SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Jacob Moves Forward!

Jacob Moves Forward! 

Jacob is such a sweet horse! He seems very comfortable with people and is very easy to halter and groom. Jacob even got his front feet trimmed by Joel and is starting to allow his back feet to be picked up. Jacob is also starting to understand a flag and sort out the difference between meaningful pressure and non-meaningful stimulus. Hopefully we will be able to walk to the round pen soon so we…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Pepper

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Pepper 

During the September Joel Conner clinic, Pepper got a lot of work on her education! Lily L took Pepper in the groundwork class and had this to say about the experience: I had the honor of working alongside Pepper at the most recent Joel clinic, which was a tremendous experience. Pepper is a wonderful partner with a lot of try. She is also a very intelligent mare, and certainly challenged me in a…

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Alumni Update: Hickory (Listo)

Alumni Update: Hickory (Listo)

We recently received an update from Hickory’s (now known as Listo) adopter, who tells us that Listo is in good shape. He enjoyed some grass turnout this summer, but is now back on a dry lot for the fall and winter months. Sadly, Listo recently lost his two buddies, and while old friends can’t be replaced, new ones can be made. Listo’s adopter is currently searching for a new friend for him, but…

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Echo is Learning!

Echo is Learning! 

Since her arrival at SAFE, Echo’s weight has dropped from 1,100 pounds to a much more height-appropriate 875 pounds. We soak her hay for 30 minutes to decrease sugars and are using hay that is suitable for easy keepers. The hay provides roughage and forage but is not as calorie packed as the orchard grass or alfalfa that other SAFE horses receive. Echo has had several hoof trims by the farrier,…

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Domino Makes Progress

Domino Makes Progress 

Domino is a very healthy senior horse! He has good teeth and does well on grass and hay with the normal vitamin supplement used for SAFE horses. For paddock buddies, he does best paired with a submissive gelding. He forms a strong connection with mares, to the point of being herd bound. He demonstrates some separation anxiety but manages with the support of the person working with him. His…

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Daisy on the Upswing

Daisy on the Upswing 

Daisy, our one-eyed beauty, has gained weight since her arrival at SAFE. Her initial weight of 780 pounds has increased to 807 pounds. She’s looking quite a bit better these days, which is very nice to see. Daisy gets nervous about being moved outside her paddock, but is comfortable and happy in her familiar surroundings. She had no problems handling her recent farrier trim, and similarly did…

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Cameron’s Rehab Progress

Cameron’s Rehab Progress 

Cameron has settled into SAFE well. We were initially concerned about Cameron’s colon function, and after several weeks of close monitoring now have a feel for his typical manure production. He gets an all-mash diet of Haystack and senior grain which he eats with gusto. His weight has increased from 945 pounds to 988 pounds, and he is slowly starting to fill out. Cameron saw the vet recently for…

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Aubrey Update

Aubrey Update 

Aubrey returned to SAFE without having had dental work in about 3 years. She has been seen by our vet and had much needed dental work to reduce the sharp points on her teeth. Aubrey’s ideal adoptive situation would be a home where there is a steady herd of retired horses. She does best with the 24/7 company of at least one other horse. From her race track years in confinement, she has developed…

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Arigato’s Recovery Continues

Arigato’s Recovery Continues 

Arigato came to SAFE with very overgrown hooves and some apparent lameness in her right hind. We have been working with her to gentle her enough to safely sedate her for X‑rays. She has a bulge about one inch below the coronet band. There is a possibility that this is a benign tumor known as a keratoma, but this will need to be confirmed through the X‑rays. The only way to treat a keratoma is by…

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Now What’s New with Lacey?

Now What’s New with Lacey? 

