: Holly was as bad as the others but because of her color it was not as apparent. The first time she came in wet from the rain I was taken back by how thin she really was. Holly weighed 680lbs when she came here. Yesterday I did some beauty shop on the girls and she weighs 750lbs. Dr Hanna says she is just right! She has grown 1/2″ too. Emma has grown 4 1/2″ and…

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Sinatra and Phoenix from May-June 2008 

May 21 2008 Not exactly a glamour shot, but here here’s Sinatra and Phoenix — I call this shot “Bonnie’s Groupies.” Sinatra is so laid back compared to Phoenix, who is Bart Simpson personified. Or is that horseified? June 12 2008 Mike managed to grab the camera and a photo of the boys playing rough (as boys do!) a couple of weeks ago. June 16 2008 Some lovely photos of the two boys by Leah…

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Holly Update — June 11, 2008 

Update from Holly’s foster mom: Dr Hannah was out last week and Daphine was out today. The little girls are growing! I love the colors on Holly. I looked at the Appaloosa web site but still don’t know what the name is for Holly’s colors. Maybe.…Bay Roan with blanket and snow flakes. Not sure.

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Deeds Update from June 9 2008 

Update from Liz Stabbert, equine photographer: Like Amy said I got to go out and meet her and Deeds a couple days ago. I was almost hoping he was still feeling spunky and I could get some dramatic galloping Deeds shots It ended up I got a lot of pictures of him eating. Back to his old self I guess! All in all he was a very sweet boy and it was fun to get to see him in person. Hopefully we can…

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Annie Update from June 7 2008 

Annie received her vaccination boosters, a dental float, and a trim on Friday. She was very good for her front feet, but still required some sedation for her back feet, although Daphne was able to handle her back feet a bit better without sedation. Annie is also reportedly doing VERY well at Julie’s and is responding well to the groundwork. While we will continue to have her in training and may…

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Deeds Update from June 6 2008 

Deeds is popular with all the ladies at Frontier Training Stables. Deeds got a visit on Thursday from Mr and Mrs Kea’s Crest. I wanted to introduce him to them because they are interested in a horse that Mrs KC can ride. I told them about Deeds, and how I thought he’d make a suitable candidate, so we drove over to the boarding barn to see him. Deeds ended up making me look very foolish. Either…

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Biscotti — June 5, 2008 

From Monica B: When we visited Monday we got to play with Hope and baby a bit. May I say, Hope is stunning! She has such vibrant contrast with her white and black. She has “cleaned up” beautifully. Her weight looks great and she is a very gentle girl and has such sweet eyes. Baby is all colt! What a character. Even before we approached his pasture you could see him tearing around, whinneying,…

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Annie Update from June 1 2008 

Just a quick note — Annie was FANTASTIC getting in the trailer today! It took us only 5 minutes or so and we didn’t have to use anything to get her in, just a little grain to encourage her. She was SUCH a good girl! She is now at Julie’s (with Cedar) to get some groundwork training.

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Annie Update from May 28 2008 

Jaime, Allison and I stopped by to see Annie and Dutchess last Saturday. I was quite impressed with how beautiful Annie has become now that her health and weight have been restored. She is really stunning. She is friendly enough when she doesn’t feel stressed or threatened in any way, and she enjoyed the large handfuls of grass that Allison fed her. We are going to attempt to send Annie for…

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Biscotti — May 28, 2008 

From Valerie (volunteer): He is a handful! On Monday I went over to Jaime’s and we stood there and watched him pounce mercilessly all over Hope because she had the nerve to eat her grain instead of paying attention to him. He grabbed ahold of the crest of her neck and was shaking his head back and forth like a dog with a tug toy. Eating her mane. Rearing up and climbing all over her neck and…

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Biscotti — May 21, 2008 

Update from Valerie (volunteer): An update on Hope’s baby. I went to Jaime’s yesterday and spent a little time with him. You will all be glad to know that he is turning into the little stink we all hoped he would. He is barely a week old and was already trying to nip me and grabbed ahold of my shirt. I was scratching his back and he humped it up and did a little bouncing with his head down.…

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Holly Update — May 17, 2008 

Update from Monica Bretherton on her Horsebytes column: I am trying to figure out what her Appy pattern would be called. I think Snowcap, because she has no spots, Marble, because of the pattern in her darker areas, and then she also has non-Appy specific Sabino markings — the high whites and white going over the lip, to…

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Honeycutt Update from May 16, 2008 

Liz Stabbert of Liz Stabbert Photography came by yesterday and donated a photoshoot of Honeycutt. I know we often joke about Honeycutt becoming a model.…well apparently it’s no joke to him! He stood nice and still for his close-ups, and conveyed a lot of emotion with his eyes and forelock. But when we turned him back out with the other horses, he put on a show for the camera the likes of which…

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Biscotti — May 15, 2008 

Our little colt is doing MUCH better today! Time for his first turnout! He wasn’t so sure he wanted to leave the safety of his stall, and twice he turned around and went back in the stall calling for momma to come back with him (she was eating grass and had no interest in him whatsoever). Finally he got brave and followed her out. Wow, what a springy high stepping little trot he has! He is ALL…

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Holly Update — May 14, 2008 

Foster mom update: You should see her now! We took some pictures today so you should see them soon. Holly was so good for Dr Hannah. Holly is NOT preggers. Yeah!!!!!

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