SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Billy Settles In

Billy Settles In 

Billy seems to have settled into his new life at SAFE. He’s so quiet in his stall, you could walk right by him with noticing he’s there! He loves his salt block, his meals of timothy and doesn’t seem to mind that volunteers are always fawning over him through his stall window. Billy is still a little timid and he gets very uncomfortable about changing eyes on people and anyone going near his…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Alder

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Alder 

from Kaya M. Alder continues to impress me with how accepting he is of new experiences and learning new things. I think I have been underestimating him! I was a little nervous about the clinic because we’ve never ridden with so many other horses or horses from outside SAFE, but he was a champ! Casey and Fancy helped us both get through a little of those nerves. Alder and I rode up to Fancy and…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb 

by Kaya M. Sweet Barb is coming along so well with her training! She started the last clinic weekend a little dull and Joel explained that she needed to get her feet a little freer so that she could voice her opinion. We worked a lot on freeing up her feet and changing eyes. We also did a lot of rope work, including roping all four feet and leading off of them. Towards the end of the clinic Barb…

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Poor Rae Rae

Poor Rae Rae 

Rae recently was seen limping on her front right leg. We had our vet out to look at her and she was diagnosed with white line separation. We treated Rae four times a week with Venice Turpentine, but when out farrier came out a week or so later, she noticed a large and sensitive stone bruise in Rae’s right front hoof. With this diagnosis, we began wrapping Rae’s foot in an Epsom salt poultice…

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Hay Bank Update

Hay Bank Update 

by Debbie M, our hay bank admin The Year 2020 is going to go down in the record books for a number of reasons. One of those reasons, unfortunately, is the record number of job losses due to layoffs or shutdowns during the global pandemic. This has put countless well-meaning people in our communities in difficult financial positions. If these people are also horse owners, they have to struggle…

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Welcome Hazel!

Welcome Hazel! 

We were asked to help with Hazel just a day or so before we lost Callista, so she is part of the SAFE herd in Callista’s memory. Hazel’s 70 year old owner passed away, leaving his 90 year old mother responsible for his estate and his horse. She lived on 20 acres, and was nearly impossible to catch, so she didn’t receive any vet or farrier care for a long time. Hazel is a big-bodied black and…

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Amelia is gone

Amelia is gone 

We are literally heartbroken to tell you that early Saturday morning, we lost our dear Amelia. She had a bad bout of colic that started midday on Friday, and nothing that was done for her could relieve the discomfort and pain she was feeling. Every effort was made, but in the end, we had to make the difficult decision to do what was best for her and let her go. This has been deeply painful to…

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Banner is Home

Banner is Home 

Banner made it safely to his new home where he met his new friend Rowdy! The two are getting along great and Banner has settled in nicely. Banner’s adopter Casey is a small animal vet and is very happy to have both horses living out their senior years together on her home property! Here’s an update from Casey: Banner has settled in well to the new routine. He’s such a cute, grumpy old man. He…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Kristina Oden

November Volunteer of the Month: Kristina Oden 

Congratulations and huge thanks to our Volunteer of the Month for November: Kristina Oden!! Kristine came to SAFE as an adopter in 2017, and stayed on as a volunteer, using her photography skills to document the progress of our rescued horses! Let’s get to know her better: How and when did you first get involved with horses?  I’ve grown up with horses my whole life.  My mom loves horses so I…

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Welcome to SAFE, Billy!

Welcome to SAFE, Billy! 

Billy came into SAFE last Tuesday thanks to the help of driver Jane Ostrom Millar and pony wrangler Ian LeFae. He is a 2002 model (18yrs old). Pony type, brown and white paint 10.2h gelding. His R right eye has a blind spot, not painful. He has vision and manages well. He has no medical history so he will get all his vaccinations and have them boosted a month afterwards. This week he had his 1st…

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A Sad Goodbye to a Special Horse

A Sad Goodbye to a Special Horse 

There’s just no easy way to say this…we had to say goodbye to sweet Callista this evening. 💔 When we first met Callista, we were immediately concerned about the severe muscle atrophy in her right hip. An ultrasound didn’t reveal a fracture, but the amount of arthritis was an indication that some kind of trauma had taken place. We decided at intake to give her 30 days and monitor her…

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The Limelight Pet Project Features Beauty

The Limelight Pet Project Features Beauty 

Thanks to The Limelight Pet Project for featuring Beauty! The Limelight Pet Project is a campaign local to Washington that shines a light on harder-to-adopt pets and the people who help them. We were excited to see Beauty this month on Q13 FOX. Here’s the article and segment on Q13 FOX: And a full version of Terry telling Beauty’s story: Limelight took some lovely photos of Beauty when they were…

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October Volunteer of the Month: Michayla Conrad

October Volunteer of the Month: Michayla Conrad 

How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about? I grew up with horses and spent almost every day with them until I became allergic when I was around 11 years old. The reactions I would have were pretty severe, but they have since calmed down to the point where I can volunteer at SAFE without having any health concerns (yay!). I do not currently…

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2020 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: July 3, 2020 Finley (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: July 27, 2020 Jasper (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: August 20, 2020 Boone (Owner Surrender) Intake Date: August 25, 2020 Callista (Owner Surrender) Placed Horses Millie Stella Angel Renee Cassidy Remy Euthanized Horses Finley Buddy

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Friendship Lights Our World!

Friendship Lights Our World! 