Our sweet little problem child Lacey has been making some great progress as of late. In an effort to obtain some positive behavior changes, we’ve started her back on Regumate for hormone balance so that she doesn’t go into season. On Regumate, Lacey seems more content with her life, showing happy (forward) ears and more nickering to people and other horses. At the rate with which changes have…

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Aunt Teddi

Aunt Teddi 

There should come a time in every young horse’s life when the proverbial cord is cut, and access to their mother’s milk is stopped. It’s not as harsh as it sounds: after around 4 months, a foal needs more than just milk to meet its nutritional needs, and as long as they are eating hay and grain, milk just becomes that extra, unneeded slice of cake at the end of their meal: a nice treat, but no…

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Barb is Ready for Adoption!

Barb is Ready for Adoption! 

As Barb has matured, she’s started to look somewhat different from the other Fall City horses. She has longer legs and a more refined look, but remains a bit roly-poly. Kaya has been working with Barb to help her stay focused in larger spaces so that she can be ridden outside the round pen. Barb did great on a recent trail ride through the park adjacent to SAFE. Barb has had 5 months of light…

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Alumni Update: Annie

Alumni Update: Annie 

We recently received an update from Annie’s adopter! Annie has entered into the world of Competitive Mounted Orienteering (CMO), which is best described as a mounted treasure hunt. Riders utilize compasses and maps while riding out on a specific course, hunting for hidden objective stations. Over the past season for CMO, Annie placed mostly 2nd and 3rd, really proving herself as a reliable trail…

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Alumni Update: Cosmo

Alumni Update: Cosmo 

We recently received an update from Cosmo’s adopter. Cosmo, now known as Theo, is living his best retired life alongside his gelding friend. We also asked his adopter a handful of questions about this handsome boy, and here’s what she had to say: What is your horse’s favorite treat? He loves food…so pretty much anything! What is your horse’s most winning characteristic? He’s super sweet and…

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Alumni Update: Jewel

Alumni Update: Jewel 

We recently received an update from Jewel’s adopter, who tells us that Jewel is quite the character and that she is very well loved! We had the pleasure of seeing Jewel at our September Joel Conner horsemanship clinic, which is always a treat. We also asked Jewel’s adopter a handful of questions about Jewel, and here’s what she had to say: What is your horse’s favorite treat? She loves all kinds…

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Nyx’s Origins

Nyx’s Origins 

Nyx’s freeze brand, a hallmark of all BLM horses, is not just pure ornamentation. It actually acts as a unique identifier, and grants a bit of a window into his background. It tells us that he was born in 2006, and that he came from a herd in Oregon. Further investigation tells us that he is from the Beatys Butte herd management area, a dry, desert landscape around 65 miles east of Lakeview,…

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Meet Montana and Darla

Meet Montana and Darla 

Say hello to our two newest arrivals, Darla and Montana! Darla is about 10 years old, and Montana is a 5 year old gelding. Both were surrendered to SAFE by their owner, an elderly man who suffered a stroke and could no longer care for them. His family was able to successfully rehome his other horses, but Darla and Montana are both untrained and were at a greater risk of falling into bad…

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Caramel is Adopted!

Caramel is Adopted! 

Caramel is adopted! We have tears of joy with the news that Caramel’s foster mom, Trisha, said Caramel has a permanent home with her family! What an amazing gift this is for SAFE and Caramel. We know she will be forever loved, cared for and accepted for the smart, sensitive mare she is and will always be treated with love and respect. Cara and her Fall City 40 sister, Hazel, have truly found…

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Lucca is Adopted!

Lucca is Adopted! 

Lucca is adopted by our very own Jane Millar! Jane has been a huge part of SAFE for many, many years and we could not be more over the moon that she found Lucca. As the Volunteer Manager for over 3 years, most long-term volunteers remember her as the first face of SAFE. Jane transitioned from a pretty big part time volunteer job to wanting to have more free time, try a few different roles at…

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Pippi and Aries are Adopted!

Pippi and Aries are Adopted! 

