SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Annie Update from May 14 2008 

Annie finally got her back feet done with the help of a little sedation. It was a fine line between giving her enough sedation to keep her from kicking (apparantly, she was still hard to do) and not so much where she couldn’t stand. But they got it done. Phew! She also got her shots.

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Biscotti — May 13, 2008 

Sorry I haven’t given many updates or photos yet. Its been miserable weather-wise and dealing with a sick foal in quarantine and a newborn means not much is getting done with him and he hasn’t been out of the stall yet except to go from one stall to another when I am cleaning stalls. While Hope is a tolerant mother, she is not as interested in her baby as I would like to see. When I moved her…

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Background and History 

Biscotti was born at SAFE out of a 5 year old black and white pinto Saddlebred mare named Hope (Registered name “Acquiescence”) that was rescued from a large animal control seizure involving 9 other horses (plus 10 more in another county) in Carnation on February 22, 2008.  Hope was in horrific condition when she arrived at SAFE, and we had no knowledge that she was pregnant at the time, being…

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Horsebytes Blog by Monica Bretherton: Photo Assistant A gray new day is dawning…. And I’m not done with yesterday yet. But here are some pictures. Maid duty at SAFE is, well, a little repetitive, so when there’s a chance to accomplish two things at once, like picking Phoenix and Sinatra’s paddock and taking some “after” pictures of them, I seize it. First things first – the old hay…

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Phoenix Photos and Hock Swelling 

Phoenix is doing great! The main concern with him right now is a little bit of a swollen left hind hock that I am keeping an eye on. I think he probably overexerted himself somehow. Other than that, he is doing really well and I took tons of hair off him yesterday. I need to change his name to Phoenix the Photogenic, because he takes GREAT photos! [gallery link=“file”…

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Holly Update — May 5, 2008 

Holly’s foster mom update: Holly and Emma got to go play in the big field for the first time. They had a great time running and playing. Although, Holly would rather eat the grass. She looks really good. I have not seen her come into heat yet. Emma has been in twice. Dr Hannah comes out on the 14th so maybe she can check Holly then. I keep hoping I just missed it. I will try and get pictures…

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Annie Update from April 28 2008 

Our farrier tried again to get her back feet done — this is the 3rd or 4th time now she has worked with her and she is also an experienced trainer, but Annie is having none of it. She will let you brush her hind feet, but if you touch them with a bare hand, she will get very kicky and she’s not really getting much better. Not sure what we are going to do with her. Her foster home is able to…

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Sinatra Update from Apr 27 2008 

Here’s our boy today, he is SUCH a ham but standing still for photos is not really his thing. I know it is hard to tell from these photos, but I actually see signs of a pretty horse emerging under all this hair. Right now though, he is still pretty homely looking: 

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Annie Update from Apr 25 2008 

Oh, Annie, Annie, Annie… She’s a little hothead that is for sure. Had a brief visit with her today and while she is very sweet, curious and wanting attention, if you scare her (and she scares easily), her reaction is to pin her ears and act out aggressively. I scared her when I reached to unsnap her leadrope and that was how she reacted. She is a tough mare that is going to need a gentle but…

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Phoenix Antics 

I went to Jaime’s today to turn the boys out since it looked like we were going to get a break from the rain. It has been SOP to lead them both at the same time, and this has not been a problem, but alas I think those days are coming to an end. No sooner did we get out of the stall all together, then Phoenix began nipping and biting and pushing Sinatra around all the way to the pasture. He was…

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Sinatra Update from Apr 19 2008 

Yesterday I thought Mr. Blue Eyes’ vision might be in real danger… Turns out it was my diagnostic skills that are in doubt. Not to mention my ability to close stall doors…

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Holly Update — April 18, 2008 

From Holly’s foster mom: Holly got her feet done today too. She wasn’t sure that was on her things to do list but Daphine was so patient with her that Holly let her trim her toes. Once again cookies made life better! Daphine was pleased at how the girls are coming along. Holly has shed most of her winter coat and is filling in nicely.

