SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Sinatra & Phoenix Update from Mar 13 2008 

Sinatra is doing very well…much improved. All the horses got wormed yesterday, full dose this time. Both he and Phoenix had a good day yesterday and today, and seem a lot perkier. Crossing fingers this time it stays that way! Update from Monica Bretherton: Cute pictures of Sinatra, Phoenix & Kokomo today: Backstory on the…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 9 2008 — Mar 12 2008 

March 9 2008 Sinatra is doing much better today and spent much more of his time up and eating instead of lying down and worrying me. The extra blanket is keeping him nice and warm and we have heat lamps as a backup if needed. He’s just so much scrawnier and weaker than Kokomo..much like little Phoenix is, he is not bouncing back as quickly. March 10 2008 Up and a bit brighter today, but still…

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Holly Update — Mar 11, 2008 

From Holly’s foster mom: Holly greeted me when I came out to feed this morning. All of my horses talk to me too. Holly and Emma got an other dusting for the bugs today. I’ll be glad when we are over that. Holly likes her brushings. No need to Thank me. It’s like being a Grandma, I get to love them and send the bills to someone else. (G) The best part is knowing that one day both Holly and Emma…

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Phoenix Update 

Phoenix’s bloodwork showed him as still a little anemic and protein levels a little low, but this morning he was down but got up by himself this morning. He wasn’t thrilled with his grain last night but this morning I tried it without any grass hay pellets in it and he seemed to like it better. He is also getting a little bit of alfalfa every feeding as he eats that better than the grass hay and…

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Holly Update — March 10, 2009 

Update from Holly’s adopter: Holly will be started this year but I’m taking my time with her. I have saddled her and layed across her back. No big deal for her. Her butt has caught up with the withers so maybe she will quit growing. There is no rush to put her to work but she continues to learn her groundwork. She loves to go out on the trails with the other horses. I’m just having fun with her…

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Holly Update — Mar 10, 2008 

From Merle, Holly’s foster mom: Holly and Emma are doing great. Holly is a real looker but when Emma sheds out she will be so pretty too. Holly is about 12hh right now. I will measure her in a few days after we get to know each other. Emma isn’t too much shorter, so will be taller for sure.

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Holly — Initial Intake 

Holly is one of 10 horses seized from a property in Carnation as part of a King County Animal Control seizure on Feb. 23, 2008. After spending the first two weeks at Equine Aid rescue, she joined the rest of her herd here at SAFE. Holly is a beautiful appaloosa filly, approximately 1–2 years old. She is very sweet and loves attention, and very level headed as well. She is in the best weight of…

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Summer Background 

Summer is one of the Jean Elledge horses from Snohomish County that SAFE has been quietly caring for since last March. Now that the case has ended and all the horses have been signed over to SAFE, it is time for her story to be told. Summer, whose registered name is Impromptu DHF and whom Jean called “Tutu”, is a mare who’s history we would love to know. Extremely well bred, by a famous…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 6 2008 — Mar 7 2008 

Sinatra’s trimming..his feet were the worst of all the babies.  Photos in album include before and after photos.   You can see an old, grown out abcess in one foot.   Also a few photos of Kokomo and Sinatra taking a nap after their trims.  Sinatra is still a bit weak and tonight was lying down and had trouble getting up again. His tummy was a bit rumbly too, so he might…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 5 2008 

Sinatra was wormed yesterday and has the runs and is a bit less than his usual chipper self. Other than that though he is doing well — I think they all want to have more outside time and get out of the stall, but we have to ease them onto grass slowly.

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Sasha — Intake — March 5, 2008 

Now that we have “officially” adopted Sasha, I can share these photos of her. Sasha was one of 7 horses we “boarded” for Snohomish County Animal Control, beginning in early March, after being spending the first couple of weeks after the Elledge seizure at the Enumclaw auction. When we went to pick Sasha up, we were told she was not halter broke, and she was not wearing a halter. Therefore, I…

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Sinatra Update from Mar 3 2008 

From Bonnie: I am here to tell you that everything you’ve heard about Sinatra is true. He is the friendly, most social, most outgoing little horse I have ever had the pleasure to meet. He is much smaller than his stall mate Kokomo and their neighbor Phoenix, but that does not stop him from being the bravest, boldest and most charismatic of the bunch. He loves to visit over his stall door… and…

