SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Working with Tilt 

Here at SAFE, Dylan has mostly been working on leading and helping Tilt be less touchy about the end of the lead rope and the flag. He says she’s doing really well and she really seems to look to him for support. Today, for the first time ever, they left the paddock to go on a walk and left Jill! Both horses were super calm about it.

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Getting to know Dylan Palm!

Getting to know Dylan Palm! 

Tremendous thanks to Caren McMillen, who interviewed Dylan and provided this write-up to help you all get to know him better! Thank you, Caren, you are one in a million! Dylan Palm became the Sunday Barn Manager at SAFE when Julien Dreher left for college. But because of the coronavirus situation, Dylan ended up on not one but FOUR daily shifts at the barn, in addition to helping Terry with the…

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Alder Makes Progress

Alder Makes Progress 

Here’s an update from Kaya, who worked with Alder while Joel Conner was in town: Alder learned a ton during this last clinic! I’m so lucky to be able to work with this smart, sweet gelding. We worked on freeing up his feet, roping, and saddling prep. Alder even wore a saddle two of the days, before developing a saddle sore that kept him saddle free the rest of the clinic. With this sore healed,…

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A Devastating Loss

A Devastating Loss 

It’s almost inconceivable to have to write these words. We lost a horse this week — a horse that was young, strong, and full of life. A horse with a sunny personality and a friendly calm outlook on life. A horse who was just days away from finding his forever home. We had to say goodbye far too soon. And worst of all, we still don’t really know why. On Tuesday morning, the morning feeding crew…

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2020 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: February 20, 2020 Jake (Animal Control seizure) Intake Date: February 28, 2020 Buddy and Banner (Owner Surrender) Placed Horses Cameo Mara Butters Euthanized Horses Jake Slim

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie!

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jollie! 

Thank you to Casey A for this update about Jollie, who got to participate in her first Joel Conner Clinic* this month! Jollie had a fantastic week! When she arrived at SAFE she hadn’t really been halter started, and she was quite pushy, so leading her to and from her paddock each day was a great opportunity. By Sunday, she led more confidently and was more respectful of personal boundaries. She…

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Anderson Training Update

Anderson Training Update 

Here’s an update from Anderson’s regular rider, Kaya: Since this clinic was a little unique, Anderson and I both had the opportunity to really delve into our biggest insecurities and issues. We had two round pens set up in the indoor arena and this allowed me to ride Anderson with just a halter, no bridle, and work on both my ability to let go and encourage Anderson forward without letting my…

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Goodbye, Slim

Goodbye, Slim 

It is hard to share sad news with you, knowing how difficult the world is right now. But unfortunately, some things can’t wait for this to pass. We have been struggling to keep Slim comfortable for over 9 months. What started as an abscess became an infection of his coffin bone and has continually caused him different degrees of pain. Vets from Rainland Farm Equine Clinic have been out countless…

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SAFE State of the Union

SAFE State of the Union 

It should come as no surprise that horses don’t care that much about COVID-19. While the world outside the farm is changing in unimaginable ways, life here at SAFE remains pretty much the same. The horses go about their day as they always have, with certain expectations firmly in place: They will get fed at every feeding time. Their stalls and paddocks will be picked daily without fail. Water…

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Buddy and Banner Dental

Buddy and Banner Dental 

Buddy and Banner had their dentals and vaccines yesterday. Both were good boys. We are guessing ages are 25 for Buddy and 22 for Banner. The dentals should give both a ton of relief when eating. They got an intense deep cleaning spa treatments afterwards. They both are new men!! And they’ll be off intake quarantine on Friday!!

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Raising a White Flag

Raising a White Flag 

Do you ever get to moving so fast that you have no idea how exhausted you are? That’s a pretty accurate description of how things have been at SAFE for the past year or so. We started 2019 off with business as usual — caring for 30 rescued horses, managing their rehabilitation and training, and looking to find them new homes. Then in June, we got involved with the Fall City 40. That effort,…

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The Limelight Pet Project Features Millie 

Thanks to The Limelight Pet Project for featuring Millie! The Limelight Pet Project is a campaign local to Washington that shines a light on harder to adopt pets and the people who help them. We’re delighted they chose Millie to share this month on Q13 FOX. Here’s the article and segment on Q13 FOX:

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2019 Year in Review: Herd Health Update

2019 Year in Review: Herd Health Update 

Looking back on our accomplishments for the year in the herd health department at SAFE was easy in 2018, because we were still riding on the coattails of the adrenaline rush that came along with foaling out and raising 3 fillies. 2018 was also our first year with a full-time herd health manager on staff, so there were some significant changes to report. At first glance, 2019 seemed a little more…

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An Unlikely Pair Finds a Forever Home

An Unlikely Pair Finds a Forever Home 

We meet Janelle a few weeks ago when she came to us, looking for a riding horse to join their family. She met Cameo, and It quickly became clear that Cameo and Janelle were perfect for each other. But since Janelle didn’t own any other horses, we were reluctant to adopt her all alone. Cameo loves having friends around, so being alone on a property would not make her happy. Because Janelle wanted…

