SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Edward, Defanged

Edward, Defanged 

Edward, along with the herd mates he arrived at SAFE with, Esme and Jacob, were all named after characters from a certain mid-2000s book series you may be familiar with, featuring vampires and werewolves and rain, oh my! Edward, the horse, was named after Edward, the vampire, and it turns out that the two share more similarities than just sparkling in the sun; now at a healthy weight, on those…

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Cramer Gets a Pedicure

Cramer Gets a Pedicure 

We are happy to report that Cramer has successfully had all four hooves trimmed. He was a gem for the farrier and stayed connected to the handler without trouble. He has a kind and thoughtful nature. When he had issues with the hind it was less from being “naughty” than him figuring out how to balance his weight to keep that big body up. I won’t say that he is 100% without a little bit of…

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Pepper’s Progress

Pepper’s Progress 

Pepper has recovered from a wound on her hind leg that had her on stall rest for a couple months. She was a star patient for all her treatments and even coped really well with being separated from her herd and stuck in a rehab lot. Pepper has just been back to work this week and really picked things up right where she left off! The back cinch is still an issue for Pepper, but we’re seeing…

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Alumni Update: Emma

Alumni Update: Emma 

Emma has a new, but very familiar new home. For the past several years, Emma has been boarded at Sunset Stables in Carnation by her SAFE adopter Heidi.  Over the past year, Emma has formed a very special bond with Sunset Stable Owner Jan and now is Emma’s new adopter. Emma has been enjoying a very nice life at the stables: taking short trail rides, having great interactions with the goats on the…

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Meet Tanis and Nico!

Meet Tanis and Nico! 

Introducing our newest herd members, Tanis and Nico. Recently, a woman in her 80s passed away leaving 14 dogs, a horse, a friendly cat, and several fixed feral cats. SAFE was contacted to help with the horse. Working with a local small animal rescue, JustCare Animal Rescue and Sanctuary, who has been working tirelessly to help all of these animals, we made a plan and set out to pick the horse…

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Cameron and Carrie

Cameron and Carrie 

Here is an update on Cameron from one of our volunteers, Carrie S: “This is the magic of SAFE. A sweet old pointy Cameron is now a dashing debonair gelding full of life and showing his stuff. I took him out for his daily walk yesterday and he was simply dancing and prancing. Kaya gave permission to turn him out for a romp in the round pen without his blanket so he could roll and play. As soon as…

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Darla’s Toe Woes

Darla’s Toe Woes 

It has certainly been a lengthy recovery process, but the end is finally in sight for our dear Darla. Since her abscess finally ported (in not one, not two, but three places: her coronet band, her heel bulbs, and her white line) back in early January, we have been carefully tending to her foot each day to ensure it continues to heal. And it has paid off! During her most recent visit with our…

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Daisy’s Move To Foster

Daisy’s Move To Foster 

Adoptions are a wonderful thing, but they are often bittersweet for those involved in the horse’s life. When Sundae was adopted from her foster home, it left her human foster, Shellie, with a bit of an empty nest, and her foster brother lacking a friend. Luckily, we had a perfect option.  Daisy, a SAFE favorite, was an easy choice. Her docile personality and gentle nature made her a great fit…

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Frosting in the Sun

Frosting in the Sun 

Check out this photo Frosting’s foster mom sent us of Frosting and her BFF, SAFE Alumna Fancy, enjoying a nap in the sun together. There’s nothing quite like basking in those rare wintertime rays with your buddy by your side! 

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Chip and Dale Health Update

Chip and Dale Health Update 

Chip’s level of comfort appears to have made some slight improvements since his last visit two weeks ago with Dr. King from Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital. His blood work shows only a very slightly elevated ATCH but visually he has very classic symptoms of Cushing’s, including the stagnant, shaggy coat and of course the laminitis. We will begin on a very low dose of Prascend and hope to help him…

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Training Update: Groundwork with Coco

Training Update: Groundwork with Coco 

Check out this video of Coco doing some groundwork. She works on leading on a float through three gaits (walk, trot, lope), transitioning through those gaits smoothly, and staying straight on her united circle. She also works on being touched by the rope and the flag, on yielding her hindquarters, on bringing her front quarters across, and on backing up. One thing she doesn’t need any more work…

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Trim Time for Otto

Trim Time for Otto 

Last time our farrier was out, Otto successfully had all four of his feet trimmed. It is such a pleasure to watch this young man as he sheds out and grows up, the latter of which includes a vast difference between his first trim and this, his most recent one. Learning to stand and be patient for the farrier can be a big ask, especially when you’re not used to having your feet handled, but…

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Introducing Tiva!

Introducing Tiva! 

Introducing our newest mare, Tiva! She was picked up from a boarding barn in Olympia and arrived at SAFE in the late afternoon. After living in a stall for nearly a year, she was reluctant to leave it and or to get out of the trailer. Freedom was not something she had seen in a long time. Once off the trailer she stood in the far corner of her quarantine paddock taking in her surroundings with…

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Sundae is Adopted!

Sundae is Adopted! 