Our barn bathroom was sad. It had a hole in the ceiling. It was unsightly and a bit drafty. Friends of SAFE to the rescue! SAFE Saturday Volunteer, Sarah McGarr, asked her talented friend, Andrew Perti to come and take a look. Andrew grabbed his tools and went right to work. With Jeanne’s help and a few trips to the hardware store- our barn bathroom is beautiful and whole! Not only did he…

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A Virtual Visit with Bowie

A Virtual Visit with Bowie 

In lieu of in-person site visits, we’ve been conducting virtual follow ups with adopted SAFE horses. A SAFE volunteer spoke by phone with Pat, who adopted Bowie. Pat had this to say about her handsome horse: “He is so very happy. If you remember, this is the horse that was lame when we took him home. I firmly said I was not bringing home a lame horse and then fell in love and brought him home…

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Checking in with Gunnar

Checking in with Gunnar 

In lieu of in-person site visits, we’ve been conducting virtual follow ups with adopted SAFE horses. A SAFE volunteer spoke by phone with Carrie, who adopted Gunnar as a companion for her riding horse, Bryce. Gunnar can’t be ridden but he still gets to show off the groundwork skills he learned at SAFE with Carrie on a regular basis. His health is good, apart from an ongoing battle with scratches…

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Adoption Announcement: Cassidy!

Adoption Announcement: Cassidy! 

With happy tears, we watched Cassidy load up and head to her new home. Her adopter Bri is simply amazing. This is a true love story. Bri visited SAFE last fall and met Cassidy but recognized there was some important foundation work to be done before Cassidy would be ready as a riding partner. Bri came back this summer and proved open and willing to meet Cassidy where she was and support her…

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Adoption Announcement: Remy

Adoption Announcement: Remy 

We are thrilled to report Remy is home and settling in well. Adopter and SAFE Wednesday AM volunteer, Jessica, has bonded with Remy over the last few weeks. They had a ton of great changes and the pair is ready for their next chapter to begin. Remy is going to be Jessica’s groundwork partner and companion to her riding horse Soldier. Jessica has set up a great support team for her and her equine…

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Friendship Lights Our World!

Adoptions: Current Status and Quick Guide to Some Frequently Ask Questions 

Here are a few answers to frequently asked questions we get at SAFE about adoptions: 9/18/2020: Due to the smoke inhalation from wildfires our horses have recently experienced in the Pacific Northwest, we have currently CLOSED all riding horse visits and adoptions. We hope all our horses have an easy recovery but need to give them the time required to heal before working them. Our vets recommend…

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In Memory: Buddy

In Memory: Buddy 

I’m sorry to have to tell everyone that we lost Buddy last week. He was discovered down at night check by our volunteer with his hind legs caught under the fence. He got himself up while she went to call for help, but he was in a lot of distress. He was covered in sweat, and very unsteady on his feet. When he threw himself back down and started rolling from side to side, it was clear that we…

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Friendship Lights Our World!

Poor Air Quality: All Riding Horses Adoptions on Hold 

Well, this was not the end of summer we were hoping for! Wildfires in Washington and Oregon have severely compromised the air quality in our area, so we’ve made the following decisions regarding our horses: All riding adoptions are on hold. No showing, no visits, and no riding horses are being worked now and for at least 2 weeks AFTER air quality is back to “good”. We can then resume showing…

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A Visit with Atticus

A Visit with Atticus 

We had a chance to catch up with our old pal Atticus recently! This 30 year old Arabian gelding is living the life of Riley, and is much loved by his adoptive family. He doesn’t have many teeth left, so he maintains his rugged figure by eating wet mashes twice a day. He’s still very active and enjoys a romp in the paddock from time to time. It’s great to see him looking so healthy and happy!!

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Happy 2nd Birthday, Pippi!

Happy 2nd Birthday, Pippi! 

Happy Birthday to our little homegrown angel Pippi, who turns 2 years old today! Two years ago today, this gorgeous filly was born right here at Safe Harbor Stables. Her momma, Asha, came to us from an animal control seizure, and no one had the slightest idea she was pregnant until she recovered from starvation and kept on gaining weight! Asha kept us on our toes for…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Pam Lloyd

September Volunteer of the Month: Pam Lloyd 

How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about? As a preschooler, my mother enrolled me in dance class where I met my best childhood friend. Instead of dancing, we obsessed over horses. But her parents were relentless and installed a ballet barre–in their house! When we just loped around it, they gave in and took us to riding lessons. We took…

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Callista, Welcome!

Callista, Welcome! 

Please join us in welcoming the newest member of the SAFE herd. Callista is a super sweet mare who has seen better days. We don’t have a whole lot of history on her but what we do know is that she needs some TLC. She appears to be about 30 years old and has a body condition score of 2/9. Dr. Renner from Rainland Farm Equine came out when she arrived to make sure she was stable and to check on a…

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Welcome Boone!

Welcome Boone! 

This handsome little fella is another new addition to the SAFE family. Believe it or not, he’s already pending adoption! Boone is an 18 year old strawberry roan mini horse. He’s one of a group of four mini horses that were seized by animal control in March 2020. SAFE didn’t have space for new horses at that time, but we were able to line up a great adopter who took them all in. As they got…

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Angel and Renee: A Lifetime of Safety

Angel and Renee: A Lifetime of Safety 

There is one thing that keeps us all motivated and inspired at SAFE and that is hope. Each time we meet a new horse and bring them into the herd, we have hope that we will be able to give them all that they need to heal from their past physical and emotional neglect. When we came into Angel and Renee’s lives, all we knew for certain was from here on out, they would always be protected and loved.…

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Millie is Adopted!

Millie is Adopted! 

Seriously, no one saw this coming! Miss Millie is adopted! Hollie contacted SAFE looking for a companion for her mare Maddie, who has some hearing loss. Maddie was all alone and needed a friend to help her feel relaxed and content. Millie was perfect! She had proven to SAFE, many times, that she simply loves every horse she has ever met. Hollie came to meet Millie the weekend we had our friend…

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