SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Brandy’s Manure Mystery

Brandy’s Manure Mystery 

Trying to troubleshoot a horse’s gut, when it’s in disarray, can feel sometimes like assembling a puzzle acquired from Goodwill. With missing pieces and dog-eared corners, trying to figure out how to put it all together can be daunting.   Recently, seemingly out of nowhere, Brandy’s stool quality dissolved – literally. A bit of background: Brandy has been a mash-only horse since she first…

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Alumni Update: Doolin (Finn)

Alumni Update: Doolin (Finn)

Finn, formerly known as Doolin, lives with three full size horses, one being Inula, a SAFE foster. They are all healthy and happy and get along well together. Shannon enjoys working Finn in the round pen regularly and sometimes ponies him along when she rides the trails in nearby Lord Hill Park. He loves to hang out with his pasture pals in their spacious turnout and gets a couple of hours of…

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Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Artie

Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Artie 

Kirsten AL has been working with and riding Artie for the last several months, and back in June took him to the Buck Brannaman clinic in Ellensburg. Here’s what she has to say about the experience: “This guy! Artie recently participated in the Buck Brannaman Foundations Clinic in Ellensburg, WA and he did not fail to impress. Calm. Cool. Collected. What a champ! From loading at SAFE, to walking…

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Alumni Update: Roscoe

Alumni Update: Roscoe 

Adopter Kasey recently shared her feelings and some photos of Roscoe: Roscoe!!! He’s worth his weight three times over in gold!!! My boys love him, my hubby loves him, I love him so much.

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Heart of the Horse 2024

Heart of the Horse 2024 

Take a peek inside the fun and excitement that was this year’s Heart of the Horse. It took six months of preparation to turn this five hour event into a spectacular celebrations of rescued horses. All of our expectations were exceeded, and when the dust settled, we’d netted more than $580k for the horses at SAFE and the ones yet to come. Thank you to our vibrant, generous, and fun loving…

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Hoof Handling Progression with Winter

Hoof Handling Progression with Winter 

The journey of 1,000 instances of picking your hooves up for the farrier begins with a single lift. There was a time in Winter’s life when she had seen the farrier for hoof care, but it had been a number of years, so high on the priority list for her was getting those hooves tended to. Luckily for us, Winter is a supremely intelligent lady, and after overcoming her initial hesitations, was…

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Alumni Update: Addie

Alumni Update: Addie 

Adopter Nicole reports they have been having a great time with Addie. Addie really enjoys trails, little girls and obstacles.

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Sparky and Rojo in our Heart

Sparky and Rojo in our Heart 

Our mini donkeys, Sparky and Rojo, live the good life fostering at our friend and volunteer Jackie’s place alongside her menagerie, but they are still on the payroll here at SAFE as our ambassadors (alongside Sunny and Shasta, of course). As honored guests at our recent Heart of the Horse, these two littles made the trek over for a long weekend at SAFE. Seasoned pros at this point, they hop…

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Alumni Update: Pippi

Alumni Update: Pippi 

Casey Holcomb, Pippi’s adopter, recently sent this update and photos: Here are some pics of Pippi with my daughter Taryn, along with Keeva, who will be retiring soon! Pippi and Keeva love each other and Taryn is excited to keep training with Pippi.

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August Volunteer of the Month: Ann Daigle

August Volunteer of the Month: Ann Daigle 

Congratulations to our August Volunteer of the Month, Ann Daigle! Ann is not only kind and caring but also possesses unmatched grit and determination. She began volunteering with us during the cold, dark, wet, and muddy winter months back in January 2022. Two and a half years later, she’s still going strong and making a tremendous difference in the lives of our horses. Ann is a vibrant member of…

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Cleo and Deja on Grass

Cleo and Deja on Grass 

There are many aspects of horse rescue that are rewarding, but one of the best feelings has to be seeing a horse, who you know was previously underfed, now turned out on grass looking happy (and perhaps even a bit on the fat side!) Cleopatra and Deja Vu are two such horses. We know they came from a situation of neglect and starvation, so to see them frolic and feast out in the field is an…

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Alumni Update: Jasper

Alumni Update: Jasper 

Alumni volunteer Lisa G recently visited with Jasper and his adopter. Jasper is absolutely thriving in the Olympic Peninsula farm life. This happy and healthy fellow gets to spend his days turned out with a TRULY mixed herd; his 2 mare pals, Poppy and Sodee, 4 alpacas, and 2 goats with 4 donkeys and a couple more horses within neighing distance… topped of with a sprinkling of chickens, ducks,…

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Haltering Progression with Winter

Haltering Progression with Winter 

Winter had lived for a number of years out on pasture without being caught. She remained curious of humans, but wary of their intentions, especially when it came to anyone handling her in a way that wasn’t on her terms. We were able to get a breakaway halter on Winter before she exited the trailer at SAFE, but it was clear that it would take patience and time before she was ready to let just…

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Alumni Update: Nyx and Echo

Alumni Update: Nyx and Echo 

Update from Lindsay Henderson, Nyx’s adopter: The last few days we took a couple SAFE alumni (Nyx and Echo) out on a group camp out at Silver Falls. They were both rockstars! Echo and Addison Cory bravely led the way much of the time. So cool to be a part of and to witness these horses thriving!

