SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

June Volunteer of the Month: Ellen Weisberg

June Volunteer of the Month: Ellen Weisberg 

Congratulations to Ellen Weisberg, our June Volunteer of the Month! Ellen has been helping care for the horses of SAFE for just shy of a year, and we couldn’t be more thankful that she is part of our community. Ellen started on our Thursday AM chore team, and not only did she add on another shift, she is leading the team as the Shift Lead on Monday mornings! We are so lucky that we get to see…

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Alumni Update: Bliss and Evie

Alumni Update: Bliss and Evie 

Bliss and Evie are doing great. This year Emily plans to ride Evie on trails with her daughter’s horses. Bliss is fine staying behind as the neighbor, who has three horses, keeps a watchful eye on her. Emily loves her girls and watching Bliss canter behind Evie, despite being blind, when called for dinner.

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Remembering Roy

Remembering Roy 

Last week, Roy passed peacefully over to join the rest of his herd. A year ago, Roy came to SAFE from a sad situation as part of a 7 horses seizure by Pierce County Animal Control. Two had to be euthanized on the property, one left the property but was euthanized at the vet hospital, and two others had to be euthanized after a period of time in holding with Animal Control. As such, Roy was a…

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Alumni Update: George

Alumni Update: George 

SAFE Alumni volunteers, Candi K and Jackie L, recently visited George and his family. Here is an update from Candi. Imagine turning off a country road and setting your eyes upon an idyllic white farmhouse nestled amidst 6 acres of fragrant, sweet grass with the sights and sounds of your favorite farm animals. You will have arrived at Dr. Ana and Clint Kidder’s slice of paradise. Jackie and I had…

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Winter in the Springtime

Winter in the Springtime 

Winter came to SAFE in the springtime, though a recent onslaught of gloomy, rainy, chill in the forecast does conjure more January than June. That’s Washington for you. But Winter herself isn’t exactly wintry – pairing a horse coat color up with a season would certainly land palomino with summertime, yeah? She is all sandy-coat and bleach-blonde tresses, and even has a little dollop-of-sunscreen…

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Back in the saddle with Barb

Back in the saddle with Barb 

As you pass by her paddock, Barb nickers at the gate, a little bay siren enticing you closer. It is hard to divine what, exactly, she wants, once she has you. Likely to be let out and left to her own devices. Barb would make an excellent automatic lawn mower, if only someone would allow her to live out her dream. Barb  was between riders for a bit, and had a bit of a vacation, but after a period…

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Bailey’s Troubled Hooves

Bailey’s Troubled Hooves 

The horses who arrive at SAFE are rarely in good shape. But the amount of rehabilitation each horse requires is as varied as the horse themself. Bailey arrived as part of a four horse seizure from Pierce County Animal Control. We have spoken before about what an amazing job PCAC does at beginning the rehab process for the horses who come into their care, and this group was no different. They…

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Alumni Update: Harley

Alumni Update: Harley 

Harley is living on a beautiful 40-acre property with other horses. Harley was gifted to Elouise for her birthday and the two are quite close, with Harley following Elouise around the property. Elouise has been doing junior level horse agility, and is 6th place in the U.S.

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Orbiting Planet Jupiter

Orbiting Planet Jupiter 

There’s an old adage that begins, ‘boys go to Jupiter…’ followed by a statement that implies it is where one goes to lose intelligence. Jupiter, the horse, is grounded enough to not take offense from such slanderous statements (and the fact that he does not understand English probably also helps), but we are here in his defense to express how much that little rhyme does not apply. Jupiter is a…

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Alumni Update: Flynn

Alumni Update: Flynn 

Flynn is doing well! In his late 20s now, he is retired from riding and living with seven other horses. He was in a kid’s program but would lie down when ridden! Now he is happy just teaching kids how to groom, etc. 

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Alumni Update: Kat

Alumni Update: Kat 

Kat is doing well and lives with her buddy, a 21-year-old Mustang. Adopter Shar says that Kat is her usual sassy self. At 27 now, Kat is retired from riding but gets hand walked regularly and Shar does some basic groundwork with her whenever she can. 

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Welcoming Trixie to SAFE

Welcoming Trixie to SAFE 

Trixie was the fifth chestnut mare to join our herd in the span of a week (the other four being the Tennessee Walkers), but apart from the color of her coat and the blaze she shares with two of them, the similarities end there. Trixie is her own horse, after all, an should be introduced as such! This sweet mare came to us as an owner surrender, where she was living alongside a stallion with a…

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Progressing with Poppy

Progressing with Poppy 

Casey A has been riding and working Poppy for some months now, and speaks about her experience riding Poppy out in the big arena amongst other horses during the recent Joel Conner clinic: “Poppy has come a long way from the defensive, stoved up pony who would strike at people, and charge at other horses with ears pinned and teeth bared. That armor is being shed as she gains confidence in…

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Alumni Update: Alder

Alumni Update: Alder 

Alder moved to Arizona with his family about two years ago. He is doing well and living the good life with a pal on two acres of grass. With Jill’s daughter, Halle, in school Alder hasn’t been ridden much. Jill is looking for a trainer to re-start him. There are plenty of opportunities to ride in their neighborhood. That’s what the plan is after Alder’s re-start.

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Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu

Walkin’ Into SAFE: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, Deja Vu 

Four new mares Tennessee walked into SAFE last week: Zuri, Bailey, Cleopatra, and Deja Vu. Their story is one of neglect, as is so often the case with our new intakes, but as they were seized by out friends down at Pierce County Animal Control, they have been in very good hands since they were first rescued. The girls were all tremendously thin before they were taken, with body condition scores…

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Roy Health Update

Roy Health Update 

It is no secret that Roy has been dealing with various ailments since he first arrived at SAFE, all of which we have been managing, or doing our best to manage. Roy is a very special guy, with special needs, and we keep a close eye on him and give him what comforts we can while he is with us. Spring and Summer are typically times we look forward to, as these seasons usually portend warm weather…

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Arrow is Adopted!