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Sinatra Update from Apr 17 2008 

So Saturday was Kokomo’s day to scare me, and last night was Sinatra’s. He bolted his grain and within seconds was choking. It was 7:30 when it happened and I knew Hannah was in the middle of putting Cadillac down, but I called to give her a heads up and pulled his food (much to Phoenix’s dismay, who shares a stall with him) and stroked his neck to help get the blockage to pass. Fortunately, he…

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Annie Update from Apr 8 2008 

We have identified Annie as: 139211 AD IDEM ‑CHESTNUT markings: STAR, STRIPE, CONNECTED SNIP, LEFT FRONT AND LEFT HIND PASTERNS HIGHER IN BACK, RIGHT HIND SOCK, WHITE. by Kabuki ex a Supreme Heir mare, 2nd dam by Attache Here is an update on Annie from Monica Bretherton on her blog, Horsebytes:

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Holly Update — April 5, 2008 

From Monica Bretherton, who wrote about Holly and Emma in her blog: I visited Merle on Wednesday — both the girls look great. Here’s a post with some pictures:

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Sinatra Update from Apr 2 2008 

Here’s a few photos from our snow day on Sunday. The boys (Sinatra and Phoenix, who are now inseperable) went out in the arena for turnout and had some fun! I actually have some video clips of them playing a bit but will have to upload those later. Here are a few pictures: Phoenix lays down to roll in the snow while Sinatra just wants to taste it: 

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Annie Update from Mar 30 2008 

Well let’s see.…Annie has had another training session with our trimmer, Daphne, working towards getting her hind feet done. She was able to pick up both back feet and hold them for a few seconds, so hopefully on the next session she will be able to trim those back feet. She is still pretty reactive with her hind feet and doing things like putting hind blanket straps on can be challenge, but…

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Annie Update from Mar 11 2008 

Thought that I would add that one of the Sheriff’s at the seizure chose the name Annie for this red-headed gal after Annie Oakley, a woman from the wild west who kept up with the gun-totin’ cowboys of the era! <Jaime’s comment> That’s right, but after I discovered that she has a passion for oats, I started calling her Annie Oatley.

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Holly Update — Mar 26, 2008 

Update from Holly’s foster mom: I sent Jaime an update with pictures on Holly and Emma. They are doing great and putting on weight. Holly is so easy going, it helps little Emma with her fears. If our weather ever gets better I will start turning them out in a bigger pasture for grass. They have a stall, paddock and small pasture now. They don’t mind the three meals plus grain a day:))) Updated…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 25 2008 

Well I have yet to see this little attitude of Sinatra’s but maybe that’s because I am the food lady, who knows. He’s an absolute doll and you can’t help but just love him to pieces. Today he got a new waterproof blanket for turnout and I took his old one off and worked on his rainrot, which is almost gone except for right over his spine and his ears. I picked off what I could on his back, he…

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Phoenix Update 

Phoenix is doing great and is actually the stronger one compared to Sinatra. It has been over 2 weeks since he has needed help up now. Both are done with their ulcer medication today. Phoenix is still a bit more shy then Sinatra and pretty sure he doesn’t want to be caught, which isn’t a big deal when it is time to go out from his stall but when he has to come in at night he can be a pill. Last…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 17 2008 

We had a funny moment with Sinatra at this work party this Sunday. Funny ha ha, I mean! Sinartra and Phoenix were getting a little grazing time in the tiny paddock that fronts Jaime’s stalls. Next to one of the stalls is a bale of alfalfa, and the boys, who have now discovered they LOVE alfalfa, sidled over to it to sneak a few bites while no one was looking. I went over to shoo them away from…

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Holly Update — Mar 15, 2008 

Update from Holly’s foster mom: Holly also got her full dose of wormer yesterday. She weighs 680lbs and is 14.1hh. That is done with the weight tape, soon I will use the stick for a more accurate measure. Jamie brought out some grain and they will get started on a small serving of that today. Can you imagine the wonder when they taste “Candy” for the first time. (grain) Holly is happy in her…

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