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A Visit with Phoenix 

Phoenix continues to improve every day, and is becoming a bright, curious and loving foal who thankfully now only seems to be lying down when he takes a snooze. He is maintaining a normal body temperature now too. He loves attention…he nickers when he sees you coming towards his stall and he enjoys the praise and petting he gets as he sticks his little head over the door. When you see this…

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Deeds Update from Feb 29 2008 

Deeds is doing great! His under-saddle work with Lucy continues to get better and better, and she has nothing but good things to say about this boy. She tells me that he catches on to new things faster than any horse she has ever met. If they work on something one day, when she rides him again four days later, he doesn’t need a review, he remembers what he’s been taught and is ready to take the…

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Sinatra Update from Feb 29 2008 and Mar 1 2008 

Sinatra gave us a scare yesterday. The weather was so nice yesterday that I let them out for a couple of hours of grass time, and I think it was a little too long for Sinatra, who may not have been used to having any grass at all. He had a mild gas colic last night and gave us quite a scare. He had a little banamine though and perked right up, and I checked on him a couple of times in the night…

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Phoenix Photos 

Here are a few photos I took of Phoenix yesterday during his grass time: Phoenix is doing very well! He got quite a bit of grass time yesterday with the other two colts, and I think the social time and the grass really perked him up quite a bit. He was able to go without his blankets for a while yesterday, and the great news is that when his…

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Phoenix Intake 

Phoenix is one of 10 horses seized from a Carnation farm, 6 of which were taken in by SAFE. Phoenix was removed from the property immediately a day prior to the seizure as Dr. Evergreen, after examining Phoenix, felt that he may not last even another 24 hours at the farm if he did not receive immediate medical attention, as he was anemic, lethargic and weak, and his body temperature was…

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Annie Background 

Annie is a chestnut Saddlebred mare from the Carnation seizure, who SAFE has recently taken on after spending the last two weeks with Equine Aid. This young pretty mare is thin, but not nearly as bad as Hope or Willow. Her feet were in horrendous shape, the worst of the bunch. Annie was the one that gave us the most trouble loading on the day of the seizure, she was shutting down and then…

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Sinatra Background and History 

Sinatra (so named because of his beautiful blue eyes) is one of 10 horses seized from a Carnation farm on February 23. 2008. This little colt has a Body Condition Score of 1.5 on a scale of 1–9. Sinatra was living in a pen about 12x36 with another colt, Kokomo, which was full of dead blackberry bushes and debris, including wood will nails protruding. There was no food other than the blackberry…

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Deeds Update from Feb 9 2008 

Update from volunteer rider Lucy: Deeds was fun today … with all the windy weather, he brought out his get-up-and-go! I was really excited because today was the first time he really accepted contact (rather than being behind the bit). So it appears we are making progress on that front. I think he would make a great training and first level dressage horse one of these days. He still has a…

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Honeycutt Update from Jan 30, 2008 

Honeycutt and his friends all got their teeth floated today. I was extremely pleased that when my vet arrived, Honeycutt was very interested in him and showed no fear toward him at all! He was actually quite outgoing today…reaching through his feed door to take hold of my collar and snuffle my hair, watching with great interest as Jay and Oliver got their floats done before him. Once it was…

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Deeds Update from Jan 23 2008 

Deeds update from Lucy: I’m sorry to hear about Deeds’ colic episode! I saw him today and he looked good. I think the pelleted bedding is helping a bit because there was less sand in his stall. He was really perky and excited to be getting out of his stall and move around some. While grooming him, I did notice that he appeared to be a bit stocked up on both his left front and left hind legs.…

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Deeds Update from Jan 21 2008 

Mr Deeds had a slight bout of colic over the weekend. He became upset when the mare from the next paddock was taken out for turnout, and he worked himself up into a bit of a lather.…started rolling and groaning and not eating his breakfast. The barn owner where he is staying called me and I called Slew and we both headed down there to see him. Fortunately, when we got there he was pretty much…

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Deeds Update from Jan 13 2008 

I had a nice visit with Deeds today and met a great new SAFE volunteer!! Lucy is a somewhat recent transplant to the Kitsap area from Kentucky. She works as a small animal vet tech and is also in school getting her certification. Somehow she has decided that she has the time to put in volunteering for SAFE! Because of her riding experience and ability, we have set her up as with Mr Deeds and she…

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