SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Meet Camille!

Meet Camille! 

Welcome Camille to the SAFE family! Camille is a 20 yr old 18 hand, 1600 lb Percheron mare. Like many of our new intakes she comes to us with a very sad history. Her previous owner was literally working her to death as a carriage horse when Pierce County Animal Control stepped in and seized her. She has been recovering for the past two months with a lovely foster family. They helped her heal…

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Unsticking Sienna

Unsticking Sienna 

To work with a horse is to embark on an archaeological mission of sorts, uncovering within both the horse (and yourself!) hidden spots of trouble. Sometimes such spots are obvious — a horse who is worried about the flag flapping, or rope around their feet, or a stirrup in their blind spot. But sometimes these spots are buried deep, requiring what seems like a perfect storm of circumstances to…

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Training Update: Pepper

Training Update: Pepper 

Pepper was saddled for the first time last June, and has come a tremendously long way since then. These days, she’s riding in the big arena more often than not, and is learning how to carry herself with more balance and straightness. It’s hard to imagine this little mare started out as a wild thing considering how gentle she is today! But don’t take my word for it, check it out for yourself…

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Curious About George?

Curious About George? 

George is more than ready to find his forever home! He is a 4‑year-old Yakima Reservation gelding with a personality that much exceeds his 13.3 hands. Started at the end of 2020, George is going phenomenally under saddle – walk trot lope – with the potential to go far. He would do best in a home with an intermediate rider who will keep him busy. He has trailered off-property for clinics and been…

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All Grown Up

All Grown Up 

There is one certainty in this life — time will pass. Sometimes like molasses (often when we are in less than pleasant situations, reclined in the dentist’s chair, or when waiting on an important phone call — the seconds slug along) but more often than not it seems that time is a train car rushing past, leaving us winded and wondering how that thing back there is now here, and now gone. All…

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Alumni Update: Shortbread and Whisky

Alumni Update: Shortbread and Whisky 

We recently got an update on these two cute buttons! Whisky and Shortbread are lucky to enjoy grass time and Sherry says they sometimes get the zoomies and it’s fun to watch them run and roll around. She said “They are both so sweet and a joy of her life.” 

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Alumni Update: Billy

Alumni Update: Billy 

Billy’s family sent a few photos from the past year. Marin had this to say about our Billy: “Billy is doing great! He somehow gets sweeter and more curious every day. I can now give him kisses on his face, braid his forelock, touch his ears freely and without flinches (from the front), and give him hugs. We’re still working on not wearing the halter 24/7, but he can have off days where it’s…

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Jacob’s Progress

Jacob’s Progress 

Jacob has been under saddle now since the beginning of this year. He was the easiest of his compatriots to saddle, but that does not mean that he was the safest. Jacob is perfectly easy to get along with if you both have the same ideas about what to do, but as soon as you ask him to do something that he would rather not, problems arise. It first manifested when driving him forward. He felt that…

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Alumni Update: Orion and Roxanne at the Derby

Alumni Update: Orion and Roxanne at the Derby 

Check out these photos of Roxanne and Orion at the French Creek Pony Club derby a few weeks ago! They are beautiful! Roxanne said “We had just the *best* day at the French Creek Derby, and came home with a blue ribbon! We did a BN combined test, so dressage and cross country. He finished with a 72.1 in dressage and a clean cross country round. I‘m SO proud of him, I couldn’t be more pleased with…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Sam Etzel

September Volunteer of the Month: Sam Etzel 

Congratulations to our volunteer of the month, Sam Etzel! Sam started volunteering on the Sunday AM team in November 2020 and always jumps on the chance to help out. She was instrumental during the snow last December, donating her time off from work to help care care for our horses when others couldn’t make the drive. Earlier this year she became Co Lead and this week starts as a Barn Assist! I…

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Tiva is Making Friends 

Go Tiva!! Last week, she met quite a few new two legged friends and just a couple days ago she let Candi walk up and halter her! We captured it on video so you have to believe us! She’s still a bit shy and can get upset if pushed and doesn’t feel free to move her feet, but overall doing great! She now can be brushed, hosed off, fly sprayed, introduced and touched with the flag, walked around the…

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Bijou in the Round Pen

Bijou in the Round Pen 

It’s been a busy first few weeks here at SAFE since Bijou arrived. Now off of Quarantine, she had her first set of vaccines, dental float and microchipped. She also got a lovely pair of front shoes from our farrier and was a super star for it! Here is a short little video of our first day working a little with her in the round pen. She is very gentle, kind and has a wonderful disposition. We are…

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Training Update: Nova

Training Update: Nova 

Long-legged Nova will celebrate her 4th birthday this November. In the meantime, she has been working on her physique with some trot pole work. We think that Nova has it in her to really take on some fences one day, but for now, we will stick with cavalettis. 