Do you recognize the names Jane and Eric? They adopted Breve and Checkers back in July and now they’ve come back for two more horses, Aries and Pippi! That’s right, Jane and Eric now have their own tiny SAFE herd of four! Our very own Pippi, who was born to a rescue mare, Asha, at SAFE left for her new home just short of two weeks from her third birthday. When they decided to adopt Pippi they…

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Alumni Update: Nadia 

Leah, age 12, is still riding Nadia in 4H.  Last year was mostly pleasure riding since all events were cancelled, but this year they’ve been getting back into competition. She rides Nadia both English and Western for Saddle Seat, Hunt Seat, Dressage, Stock Seat, Bareback, and Western Gaming (which is Nadia’s favorite).  They’ve been doing qualifier events, and are signed up for the Thurston…

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Pearl and Abby are Adopted!

Pearl and Abby are Adopted! 

Pearl and Abby are adopted together! We found them a loving family with Diana and Adam. The two get to live out their days as best friends with two humans who adore them. Their gorgeous property is up north in Everson Washington. When Kaya, our Barn and Facilities Manager, dropped the two off, she was so excited to see their beautiful home in person. She jokingly told Diana we would be bringing…

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Artie is Adopted!

Artie is Adopted! 

Artie is adopted and he lives with a SAFE Alumni pony, Ruckus! Jacquie was looking for a companion to live with Ruckus and turned to SAFE searching for a horse buddy. As the Volunteer Manager, I like to ask volunteers if they have a favorite horse at SAFE. Of course, many reply with “I like them all! BUT if I had to choose, it would be…” There is usually a horse or two that stands out to each…

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Quincy is Adopted!

Quincy is Adopted! 

Quincy is adopted! Annemarie turned to SAFE looking for a friend for her horses, Nick and Ernie. On a sunny day in August they headed to Quincy’s new home. Annemarie said he arrived without breaking a sweat and unloaded like he’s been doing it his whole life. Quincy came to SAFE as part of a 7 pony seizure from Animal Control. The ponies had been living unhandled, hungry, with overgrown hooves,…

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Veronica is Saddled

Veronica is Saddled 

Over the past several months, Veronica has made great progress in her ground work with volunteer Candi. She is a sensitive mare who is eager to learn and please. These changes allowed for another milestone as she experienced her first saddling with Joel Conner in the October clinic/colt starting. Joel has years of experience working with challenging horses like Veronica. Even with preparation on…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Melita Shpul

October Volunteer of the Month: Melita Shpul 

Congratulations to Melita Shpul on Volunteer of the Month! Melita started volunteering on the Thursday PM shift in January 2020. Not long after, she also started helping us with our fecal samples, checking for eggs and sand so we can properly treat our horses. You can often find Melita, before her shift, sitting at the microscope in the the bathroom looking closely at horse manure. We are lucky…

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Merry Update

Merry Update 

Merry’s diagnosis of left hind lameness with a sensitive proximal suspensory ligament means that SAFE must evaluate the course of action that offers her the best solution. Treatment of this chronic problem is most likely limited to a surgical procedure called a fasciotomy. This involves cutting the fibrous band of tissue wrapped around the suspensory ligament, which allows it to expand and…

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A Summer of Progress for Veronica

A Summer of Progress for Veronica 

Veronica has progressed well in her training. Although she is still a bit shy, she is doing much better about getting caught and haltered, and she will now come up to the fence to be petted and told how pretty she is. Veronica stands patiently while tied and is well-behaved for bathing and being fly sprayed. Earlier in the summer, she started with walking around with a lightly cinched saddle to…

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Barb is a Riding Horse!

Barb is a Riding Horse! 

Kaya has been working with Barb since she arrived at SAFE. Here is what Kaya had to say about her: “Barb is turning out to be an all star riding horse! This sweet, charismatic, opinionated, intellegent pony keeps surprising me every ride. Barb was one of the most difficult groundwork horses I had ever worked with, but she has really turned that all around. She is now riding well on a loose rein,…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: George

Joel Conner Clinic Report: George 

In September, George and Terry participated in the riding section of the Joel Conner clinic at SAFE. This was George’s first riding clinic, with 3 hours of riding per day over 3 days, and with eight or nine other horses in the arena with him, which can be very distracting, especially for a young horse. George did very well with it all, and demonstrated a good work ethic with a good expression,…

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