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Jupiter’s Back

Jupiter’s Back 

Do you want the good news or the bad news first?   The good news is that at a recent lameness check back in early June, Jupiter was the soundest he’s ever been. Putting him on Equioxx, tacking on some front shoes, and legging him up has proven to be a tried and true regime for improving his soundness. The “bad news” is that at…

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Alumni Update: Coco, Minnie and Teddi

Alumni Update: Coco, Minnie and Teddi 

Coco, Minnie, and Teddi are happy as can be out on the beautiful Key Peninsula. They have graduated to shared/open shelter (so they each have individual stalls, but the doors are left open so they can all meander in and out together), as they get on wonderfully as a herd. Teddi is clearly the gentle but firm matriarch, with spunky little Coco trying her best to be second in command! They have…

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Zuri’s Joints

Zuri’s Joints 

A mid-90s baby, Zuri is one of the oldest members of our herd. Before her arrival, she was nursed back to health by one of Pierce County Animal Control’s amazing fosters, who brought her body condition up from the 1 out of 9 she was seized at. Considering the rough shape she began in, as well as her advanced age, Zuri came to SAFE looking if not quite like a million bucks, then not far off.…

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Alumni Update: Ruby

Alumni Update: Ruby 

Ruby is living a nice life with her adopter Sophia. Ruby enjoys the company of two Percheron cross mares as herd mates. In addition, there are two dogs, goats, sheep, chickens and ducks.

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Alumni Update: Aiden (Copper)

Alumni Update: Aiden (Copper)

Copper (formerly Aiden) is living it up and LOVING life as a Washington High School Equestrian Team (WAHSET) horse with his human, Maeve. Just look at that view of Mount Rainier! He gets that view from his stall, lucky boy! Maeve said that Copper loves to do the games for WAHSET even though he’s not a speed demon — but even more so, he is loving working with cows and tries to help “heel” them!…

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Domino’s “Thumbprint”

Domino’s “Thumbprint”

Penned by:  Debbie M, SAFE Volunteer  “Most of us enjoy some pampering; and Domino does, too, from his bevy of groomers who currently pamper him three to four or more times a week!  Evidence of this includes his welcoming nicker when you approach his paddock, to his often falling asleep while being curried and brushed, along with some occasional yawns and chews … all signs that the Big Boy…

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Together Forever, Chip and Dale

Together Forever, Chip and Dale 

This past week, we made the heartbreaking decision to help Chip and Dale cross over. These two sweet older gentlemen had both been having acute health challenges as of late, and despite our careful management, were declining, not improving. Chip was experiencing significant hoof pain due to the laminitic changes in both of his front hooves, and it was reaching the point where his bad days were…

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Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Edward

Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Edward 

Kaya M has been working and riding Edward, and recently took him to attend the Buck Brannaman clinics in Spanaway and Ellensburg. Here’s what she has to say about the experience: “Eddie was a lucky guy recently! For two weekends in a row, he got to hang out with Buck Brannaman and learn a whole bunch. I’m so so proud of him and how much he really tried both weekends. Neither venue made it easy…

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Poppy and Moshi and the Brush Cutter

Poppy and Moshi and the Brush Cutter 

Casey A, who has been working and riding Moshi and Poppy, has been helping them free up their feet and find peace. This is exemplified by a recent event featuring the brush cutter: “SAFE’s facilities team is a hard-working crew, and today’s big project was clearing the retention pond in preparation for Heart of the Horse using an industrial brush cutter. I happened to be riding Poppy in the…

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Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Tiva

Buck Brannaman Clinic Report: Tiva 

To ask what it was like to have the opportunity to bring Tiva to her first off-site clinic – and a Buck Brannaman clinic at that – the simplest answer I could give you is that it was great. Sometimes, language fails. Tiva was as at home in the strange corral of Ellensburg’s rodeo arena as she was in her paddock back at SAFE. Glancing over at any given moment saw her standing comfortably, napping…

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Alumni Program — Q2 Update

Alumni Program — Q2 Update 

Our second quarter of SAFE alumni checks has come to a close. Q2 was extremely busy with 54 horses scheduled for their annual check, bringing our total number of horses checked on for the year up to 102! 43 horses were visited in person, with the remaining 11 horses getting their check-ins over the phone, either because of a far geographic location, or because they had been seen in person last…

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Reflecting on Our Time with Buck Brannaman

Reflecting on Our Time with Buck Brannaman 

As I sit here reflecting on the past two incredible weeks of learning from Buck Brannaman, I am filled with gratitude. To paraphrase Buck from the last day of the Ellensburg clinic, “In my life, I don’t know if I have been lucky, but I sure know that I have been blessed.” My fellow horsemanship volunteers and I all feel both lucky and blessed to have had the opportunity to stand in the same…

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Gals Being Pals

Gals Being Pals 

Nova and Harissa have been sharing a fence line for a while now, but recently became officially introduced out in their grass backyard. Neither of these girls are a stranger to herd dynamics, so there was very little fanfare as they established the hierarchy (Harissa > Nova), and ever since have been two little peas in a pod. Nova finally has a reliable companion to itch her withers, and…

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Alumni Update: Tilt (Korra)

Alumni Update: Tilt (Korra)

Tilt (now Korra) recently celebrated her birthday and adoption day! Adopter Julie wrote: Fourth of July is far more important here in Santa Fe. Happy birthday and adoption day to Korra (Tilt)!! One of the sweetest souls I’ve had the privilege to meet.

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