Arrow is Adopted! 

Arrow had a whirlwind beginning to his spring. For the last several months, he had been living his best life at a nearby foster location, napping and grazing to his heart’s content alongside his temporary playmates. But changing circumstances meant that he would need to return to SAFE, so we made arrangements to retrieve him. But in the midst of our musical paddocks and trailering logistics, a…

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Alumni Update: Biscotti (Rowdy)

Alumni Update: Biscotti (Rowdy)

Biscotti’s (Rowdy) adopter, Tracy, reports Rowdy is the healthiest horse she has ever known, not once needing medical attention beyond his basic care. Tracy’s oldest daughter rides Rowdy as part of her high school equestrian team and 4H. Her younger daughter hopes to begin driving him. Rowdy lives with two other horses and also enjoys the company of a goat, pig and a dog.

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Off-Roading with Veronica

Off-Roading with Veronica 

Veronica has been making all kinds of strides recently, from venturing off-site to spending more and more time riding out in the big arena. But what she hasn’t quite done yet is go out on the trails. One of the first baby steps we take with the horses to gear them up for walks outside of the confines of an arena setting is to go for a ride around the property. It’s a great way to dip our toes in…

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Alumni Update: Skye

Alumni Update: Skye 

Corrine and Skye are doing very well. Corrine moved to Ohio in 2018, however, she is only 2½ hours from her mom’s property in Pennsylvania where Skye resides. Corrine is able to visit her mom regularly and spend time with Skye. When Corrine is not visiting, Skye enjoys her pasture turn out with her pasture mates, another horse named Finn and a pony named Rue. These days, Corrine and Skye mostly…

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Montana is Adopted!

Montana is Adopted! 

Montana drew attention from the start. A paint horse with two blue eyes and a Medicine Hat coloration certainly stands out amongst the throng of bays and chestnuts, and at times we couldn’t help but feel like an overprotective father referencing a shotgun when suitors came calling. What are your intentions with our paint horse? Montana could have been on a trailer, adopted, practically from the…

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Fabulous Facilities!

Fabulous Facilities! 

Aside from our herd of equines, there is another, non-sentient being that needs daily and routine maintenance: our property. There is always something that needs doing around the farm, with the projects ranging from quick and easy to big and complex. Luckily, we have a dedicated and multi-talented facilities team, able to conquer all manner of tasks and trials and keep a sunny, upbeat attitude…

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Inula and Finn (Doolin), Foster Friends!

Inula and Finn (Doolin), Foster Friends! 

Inula is having the time of her life at her summer foster home, and has been smoothly introduced to foster brother (and alumni!) Finn. The two of them are getting along swimmingly, and it’s clear that where she is, love and grass abound. Inula is one lucky girl! Even though she is at foster, Inula is still available for adoption. This little sweetie is really showcasing how good of a pasture…

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Alumni Update: Hickory (Listo)

Alumni Update: Hickory (Listo)

Hickory (Listo) and his adopter Fran moved near the Washington coast the end of 2023. They live in a community which has a co-op community barn where Listo resides with 2 ponies and other horses. Fran is currently not riding while recovering from an injury but intends to get back in the saddle soon. Listo receives regular grooming and turn out for exercise and occasionally Fran takes him for…

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Frosting for You

Frosting for You 

In her fourth year, Frosting is really proving herself as a solid little horse. Because of her age, her miles under saddle are on the lower side, but we have been making each one count. This mare has received a great start here at SAFE, and is ready for someone else to continue her journey under saddle. She walks trots lopes on a loose rein, and is getting better and better at going up and down…

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May Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

May Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna 

Carrie S worked with Sienna during the May Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their experience: “I had the privilege of working with Sienna in the groundwork class at the Joel Conner Clinic on May 3–5 2024.  I could easily just say ditto to everything that Sue C said about Sienna in her previous clinic reports.  Sienna is a lovely and generous mare who has been an incredibly…

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Ferrari for Sale

Ferrari for Sale 

The title is a bit misleading, but Veronica and a sports car do have quite a bit in common: flashy, sensitive, and one heck of a ride. With each ride a tune-up, Veronica gets better and better under saddle. On a loose rein, Veronica is going beautifully walk trot lope, and she is spending more and more time in a soft feel these days. Veronica has been off property now, and has participated in…

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From Green to Gold

From Green to Gold 

To watch her go under saddle, it’s hard to imagine that Blanche was only started a few months back, that she only has several handfuls of rides on her. Blanche is a very special type of horse, one who is relatively uncomplicated, as far as green horses go, and who has a monumental amount of try. This past weekend, Blanche experienced a lot of ‘firsts,’ all of which she took in stride, as has…

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Happy Birthday, Shasta!

Happy Birthday, Shasta! 

Though a lady never reveals her age, we would be remiss if we did not celebrate Shasta on this, her 24th birthday. It has been thirteen years since Shasta and her son Sunny D arrived at SAFE, which means that over half her life has seen her being properly loved and looked after. But this was not always the case. Back in 2011, Sunny, Shasta, and another mini horse were in dire straights, being…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jacob

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jacob 

Ben H worked a bit with our guy Jacob at the May Joel Conner clinic, and has the following to say about their time together: “My time with Jacob was 3 days at a Joel Conner clinic this spring of 2024. When I first went to catch him, he was reluctant to be caught and lead on the end of a Halter rope. Within a minute of catching him and rubbing his neck, he started to follow my lead. We headed…

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