SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

June Volunteer of the Month: Amie Smith

June Volunteer of the Month: Amie Smith 

How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about? Our family bought its first Morgan when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. His name was Abner and he was the kindest, most gentle horse! We used to go visit him on weekends at the stables close to our house in Southern California. I loved grooming him and riding him in the arena. Eventually we purchased…

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The Limelight Pet Project Features Cyrus

The Limelight Pet Project Features Cyrus 

Thanks to The Limelight Pet Project for featuring Cyrus! The Limelight Pet Project is a campaign local to Washington that shines a light on harder-to-adopt pets and the people who help them. We’re delighted they chose Cyrus to share this month on Q13 FOX. Here’s the article and segment on Q13 FOX: And a full version of Terry telling Cyrus’s story of transformation:

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Buddy, the Sweetest New Kid on the Block

Buddy, the Sweetest New Kid on the Block 

Horsemanship volunteer Kaya had this to share about lovable Buddy: Buddy is the sweetest old guy! I’ve been spending some time with this gentleman for the last couple of months and have enjoyed every minute. Buddy greets everyone that walks up to his paddock very politely, sometimes with a little nicker, and always with ears forward, wanting some scratches. He clearly loves to be doted on, but…

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Alder: Don’t Miss Out On This One! 

Alder is a 2009 Morgan Arabian cross gelding with loads of potential as your next riding horse! He has a great disposition, work ethic and try. He is a gentle horse looking for his next riding partner to put on the finishing touches and build a relationship that will last for years. Don’t miss your opportunity to adopt him. He will not stay long at SAFE! Apply now at

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Pepper’s New Foster Home

Pepper’s New Foster Home 

We’ve heard from Pepper’s new foster home–she’s settled right in and is happy to kick up her heels with Tilt! Both of these girls are coming along beautifully and are ready to find their forever families. Pepper has settled into her new foster home beautifully (with Tilt to keep her company!). She walks right up to whomever comes out to the paddock to visit or work, and will give a sniff and…

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Working with Jill 

After working with Jill at SAFE, Dylan says she’s super smart and if she were taller he would adopt her himself! They are still working on picking up her back feet, but they are making good progress. It’s really remarkable how much this little filly has changed in the last two weeks: she went from constantly trying to avoid Dylan, even trying to jump the fence, to looking to him for support and…

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May Volunteer of the Month: Sundee Rickey

May Volunteer of the Month: Sundee Rickey 

Congratulations to Sundee Rickey, our Volunteer Retention Manager, for being SAFE’s May Volunteer of the Month! Thank you for bringing your compassion and care to our SAFE family. We are better for all the ways you contribute; from barn chores, to team building, to making the Volunteer of the Month program special. You help us recognize and acknowledge the contributions of our volunteers, while…

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Working with Tilt 

Here at SAFE, Dylan has mostly been working on leading and helping Tilt be less touchy about the end of the lead rope and the flag. He says she’s doing really well and she really seems to look to him for support. Today, for the first time ever, they left the paddock to go on a walk and left Jill! Both horses were super calm about it.

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Getting to know Dylan Palm!

Getting to know Dylan Palm! 

Tremendous thanks to Caren McMillen, who interviewed Dylan and provided this write-up to help you all get to know him better! Thank you, Caren, you are one in a million! Dylan Palm became the Sunday Barn Manager at SAFE when Julien Dreher left for college. But because of the coronavirus situation, Dylan ended up on not one but FOUR daily shifts at the barn, in addition to helping Terry with the…

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Alder Makes Progress

Alder Makes Progress 

Here’s an update from Kaya, who worked with Alder while Joel Conner was in town: Alder learned a ton during this last clinic! I’m so lucky to be able to work with this smart, sweet gelding. We worked on freeing up his feet, roping, and saddling prep. Alder even wore a saddle two of the days, before developing a saddle sore that kept him saddle free the rest of the clinic. With this sore healed,…

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