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Anderson Horsemanship Update

Anderson Horsemanship Update 

Here’s an update from Anderson’s regular rider and friend Kaya M: Anderson is one special horse. Since we first began working together last summer, our relationship and ability to understand each other has grown exponentially! Last summer, Anderson would walk away from me with ears pinned in his paddock and now he is all happy ears and cuddles when I go get him. This change in attitude feels…

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Fall City 40 Update

Fall City 40 Update 

We started back in June with 40 horses…and we could not be happier that 30 of those horses are now in new homes, getting the care they need and deserve. That leaves ten horses who still need homes. You’ll notice that on the last update, we said that 11 horses are still available…things have REALLY slowed down with placing these horses. A couple adoptions fell through…the weather got…

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Amelia Under Saddle

Amelia Under Saddle 

SAFE volunteer rider Phoebe has been working with Amelia for quite a long time, and has successfully restarted her under saddle. Though Amelia will only be suited to light riding due to her age and history, she loves kids and would be a great horse for leadline. Amelia is under saddle and doing great! It has taken a while for her to understand that her mouth won’t get pulled on, but she is now…

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Pearl Training Update

Pearl Training Update 

Volunteer horseman Phoebe T has been working with Pearl. Here’s her report on their progress: I’ve never worked with a Morab before, and Pearl has me sold on the combination!! She is SOOO smart! She is definitely a willing partner and has gotten accustomed to the flag, learning a soft feel & a one rein stop from the ground. Also backing up — from a heads up fearful, to a chin tucked, soft,…

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Valor Training Update

Valor Training Update 

Here’s an update from one of Valor’s regular riders, Kaya M: Valor seems to have everyone swooning over him constantly at SAFE. He’s so handsome and sweet and wants nothing more than someone to hug his face and tell him he’s a good boy. Working with him the past couple months has been a great opportunity for me to learn more. Valor has had so much quality training in his past that he really…

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Alder Training Update

Alder Training Update 

Thank you to volunteer horseman Kaya M for this update on Alder. Don’t tell anyone, but I think she’s in love… Alder is a smart, thoughtful gelding with an active mind and an intense desire to find the right answer and do the right thing. Working with him on beginning groundwork exercises to eventually prepare him for a rider has been an incredibly fun and educational challenge! While he is…

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March Volunteer of the Month: Sara Hummel

March Volunteer of the Month: Sara Hummel 

Sara Hummel, chores and more! Thank you, Sara, for all you do for the SAFE ponies and people! You have been a life-save this winter, turning up whenever we need you. You are always there ready to work hard and you never lose your smile. Congratulations! What do you like most about volunteering with SAFE?  I love the amazing community of volunteers and staff who are all there for the same…

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Slim’s Hoof: A Summary and Where We Are Today

Slim’s Hoof: A Summary and Where We Are Today 

We’ve been fighting a losing battle with Slim’s foot. Every time we think we’re making progress in getting him healed, another abscess pops up and the crack in his foot becomes even bigger. Because this has been going on for such a long time, let me summarize the chain of events that has gotten us where we are today. We had suspected that Slim dealt with recurring issues in his left front foot…

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Getting to Know Alder and Pearl

Getting to Know Alder and Pearl 

Our two new bay beauties, Alder and Pearl, have settled in well to their new digs at Safe Harbor Stables. We have taken the first step in separating them, and they are now in two individual but neighboring paddocks. We never know how that first step will go when two horses have been together for as many years as these two have. But they barely missed a beat and went right on with their business…

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Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away 

With the recent and ongoing deluge of rain rain rain rain rain, we get calls from people concerned about horses they see standing outside in water, getting wet. As horse people, we know that most horses, when given a dry shelter to stand in, will choose to stand outside so their owners can see exactly how miserable they are. BUT this does bring up a topic that could stand being reviewed from…

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Meet Pepper! 

Meet Pepper, formerly known as Filly #125! This little one is proving to be brave, smart, and kind… with a good stubborn streak in there as well! Pepper likes her living area (a three sided shelter with mats), keeps it quite tidy, and has decided that her Timothy hay makes a better bed than dinner…and that yummy Alfalfa is far preferable to boring old Tim!!! Due a LOT to the weather the past few…

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Spending Some Time with Beauty

Spending Some Time with Beauty 

Beauty is doing great at SAFE. She has completed the intake process and has settled into the routine of the barn. Her dull starvation coat is shedding away and soon she will be shining like a copper penny. She is very gentle, likes attention and is a kind mare. She LOVES meal time and tells us with her sweet little nickers how much she wants her senior feed. Beauty needs to be on a all-grain…

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SAFE State of the Union

Training Update: Cyrus 

Cyrus has finished his first month of professional training with Donohue Horsemanship and all reports are good. He is a good guy and is learning to be more accepting of the work. No major issues but at this time, but Cyrus will still need an experienced hand to help him continue on this positive trajectory.

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