Buckwheat Update from Aug 22 2007

We’re happy to announce that Buckie has been adopted. (well, I’m heartbroken, but happy nonetheless.) His new home is in Beavercreek, OR, with a wonderful couple — Kathy and Kevin– who were looking for a horse that their grandkids could ride. They met Buckie and Shante at the SAFE Benefit Show, and were interested in adopting both horses. At a second meeting, Kathy rode Shante and decided he…

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Honeycutt Update from Aug 22, 2007

Honeycutt is doing very well, and I believe that he is happy living here. He is quite well behaved and easy to handle, and I do feel that I have gained at least some of his trust. I subject him to being touched and petted and patted on a daily basis and he’s quite tolerant of that, and will even approach me for attention. I’m trying not to baby him so much, so occasionally I will make sudden…

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Buckwheat Update from July 31 2007

Some great photos of Bucky being ridden by Jessica in leadline at the 2007 SAFE Benefit Horse Show: http://www.kaufholtzphotography.com/gallery/3226275#178204671 http://www.kaufholtzphotography.com/gallery/3226275#P‑2–15

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Buckwheat Update from May 7 2007

Since it is downright warm out today and since he has FINALLY finished shedding, Mr Buck got a bath today! As with everything, he was good as gold, even though he’s no big fan of the hose. Look who’s gorgeous: 

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Buckwheat Update from Apr 6 2007

BUCKY UPDATE! First off, I’ve got to say that I have gotten really attached to the little bugger. He is sweet and gentle and quiet and just the funniest looking little guy…I’ll post some pictures as soon as my camera battery recharges. He has been shedding copious amounts of hair for several weeks now, and isn’t even CLOSE to being done. The other day I glanced at him and it looked as if he…

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Buckwheat Update from Feb 1 2007

Had a chance to see what’s under that blanket today…he’s got a cute little bod! He stood very nicely to be groomed. I know there has been some concern about the possibility that Buck has Cushings, due to his long coat? Well I am happy to report that he is shedding out like some kind of crazy shedding machine. I brushed him for about 10 minutes a few days ago, and took off enough hair to fill a…

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Buckwheat Update from Jan 31 2007

I let him meet Jay & Oliver briefly over the fence after I unloaded him from my trailer yesterday. They all sniffed noses then Buck squealed and sort of struck out with his front hooves. I took to the back pasture and turned him out there, and he immediately started grazing and even rolled. A little while later I turned Oliver out in the pasture next to him. Buck wouldn’t really approach the…

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Buckwheat Background and History

BUCKWHEAT is a 20–25 yo 15 hh gelding. Bay with a small star and a double snip. Right now he is a furry little guy in his winter coat. Buck is up to date on shots, worming, teeth and feet. He has some stiffness due to age and cold weather, but he is sound and quite energetic. His former owner rescued him from a kill buyer in 2006 and was surrendered by his owner in January of 2007 due to…

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Greta update — Jan 22, 2007

I got to see Greta today working with her trainer, Monica Stephens, and see Greta’s owner Molly again. Wow! I can’t believe this is the same horse I saw in May 2005, who was sick, thin, and lethargic in quarantine in Yakima. She is absolutely stunning! I think she had been advertised as a QH, but she looks like a Welsh Cob or maybe even Andalusion-cross. She is not very tall, but very stocky.…

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Earl’s Story

There’s a scene toward the end of the documentary Buck in which legendary horseman Buck Brannaman is in a pen with a stallion who repeatedly tries to attack him. Buck calmly uses his flag to keep the horse at a safe distance, and all the while, the stallion is rearing and striking, trying his level best to get at him. Buck addresses the horse’s owner, saying “On the ground, he’s treacherous,…

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Benedetto is Born

On August 10, 2006, SAFE mare Vivian gave birth to a healthy colt who was eventually named Benedetto. Here are photos from his first day on Earth.

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Greta update: Mar 2, 2006

Update from Molly: Despite the rainrot and mud we have had a good winter. We are both looking forward to the sunny days of spring. Her mane finally grew in, maybe I should have named her Marilyn. Here she is with her new friends Tina and Jake. 

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Greta Update — Dec 19, 2005

From Molly: Greta had her first big vet appointment today with Dr. Evergreen. I was nervous all week, because I didn’t know what to expect or how she would behave. For the most part it was uneventful, although very interesting for me; I got to feel the difference in her teeth before and after the float. She did rear in the stall and bump her mouth (prior to the sedative )just some minor cuts.…

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Greta update — Nov. 28th, 2005

From Molly: Here’s her “don’t touch my back feet” look. Any suggestions? She was doing great, now she doesn’t want me near her behind. She is moving sound and looks fine.

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Jolie — 6 year old Welsh cross mare

Jolie was rescued in April of 2005 from a feedlot in Eastern Washington.  She was thin, unkempt, and very sick from Strangles when we first saw her.  She was adopted by Molly B. of Seattle, WA after finishing her quarantine period and recovering from her illness.  Molly renamed her “Greta” (aka Greta Garbo, for her beautiful golden hair!).   Here is Greta a few months after rescue:

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Honeycutt: Background & History I

Honeycutt was purchased from an Eastern Washington feedlot in July of 2005. He came with no information whatsoever regarding his background, apart from three brands that led us to believe that he was cut from a bucking horse string. We guessed his age to be around  8 years old.  From the start, Honeycutt displayed a strong fear of people, and showed signs of significant abuse or mistreatment in…

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