SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Our Patient Mac

Our Patient Mac 

Mac has been on stall rest for 5 weeks now. He has become so patient with the bandage changes that he doesn’t need any sedation. The vet has changed his bandage about 8 or more times and now the staff can change the wrap every 3 days and the vet will come check it every 10 days. The wound looks good, but we are watching for more granulation in the center. The outside of the wound has a nice…

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Valentine and Tilt are adopted! 

Tilt and Valentine are adopted together! We are happy when we find a home for one horse, but when we get to send off two together, destined to be BFF, that makes us ecstatic! Tilt (now Korra) and Valentine (now Callie) headed to their home with Sophia last month and the two both rolled 10 times when they were first arrived. We think that is a great horse stamp of approval! The property…

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What’s up with Ajax

What’s up with Ajax 

We recently had the vet out to take a look at Ajax. His blood was checked for possible Cushings and luckily it came back negative. He also had a dental and at this point it is still inconclusive whether his eye is causing him pain or discomfort. Our vet took photos and will be discussing options. There is concern, because of his age, that eye removal may be difficult for him to handle. Ajax is a…

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Little Lacey

Little Lacey 

Lexee, one of our SAFE volunteers worked with Lacey in the March Joel Connor Clinic and here is what she had to say about it. “Ms. Lacey has taught me so much the last 6 months. I’ve been given an awesome opportunity to work with one of the most challenging horses I have ever met and learn not only a bunch about her and this horsemanship, but also about myself. She tests you without any bounds…

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New Menu Item for Quincy

New Menu Item for Quincy 

We have added Purina Topline Balancer to Quincy’s feed in an effort to develop his topline. The Purina contains more protein, but is still low in calories. We will be checking his progress at 30, 60 and 90 days.

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Alumni Update: Vida

Alumni Update: Vida 

Vida’s adopter, Jo Ella, shared this sweet photo of the two of them in February. Jo Ella said Vida is her best friend and it doesn’t get any better than that!

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Sienna is Looking Sleek

Sienna is Looking Sleek 

Sienna is what they call an easy keeper, or as her fans insist, “She’s just big boned!” We were giving her the minimum amount of hay that we could, but she still had some weight issues. The staff was stumped and even had her blood tested to see if something was wrong with her thyroid. There was nothing wrong. So, nine months ago we started soaking her Timothy hay twice a day in an effort to…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Naveen Puli

May Volunteer of the Month: Naveen Puli 

We are excited to announce our Volunteer of the Month, Naveen Puli! He has been at SAFE since May 2019. Naveen is always ready to jump in, learn new things and lend a helping hand. We are so grateful to have him on our team of volunteers. How and when did you first get involved with horses? Unfortunately, I never got involved with horses until I started volunteering at SAFE, except watching them…

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Topline for Teddy

Topline for Teddy 

Teddi looks like a horse in her 20s and is only 9 years old. We have recently started Teddi on Nutrina Topline Balancer which contains more protein, but is low in calories. We will see if this helps her develop her topline a little better. We will be checking her progress at 30, 60 and 90 days to see how it’s working.

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Cyrus is Adopted!

Cyrus is Adopted! 

We could not be more thrilled to announce that Cyrus is adopted! We hit the jackpot with his adopter and we could not be happier.   Carol and Jim came to SAFE a few months ago to look for a friend for their riding horse, Nitro. Sadly, they had recently lost their three senior horses, leaving Nitro without a buddy. Upon meeting Cyrus, there were tears from both parties, both from Cyrus’ story and…

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A Whole New World for Breve

A Whole New World for Breve 

Breve went to foster for a month of training with Julie, one of our amazing fosters. When Breve first arrived she met Julie’s horse, Sophie, who chased her around like a kid going after an ice cream truck. However, Breve was so good and never pinned her ears and even let Julie easily catch her off the grass when it was time. Here are some photos Julie shared about Breve’s first outing into the…

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Our Newest Addition: Coco!

Our Newest Addition: Coco! 

We have a new horse to introduce. She joined our herd Wednesday, April 21st at 10:37pm. Welcome to the world, Coco! Sundae delivered her filly quickly and easily without a hitch. Less than two minutes passed between the time her water broke and her foal was born. The filly was on her feet within the next hour and nursing about an hour after that. Coco is a strong little filly, and Sundae is such…

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Sundae Surprise

Sundae Surprise 

Sundae was one of a group of seven ponies seized from their owner by Animal Control. Two of the male ponies were stallions, and one was cryptorchid…so naturally we were concerned that some unplanned breeding might have taken place prior to their rescue. As it turns out, we were right to be worried. There’s a baby on the way! We’re on Foal Watch here at Safe Harbor Stables, because Sundae could…

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Meet Ajax

Meet Ajax 

We have a new horse who joined our herd late last week: Ajax, a 23 year old QH Type gelding, was “rescued” some time ago, but for the last few years, he did not receive the care he needed. When his owners sold their farm, he was rehomed to someone who wanted him as a gaming horse, something he was far from able to be. The new owner tried to return him but his old owners couldn’t take him back.…

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Meet Lucca and Aries

Meet Lucca and Aries 

Terry, our Operations Director and Jane, a long time SAFE volunteer, headed across the waters on a ferry ride to Kingston. They picked up two new horses this week, Lucca, a 19 year old bay Arabian mare and her friend, Aries, an 18 year old red roan Arabian. Both are very sweet and well behaved.  Sadly, their owner had to rehome them when they had to sell their home due to the husband’s cancer…