We are over the moon excited for our little momma, Sundae, who officially has her own forever home, where she will only be expected to eat, run and be happy! Gone are the days of her constant motherhood. Sundae, now named Neapolitan, moved to Tacoma in February to live with Cheryl and become friends with her two riding mares. When one goes out for a ride, Sundae will be there to comfort the…

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Alumni Update: Trey

Alumni Update: Trey 

This cute Quarter Horse/Pony is a big horse, with lots of personality, just stuck in a smaller horse’s body!  Even though he isn’t competing in dressage any longer, he still loves to zip around the property, hang out with his other horse friends in the pasture and takes the occasional light trail ride with his adopter Eve.

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“Brandit” Go To Foster

Brandit” Go To Foster 

Brandy and Bandit have arrived at their foster home with long-time SAFE volunteer, Sarah V! A group of SAFE volunteers spent a sunny weekend day putting the finishing touches on the girl’s new home, and then it was time for the pair to arrive. They had a lovely first day at the farm, exploring and grazing in the sunshine alongside their new neighbors – a herd of alpacas. The little herd caused…

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March Volunteer of the Month: Yasmin

March Volunteer of the Month: Yasmin 

Congratulations to the March Volunteer of the Month, Yasmin! She has been working on the Wednesday AM team since May 2020 and quickly became a hard working, dedicated volunteer who is consistently reliable and shows up for her team. (And her team loves her!) Often noticing and relaying important information about our horses and property which is very helpful not only to our horses, but extremely…

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Jasper is Adopted!

Jasper is Adopted! 

Jasper is adopted! Connie came to SAFE looking for a companion for her 19 year old mare, Poppy, who had recently lost her gelding companion. When she met Jasper, Connie immediately fell in love with his soft eyes. Jasper came to SAFE in the summer of 2020 as a very nervous boy, easily startled and spooked. He had spent most of his life being passed from one home to the next and through no fault…

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The Tooth Fairy Visits Otto

The Tooth Fairy Visits Otto 

Though his follow-up appointment wasn’t for another month, a few days after he returned from his check-in with Dr. Hanson, Otto decided he was ready to go back. His now characteristic bump was appearing noticeably larger, and after a call to the vet, it was decided that it would be a good idea for him to be seen again. So back up to Mt. Vernon he went. [gallery size=“large” link=“file”…

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Update on Chip and Dale

Update on Chip and Dale 

Shortly after arriving at their foster home, Chip and Dale gave us quite a scare. The pair had an intake vet visit scheduled for early March, where they would get overall examinations including bloodwork to test for possible Cushing’s, lameness evaluations, and dental checks. But anyone who has ever owned horses knows that things often do not go according to plan, and a medical emergency…

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Mac and Domino in the Limelight 

Our friends at the Limelight pet project stopped by last month to visit with Domino and Mac and learn a bit more about these two gentlemen! Their spotlight really highlighted the boys’ distinct personalities. Check out the video interview below!

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Help for Two Senior Minis and Their Owner

Help for Two Senior Minis and Their Owner 

Recently, SAFE received a phone call from a senior in our community. Up until mid January, they had been in very good health. Sadly, they were in an automobile accident and ever since had been experiencing a diminished capacity on their left side. While waiting for more testing and doctor visits, they were unable to care for their two senior minis with the same level of care they had for many…

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Alumni Update: Misty

Alumni Update: Misty 

Misty is doing amazing!  She is currently residing at Buck wood Farms as a lesson horse and is being ridden by a lovely lady Amber, who absolutely loves Misty.  Come spring, Misty’s adopter will be able to start riding her again as she is finishing school and has a more regular work schedule. In the meantime, however, her adopter still gets to spend plenty of time with her and treat her like the…

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Alumni Update: Sierra

Alumni Update: Sierra 

No matter the season, Sierra always has something she loves.  If it’s muddy, she loves to blend in with rolling in the mud and if it’s snowing, she just stands there to camouflage with her surroundings But, if there is a kicking ball, then it’s get up and go time! Here she is in each season! 

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Bath Day for Cramer

Bath Day for Cramer 

Cramer was a very good boy for his first bath at SAFE. He has come a long way from the timid giant that arrived just a short time ago. He is coming along nicely in the halter work, and we have been able to complete his first dental, vaccines and worming treatments. Over the next weeks we hope to have his first farrier visit and begin walking him around the property. We were surprised to find out…

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Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner

Barb Needs a Knowledgeable Partner 

Barb has a very strong sense of justice, so if you fail to release her immediately when she does the right thing, or add pressure that’s not meaningful, she’ll resent your poor timing. When you time up correctly and have good consistency of your feel and movements, Barb feels supported and can be the softest mare with a ton of effort to do the correct thing. Barb is comfortable being roped off…

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Nyx is waiting to meet you!

Nyx is waiting to meet you! 

Nyx is a 15-year-old big mustang boy standing at 16.0hh and he’s ready for an intermediate rider! He came to SAFE as a rescue in Washington, but he’s originally from Beatys Butte, Oregon HMA–a herd that is known to have traces of everything from Spanish mustang to draft-type breeds in their gene pools, the latter of which would explain Nyx’s stature and large, kind eye. No doubt about it, Nyx…

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Our Baby Rae

Our Baby Rae 

Rae is doing very well this winter. She has been a good citizen with a few new members of her turnout herd. Rae keeps “her nose clean” in the herd and is never in the middle when things get energized. She is polite when meeting new horses and over all very easy to match up with others. In the field, as the other horses ran around getting to know the new members, Rae stood on a high spot in the…

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