SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

March 2023 Joel Conner Clinic

March 2023 Joel Conner Clinic 

Join us for the first Joel Conner horsemanship clinic of the 2023 season!! Come learn from Joel, see what our horsemanship program is all about and witness our horses in action. Join us at SAFE located here. March 24–26th from 9AM — 5PM Auditing is $30 each day | cash or check only (checks made out to Joel Conner) Free for current active volunteers and Alumni horse owners Dress warmly and bring…

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Regarding Henry

Regarding Henry 

The first challenge that Henry and I faced together was helping him understand that “walk” is a gait that he’s allowed and in fact encouraged to use. Like many of the Graham horses, Henry would set off like a bat out of hell when turned loose in the round pen. He’s got a rather gorgeous floaty trot, and he looks quite flashy when he’s going around at top speed with neck arched and his tail up in…

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Training Update: Moshi

Training Update: Moshi 

Little Moshi is settling in well here at SAFE, and has begun work in our horsemanship program alongside volunteer Lexee N. Lexee has been putting Moshi through all the beginning pages of the ‘Red Book’ in preparation for saddling her for the first time. It is our belief that Moshi, unlike the majority of the Graham horses, has never been saddled, so we are working to prep her for it to make it…

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Sparrow’s Racing Past 

Sparrow has a lip tattoo that denotes his past as a racehorse. However it’s odd: the letter that denotes the year of birth is missing, which made identifying who he was born as a bit more challenging. But by playing a game of trial and error with letters, we were able to find a horse who matched his physical description and had all of the numbers of his tattoo. ‘Proud Texan,’ born in 2001 in…

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King 5 News: Over 20 horses seized from Pierce County property recovering 

A majority of the horses seized during an animal cruelty investigation are recovering at Save a Forgotten Equine (SAFE) and will be available for adoption. Link to video on KING‑5 News Website Author: Julie Calhoun Published: 8:43 AM PST February 12, 2023 REDMOND, Wash. — After being rescued from a property in Graham in November, 27 horses are on the mend. Pierce County Sheriff’s deputies seized…

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Alumni Update: Flynn

Alumni Update: Flynn 

Flynn is doing great in his new home and obviously has adoring fans. Every time we see a photo of him and one of his fans, we screech with delight because of the cuteness.

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Alumni Update: Tilt

Alumni Update: Tilt 

Julie recently sent us an update on Tilt with exciting news! “Another update from down here in Santa Fe at what we’re calling Desert Jewel Ranch.  A huge day for little Korra (formally Tilt). Thanks to Terry Ann Phelps-Peddy, Kaya Mead, Joel Conner and the SAFE horsemanship program, a lot of Buck Brannaman videos and her immensely sweet temperament, Korra had her first ride!! She was awesome. It…

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Otto’s Tummy-ache

Otto’s Tummy-ache 

I played a lot of horse games on the computer growing up, most of them focused on eventing (the act of jumping or a piaffe reduced to pressing a single button on the keyboard). While this was fine, my main interest was drawn to the care parts of the simulators — dragging a curry comb over the side of a homogeneously dirty pixelated horse and watching the dirt be wicked away in great rectangular…

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KUOW Soundside Podcast: Giving Neglected Horses a SAFE Home 

Last week, Bonnie was interviewed by KUOW about the Graham horses! Listen as she introduces the Soundside team to Henry on their recent visit to SAFE. Listen to Soundside on iTunes or Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. Or visit the KUOW website at and click the PLAY button to listen.

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Jax’s Racing Past 

Jax has a lip tattoo that denotes his past as a racehorse. It’s always fun when we get a horse who comes in with some kind of marker about who they were in their past — so often we don’t have any clue a horse’s history. Looking into Jax’s lip tattoo, we discovered he was born ‘Sir Gallagher’ in 2008 here in Washington state. He is a grandson of Storm Cat, but his career earnings were not quite…

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Alumni Update: Millie

Alumni Update: Millie 

Mille lives a happy life as the “queen” of her pasture!  Although she is not being ridden, she is able to go on trail rides being ponied behind her pasture mate. She does very well on trails, even when they encounter bicycles, hikers, and other horses. We are so happy to hear Millie is living a great life surrounded by friends and adventures …

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Volunteer(s) of the Year: Meghan, Monique and Trela!

Volunteer(s) of the Year: Meghan, Monique and Trela! 

We know you all have been holding your breath, waiting for us to announce our 2022 Volunteer of the Year! We wanted to surprise them in person (and film it to share with everyone! No pressure ladies) and it just so happened we couldn’t get them in on the property at the same time until this week! Watch as Kaya surprises Meghan, Trela and Monique, in their natural habitat (pounding T posts) and…

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A Horse’s Best Friend

A Horse’s Best Friend 

Veronica loves dogs! Not only if they just happen to be walking by her as she snoozes next to the fence line, but when she spots them, she comes right over and wants kisses. Our Saturday Barn Staff, Trudy, brings Titan her adorable husky to work each weekend. Trudy goes about her busy day with Titan always in tow or sometimes towing her along. Since he was a wee puppy, he has grown up at SAFE…

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Alumni Update: Lucca

Alumni Update: Lucca 

Jane loves trail riding and spending time with Lucca. When they are not riding the beautiful trails near Lucca’s boarding barn, Jane spends time hand walking, just to spend more time with her. Jane even brought Lucca to a Joel Conner clinic so our volunteers could have a chance to work with a horse in the clinic. It was great to see them on the property and we love hearing how Lucca is doing…

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February Volunteer of the Month: Molly McCord

February Volunteer of the Month: Molly McCord 

Congratulations to our Volunteer of the Month, Molly!! Molly is a delight to be around, she brings sunshine to the barn and is a fantastic leader for her Friday PM team. Friday nights are hard shifts to fill, but every Friday, there is Molly, spending her “weekend” night with us. If there was an award for longest distance traveled to volunteer, it would surely go to her for the 50+ miles she…

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SAFE Tax Donation Receipts were emailed yesterday!

