SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Getting to Know Jax

Getting to Know Jax 

Jax is the younger of our two thoroughbred geldings, his lip tattoo revealing him as being originally christened ‘Sir Gallagher,’ born in 2008, which makes him 15 this year. He arrived at SAFE with loose stool, which we helped clear up with a course of biosponge. Jax is up to date on vet and farrier care. He has had a dental float, his sheath cleaned, and is up to date on his vaccines. He was…

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Getting to Know Evie

Getting to Know Evie 

Snowflake appaloosa Evie is certainly striking to behold. Evie has a little bit of an attitude when asked to move forward, especially going up to the canter. She is also quite difficult to get going, so we are rewarding her try and giving her big releases when she does move out to tell her that she has done the correct thing. Her first…

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Getting to Know Picasso

Getting to Know Picasso 

Picasso has a name befitting his paint-erly coat. He lives alongside his neighbors, little mares Poppy and Moshi, who he is quite attached to. We went through all our checks, and saddled Picasso here at SAFE. He is very heavy on the forehand, and has a propensity to stumble forward and does not have much of a backup on him yet. He struggles with tracking to the right, and is still learning not…

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Getting to Know Poppy

Getting to Know Poppy 

Sweet little Poppy is the more timid of the two black pony cross mares, but it’s impossible to decide who is cuter. Poppy can be difficult to catch, so she still has to wear a breakaway halter to make it easier for her to catch in the paddock, but we have been working on catch and release in the round pen with various people to get her more accustomed to multiple people approaching her and…

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Getting to Know Henry

Getting to Know Henry 

Henry, who arrived wide-eyed and nervous (it was his first time on a trailer, coupled with the uncertainty of a new place), has really begun to settle in at SAFE. He spends his days in a turnout with appaloosa mares Zelly and Evie on either side, and the three go to the big arena together on the daily to stretch their legs and take communal naps. Despite his initial look of uncertainty, Henry is…

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Getting to Know Moshi

Getting to Know Moshi 

The more outgoing of the little black mares, Moshi is curious and approachable. She has her moments of playing hard to get, but has been the more reliable of the two to catch in the paddock, and recently has had very little issue with people coming right up to her. We do not believe she has been saddled before, so we are preparing her for what could be her first ever saddle. Moshi has been doing…

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Getting to Know Zelly

Getting to Know Zelly 

Zelly arrived at SAFE with a snotty nose (no other symptoms, like fever or lethargy) that did not resolve with time. When our vet first checked her out, she said she would want to take X‑rays if the snot remained, as the snot was not bilateral, and was likely a sinus related issue. Sure enough, X‑rays revealed that her right sinus was filled with fluid. We immediately started her on a course of…

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Getting to Know Kelly

Getting to Know Kelly 

Kelly is a gentle mare and been fairly easy to work with so far. Her biggest trouble has come around picking up and treating her hooves. She was fairly naughty for the first farrier visit last month and we are hopeful with the care and work we have started she is feeling better about letting us help her. Her second farrier visit at SAFE went quite well, and though she is reluctant to lift her…

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Decoding Declan

Decoding Declan 

Oh Declan, caramel-colored stranger-turned-friend, unspooling who you are has been, as it often is, an adventure of the best sort. Declan, you first arrived having worn the hat of “family horse” in your past, and you brought it with you, tucked away with the rest of your baggage. We ask all who come to us to open your cases, so that we might help you donate that which you no longer need, or at…

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Training Update: Darla

Training Update: Darla 

Darla is doing well with her training and continues to show that she is a quick learner and has a lot of try! Darla’s gotten freer with her movements, but still has some work to do getting off her front end and really carrying herself forward. We’ve also been working on developing her soft feel and have started leg yielding. Darla rides confidently in the larger arena, with or without other…

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Alumni Update: Sophie

Alumni Update: Sophie 

We caught up with Sophie and Julie in January 2023. Sophie has two pasture mates, Julie’s daughter’s pony and Piper, another SAFE alumni. Sophie gets a lot of ground work but riding has been put on hold for now while some balance issues Sophie is experiencing are being resolved. Sophie is getting lots of love and attention and massages!

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Choose Cramer

Choose Cramer 

Our ex-Bucking horse is seeking forever home to live out the rest of his days as a companion to those on two legs and four. This former athlete, clocking in at 16.2H, is only 8, which means he has a lot of time left to do retired horse things like play around with his friends and take lots of naps, both things he is very good at. He is a draft cross, which means this is one beefcake of a boy,…

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Camille and Sebastian Adopted Together!

Camille and Sebastian Adopted Together! 

It’s not often we get the privilege of adopting two of our horses together to the same home, so when we do, it sends “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” throughout our community. Though Camille and Sebastian were only at SAFE a short while and their friendship was still so new, the volunteers and staff enjoyed seeing the two spend time together in their new besties paddock. Whether it was spending time simply…

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Alumni Update: Remy

Alumni Update: Remy 

Remy is doing GREAT! He is living his best life with his pasture companion, Soldier, and they are very bonded. Remy and Soldier enjoy 24/7 turnout and they LOVE to play together. Their favorite past time is to play tug of war with their new Kong. Recently, Remy has started doing some Liberty work and is doing very well. We are thrilled to see Remy in his loving home with his life long friend.…

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George is Adopted!

George is Adopted! 