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Alumni Update: Flynn

Alumni Update: Flynn 

Kirsten had this to say about Flynn: “Flynn loves being adored by all the kiddos who come to our farm. I’ve noticed as his confidence has improved as a 1 eyed horse he has helped build the confidence of the more timid kiddo riders! He truly is a special pony with the sweetest heart filled with so much love! Thank you for letting this special gelding be apart of our herd!” [gallery columns=“2”…

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Otto Enjoying Summer

Otto Enjoying Summer 

Sunshine, soft, fluffy dirt and playing with friends are the best reasons to lay down for a nap…everyday…several times a day. It’s usually the position Otto is in when our volunteer photographer visits the property. (Thanks Kristina!) He can’t be bothered to get up unless it’s to blow kisses. Otto spends his days…

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Training Update: Rae

Training Update: Rae 

Rae, who was born at SAFE in November of 2018, has blossomed into quite the nice mare! This summer she has been in regular work in preparation to meet adopters — when she’s not out grazing with her buddies Nova and Valentine, she’s in the round pen going over trot poles and learning to guide off of her rider’s leg and respond to their seat, among other things. Check out a snapshot of Rae’s…

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Ruckus is Adopted!

Ruckus is Adopted! 

Ruckus was one of five horses surrendered to SAFE in 2016 after their owner passed away unexpectedly. He and his friends came to SAFE in good health, but with very uncertain futures. Ruckus quickly became a volunteer favorite, and we delighted in the way this tiny horse conducted himself among his much larger herd mates, each of whom clearly adored him. He was adopted fairly quickly in April of…

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Training Update: Rope work with Esme

Training Update: Rope work with Esme 

Esme has had a busy summer, spending much of her time learning to wear a saddle (some days, it’s easier than others) and drilling the groundwork basics on the regular. One big hurdle for Esme has been getting comfortable with the rope touching her — her back, her legs, even the area where she already knows the saddle goes. In the video below, Terry works with Esme to help support her through…

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Gabby Meets the Halter

Gabby Meets the Halter 

Trisha has made such amazing progress with Gabby, that we got behind on sharing her last milestone! Here you see Gabby realizing a halter is no big deal.

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Tilt is Adopted!

Tilt is Adopted! 

Tilt was adopted in March 2021 along with another horse friend, Valentine, a 16 year old sweet chestnut mare, but due to unfortunate circumstances, both made their way back to SAFE. Tilt was only back at SAFE for a few short months before catching the eye of one of our Alumni Adopters, Julie. Julie adopted Jewel back in 2017 and was just across the park from SAFE. Both regularly participated in…

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Montana’s Mountains and Valleys

Montana’s Mountains and Valleys 

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and the same applies to the education (or re-education) of some horses. Montana’s arrival at SAFE coincided with the end of summer last year, where we were spending lots of time picking up fallen apples from our trees and starting to think about stall assignments for when our herd started coming into the barn at night. Montana then was a nervous, snake-necked gelding…

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Alumni Update: Aiden

Alumni Update: Aiden 

Maeve and Copper (formerly named Aiden) in a July 4H gaming show. What a photo!! Next stop for these two is the Pierce County and State fairs!

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Training Update: Edward 

In addition to his work under saddle, we have been spending some time sending Edward over trot poles to aid with strength and conditioning. It is always a treat to watch the floaty way horses move over poles, and this handsome boy is certainly no exception! Check it out at

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Cramer Making Strides

Cramer Making Strides 

Cramer has made some huge strides (but with legs his length, maybe it’s just a normal stride for him) the last several months here at SAFE. It wasn’t all that long ago that he was first learning to walk from paddock to round pen, a relatively short distance that once felt like miles. Now, his resume includes participating in a Joel Conner clinic alongside Lexee N, being turned out in a herd…

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Hooves of Glass

Hooves of Glass 

Remember when Darla blew an abscess, way back in January? The shockwaves of that are still being felt all the way now in August. There was a sweet spot a few months back where she was sound, and we thought that we were in the clear. But it was not to be. Shortly after we got Darla back into regular work, she came up lame again. That same hoof again, the dreaded left front, was still proving to…

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Rodeo Fundraising Results

Rodeo Fundraising Results 

Written by our volunteer, Debbie Meyer. As you may have heard by now, this year’s Heart of the Horse fundraiser was a huge success, raising an all-time high of $320,000! Most of that money was raised at the Heart of the Horse Barn Party. However, contributing to the overall total was the online Silent Auction which brought in over $18,000 and the results of the volunteers’ Sweethearts of the…

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Handsome Horse Modeling School

Handsome Horse Modeling School 

Horse, or hat model? These days when he’s not wearing a saddle, Artie Shaw entertains with displays of handsome stoicism to rival any fashion week editorial.   I jest, of course – a hat perched atop his head is not a common look for Artie. And while I’ll be the first to admit it’s quite a delight to play dress up with a handsome little horse, the fact that Artie allows such childish…

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Welcome, Pomme and Dolly!

Welcome, Pomme and Dolly! 

Sometimes, the rescuing begins before horses even arrive at SAFE. When the horses now known as Pomme and Dolly were first seized by animal control, they were in rough shape. Pomme, a 25-year old sorrel grade mare, had the concavity between rib cage and spine that is indicative of the lowest body condition scoring numbers, a ratty coat that had not fully shed out, lice infesting her deadlocked…

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New Horses, Sebastian and Bijou!

New Horses, Sebastian and Bijou! 

Sebastian and Bijou were found abandoned at the Tree Farm in Arlington. Snohomish County Animal Control posted publicly searching for their home, but after no one came forward, they were released to SAFE. Bijou is a 10 year old Quarter Horse mare who is very sweet and may have been a riding horse in her past. Her hooves are very flat and we hope to schedule a visit with the farrier soon to fit…

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