SAFE Tax Donation Receipts were emailed yesterday! 

2022 Tax Donation Receipts were sent out on January 31 via email to everyone who made at least one gift last year and who has an email on file with us. If you did not get one, it might be because we don’t have a working email address for you. If that’s the case, send a message to and we’ll get your fixed right up! We had 1500 different donors in 2022 and our most successful…

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Henry Health Update

Henry Health Update 

All of the Graham horses are up to date on medical care, and have already had their feet done twice. Henry is no exception to this. The nervous, wild-eyed horse who arrived at SAFE after what was likely his first trailer ride is a far cry from the sweet horse who we are getting to know. This is not to say he is not still looky, but he has graduated from needing to live in a breakaway halter, as…

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Kelly’s Legs 

Kelly arrived at SAFE with some significant dermatitis on her legs, with her hind limbs being the most severely affected. She had rubbed patches completely raw from itching, and had developed some sore spots on her fetlocks underneath all those lovely draft horse feathers. We had our vet out to look at her and do an intake exam, where she developed a treatment plan for Kelly that involved daily…

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Alumni Update: Cassidy

Alumni Update: Cassidy 

Cassidy shares a five-acre pasture with her buddy, Salish. Currently, Cassidy is learning how to jump, and she loves it!  Brianna, her adopter, rides her nearly every week on trails which is another activity that Cassidy loves. Brianna has tried several other activities in the two years she has owned Cassidy and discovered that she is not a ranch or barrel racing horse but loves cavorting on the…

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Pepper is Adopted!

Pepper is Adopted! 

Another one of our Fall City 40 is adopted! Our adorable, goat braying, fluffy maned little girl is all grown up and living her best life as a best friend to her big brother, Cal, a 17 year old 16HH Andalusian. Her adopter, Sue, was looking for another friend for Cal when his buddy passed away earlier this summer, leaving a huge gap in their lives and a distraught Cal. Sue’s family is passionate…

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Foster Update : Gabby

Foster Update : Gabby 

We love seeing what Trisha is up to with our long eared Gabby girl. Recently, they have been working on the scary spray bottle, which Gabby would not even consider being around, until Tess (Trisha’s other horse) was interested. Gabby quickly got jealous of Tess getting reinforced for wanted behavior and decided she could give it a try. FOMO (fear of missing out) is apparently a big motivator and…

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Getting to Know Sparrow

Getting to Know Sparrow 

Sparrow is the older of our two thoroughbred geldings. His lip tattoo, while a little bit difficult to read, seems to tell us he was originally called ‘Proud Texan,’ and was born in 2001, making him 22 this year. He has a significant swayback, and though he has most certainly been a riding horse in the past (not counting his time on the track), we will adopt him out as a companion. The way we…

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Getting to Know Hopper

Getting to Know Hopper 

Sweet man Hopper was a fast favorite amongst our volunteers given his gentle personality and love of scratches. Hopper tested positive for Cushing’s, which was little surprise to us given his especially furry coat, so each morning he gets his daily medication in a carrot slice pill pocket, which he enjoys with gusto. Hopper is up to date on vet and farrier care. He has had a dental float, his…

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Getting to Know Addie

Getting to Know Addie 

Little mare Addie seemed wise beyond her years when she first stepped off the trailer — for such a young horse (we thought she might be 3 at the time), she was already accustomed to picking up her feet and had no problem being blanketed. Despite her age, it is clear that she has already had quite a number of experiences. If anything, Addie is almost too brave, which can translate to disrespect…

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Training Update: Artie

Training Update: Artie 

Since his debut as a riding horse at the end of 2022, Artie has really shown he is the little horse who could. From his early days as a literal wild stallion to now, it’s hard to even picture him as the same horse. His nickname around the barn now is ‘puppy’ because of how sweet and docile he has become, and his temperament under saddle is mostly just more of the same. He has a tendency to get…

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Getting to Know Betty

Getting to Know Betty 

Betty is the slightly smaller of the two big black mares, and she lacks a facial marking like her friend and counterpart, Eleven. But smaller is a relative term — this is a big lady, made even bigger by being overweight. Betty has been on a diet since she was checked out by our vet shortly after arriving. Romps in the arena with her friends will help her lose as well. A bit timid, Betty has…

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Eleven is the larger of the two big black mares, virtually identical to her paddock-mate, Betty, though Eleven boasts a cute facial marking. Eleven arrived at SAFE quite overweight, and during our initial vet check we ran bloodwork on her. Her results came back positive for Cushing’s, and we immediately started her on daily medication. Eleven is the more outgoing of the two big black mares, but…

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Limelight Features the Graham Horses 

This week the wonderful ladies from the Limelight Pet Project came to meet the Graham herd! It is the largest feature they have ever done and we are so grateful they took on such a huge task. They spent the day with Graham horses capturing beautiful portraits of all 16. Thank you, Limelight Pet Project, for the long day(s) of photographing, interviewing and editing to shine the light on these…

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