We are thrilled to announce George is adopted and to an amazing family! Back in 2019, we were called upon to help find homes for a group of wild, neglected horses, we called the Fall City 40. George was a young stallion when we met him, wild and untouchable, but VERY curious about the new people who kept showing up with food. (Hence the name Curious George) He was moved to SAFE in preparation…

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2022 Q4 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: Oct 21, 2022 Aspen (Owner Surrender) Beva (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: Nov 1, 2022 Declan (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: Dec 20, 2022 Graham 27 (Animal Control) Placed Horses Dolly Valentine George Sebastian Camille Pepper Jacob Euthanized Horses Cameron Aspen Beva

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Alumni Update: Jessel

Alumni Update: Jessel 

The hoar frost was so beautiful this winter, Alexandra had to get some photos of her and gorgeous Jessel. We’re so happy she shared them with us! 

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Alumni Update: Duchess

Alumni Update: Duchess 

Esperanza formally Duchess is doing well, in great health, and thriving. She and her adopter, Marianna, are in weekly classical dressage lessons and have just started half-pass work. Marianna said she just can’t say enough good things about this lovely mare! 

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January Volunteer of the Month: Danielle Jaffy

January Volunteer of the Month: Danielle Jaffy 

Congratulations to our January Volunteer of the Month, Danielle!! Not only does Danielle show up every Tuesday night for chores, (often early and sometimes with her sweet daughter, who helped name Nutmeg!) she also plays a crucial role in helping get our horses adopted! Danielle is helping behind the scenes posting Facebook adoption ads and assisting the horse community with the May Day horse…

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Alumni Update: Pogo

Alumni Update: Pogo 

Pogo lives happily on five acres with four other horses including a white mare named Elle. Pogo loves Elle and she is equally smitten with him. When Lilly adopted him in 2021 he was overweight and would not let anyone groom him, along with a few other bad habits. Lilly has worked very hard with Pogo and he has become a model citizen of his herd.  He is now at an ideal weight for his size and has…

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Herd your Horses

Herd your Horses 

The nature of SAFE is that it is a transient place, meant to be a pause in the life of the horses who come here, a comma in their lives, not a full stop. What this means is that things change on a regular basis – we play musical paddocks quite often (though all of the horses have a chair at the end of it). What it also means is that herds grow and shrink as horses come and go.   For Nova,…

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Otto’s Playmate

Otto’s Playmate 

Though one might say he is mature for his age, based on how well he is going under saddle and his general level-headedness, the fact remains that Otto is still just a young lad, not yet 4. And boys, as they say, will be boys. Otto has been getting into some shenanigans as of late, with none other than his herd mate, Artie.   After they get turned out for breakfast and eat said breakfast…

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Tiva’s Tale

Tiva’s Tale 

There is a journey each horse must make, a map laid out before them when they first arrive at SAFE, a pathway to a brighter future. Not every route looks the same. The topography and length vary as much as the horses themselves do – some are short and flat, some steep and winding, some end before they’ve even really began (and these particular paths, if using the map analogy, dump out into a…

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A Precious Gem Seeks a Home

A Precious Gem Seeks a Home 

Bijou” means jewel in French, and never has a horse embodied her name so fully. Sweet Bijou truly is a gem of a mare, her kindness radiating outward from her gentle eyes. Hers is a face that enjoys being pet – she is the perfect horse for someone looking for a companion to dote over and love on, for she will soak attention up like a sponge.   In a herd, she can adjust to a pecking order,…

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Alumni Update: Stormy

Alumni Update: Stormy 

It is with sad hearts that we share an update from Stormy’s adopter,  “A dreaded moment but one filled with so much love. Stormy trotted over the rainbow bridge in Dec 2022. She was the sweetest, kindest creature and so trusting and resilient. She lived a lot of life and I’m so grateful for the time we were given. Four years as your person will never be enough. I love you, marshmallow. This is…

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Stall Wars: A New Hope

Stall Wars: A New Hope 

Our Domino is a very special boy. His days before he arrived at SAFE were lonely ones, and so now, with so many other horses around and the bustle of daily activity, Domino lives a very different life than he did for many of his years. But that sort of adjustment can be difficult, especially for an older guy. Domino, like many of us, has a hard time with change, and at SAFE where change is all…

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The Graham 27

The Graham 27 

On November 28, 2022, a large group of horses were seized from a property in Graham WA by Pierce County Animal Control. Fifteen of the horses were found in a large field, and the remaining twelve in an old dairy barn. The fifteen in the field were rounded up and haltered by members of SAFE, then loaded into trailers with the help of two of Seattle’s Mounted Patrol Unit sergeants. They were then…

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Sisters Forever

Sisters Forever 

We said goodbye to two darling horses last night and our hearts are aching. Beva and Aspen, sisters to the very end, did everything together. Last night, they shed their broken bodies and flew away, side by side for always. For Beva, it was colic, her second bad episode in a month. She could barely stand, she just kept dropping to the ground and refusing to get back up. Banamine, which usually…

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Frosting’s New Friends

Frosting’s New Friends 

Our sweet filly Frosting sure is growing up quick! This little lady is really growing into a beautiful, feisty mare and has a new opportunity to figure horse things out in her new herd. Having been supported by her aunt Fancy for the last year, Frosting is ready to make some friends and live her rebellious teenage years with her fellow youngsters (while of course running back to the support of…

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“Brandit,” Back at SAFE

Brandit,” Back at SAFE 

As though returning from a long holiday, these two noble ladies have come back to SAFE. For many months we watched their experiences at their foster home from afar – frolicking alongside their foster siblings, enjoying a summer of grass, making friends with neighboring alpacas and dogs.   But circumstances change, and as we slid into fall, we welcomed the girls back home through the gates…

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