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Update on Mac’s Injury

Update on Mac’s Injury 

Mac’s bandage was changed on Monday and it looks good! The wound is starting to fill in and we will be starting him on oral antibiotics this week. He isn’t the best for worming, so we will see if he will eat it with a little grain. If not, we will try a feeding syringe. Our backup plan is to have our vet come out to give him a shot of Exceed, but if we can avoid that, it will cut down on Mac’s…

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Update on Teddi

Update on Teddi 

Teddi has been in our rehab paddock for over six months. We do not see her limp at a walk and are still hopeful that time may heal her pastern joint. Right now, we are now considering Adequan to improve her long term soundness. Adequan is a supplement which has been shown to improve joint health through inflammatory reduction and joint fluid/cartilage improvement. While her pastern already has…

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Alumni Update: Misty

Alumni Update: Misty 

Misty is doing amazingly well! She won “Horse of the Day” at an IEA show and is currently serving as an part-time lesson pony and teaching kids at Burkwood. Since Sarah hurt her knee, she can’t ride right now, but having Misty teach lessons to the little ones allows her to stay worked. Which is a good thing for Misty!!

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Jill is Ridden for the First Time

Jill is Ridden for the First Time 

Kaya calls Jill, Beans, which is short for Jillybeans. She has many names. Jill was started under saddle at the Joel Connor Clinic a few weeks ago. Joel had the first couple of rides and then Kaya was also able to ride her. Here’s what Kaya had to say about her: Jill has a hard time following a feel and is very wiggly to ride, most likely because she is young. She is a little herd bound, which…

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Barb Started as a Riding Horse

Barb Started as a Riding Horse 

Barb has become Kaya’s favorite horse to work with. She was ridden for the first time at the Joel Connor Clinic a few weeks ago. Then Kaya got on and has been working on riding her ever since. Barb is a very opinionated pony, but seems to enjoy the work. She is really athletic, but needs to work on balance, so that she can show her athleticism. Kaya has recently started working on bridling with…

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Pearl is Becoming a Riding Horse

Pearl is Becoming a Riding Horse 

Pearl had her first ride at the Joel Connor clinic a couple of weeks ago! She isn’t bothered by having a person on her back and took to it easily. Here’s what Kaya had to say about her: Pearl has come a long way since being at SAFE, but still has a long way to go before she’s a gentle riding horse. She has a hard time supporting her weight with her hind end. She needs to be able to do this so…

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Volunteer of the Month: Meghan Nicholson

Volunteer of the Month: Meghan Nicholson 

How and when did you first get involved with horses?  SAFE is actually my first experience with horses! I have loved them my entire life (they’ve been my favorite animal since I can remember), but I never had the opportunity to be around them. When I moved to Seattle back in 2015, I ran into a childhood friend (from NY where we both were from), who was volunteering at SAFE, and she told me all…

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2021 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: January 27, 2021 Checkers (Animal Control Surrender) Minnie (Animal Control Surrender) Quincy (Animal Control Surrender) Doolin (Animal Control Surrender) Intake Date: January 28, 2021 Mac (Animal Control Surrender) Intake Date: January 28, 2021 Kayla (Swap with Thurston Co Hooved Animal Rescue) Intake Date: March 4, 2021 Frosting (Animal Control Surrender) Placed Horses…

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Mac is on the Injured List

Mac is on the Injured List 

Sadly, Mac had a bit of an accident yesterday during turn in. He got bothered just outside the barn door, scrambled backwards, and fell onto a ceramic planter. He suffered two sizable lacerations on his left hind gaskin that needed emergency vet care immediately. Luckily Rainland Farm Equine’s Dr. Lewis was quick to arrive to his aid. She was able to clean and suture the top laceration but the…

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Razin’s Surgery was a Success!

Razin’s Surgery was a Success! 

When Razin was seized by Animal Control along with a group of neglected ponies, he appeared to be a gelding. However, none of the other male ponies seized from that property had been gelded, which made us wonder why the previous owners would have gelded this young little guy and no one else. Being a bit doubtful, we had our vet do a blood test. Lo and behold, the test confirmed that Razin was in…

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Sweet Sienna

Sweet Sienna 

Sienna is a sensitive horse with a lot of life. She’s a BLM mustang who looks like she has a mix of draft horse in her, so people might think she is lazy, but she’s not at all. Terry, who rides her, has worked hard on getting Sienna to relax and just stand still. In the past, Sienna would canter off if she couldn’t feel you holding her back. On the ground, Sienna is one of our most trusted…

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Veronica’s First Dental

Veronica’s First Dental 

Veronica has made fantastic progress in the past few months! She has gone from being a horse who was turned out 24/7 and only worked in her attached round pen to being walked all around the property and even spending a night in a stall. This month she received her very first dental float. She was extremely well behaved for her first vet visit and is now microchipped. She is officially a gentled…

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Mac’s Lameness Exam

Mac’s Lameness Exam 

During a recent veterinary exam, Mac flexed positive in both his right hind fetlock and upper limb. He improved on soft arena ground but the test on hard ground showed pain. To rule out any major issues, we decided to take radiographs of his right fetlock which showed the more significant response on the flexion test. Thankfully, the x‑rays showed nothing significant. The question then remains,…

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Jasper’s Surgery

Jasper’s Surgery 

Jasper had a bony growth on the left side of his jaw. It did not seem to bug him or cause him any pain. However, he would repeatedly bump it and break open the skin, so we decided to have the growth removed. We held a fundraiser for a surgery for one of our ponies, Razin, and the community raised more funds than we planned! We used the leftover donations to help pay for Jasper’s surgery. So it…

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