SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Millie makes progress!

Millie makes progress! 

Millie has been doing great! She was worked in the Horsemanship clinic at the beginning of November and was a star. Joel used her in a round pen “join up” demonstration and showed how to help her be more accepting of the rope. Very simply put, he would swing the rope then walk backwards to take off the pressure. When she looked at him, he would stop swinging and release. This way she learned…

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Growing Pains

Growing Pains 

Piper is in a growth spurt right now. She looks a bit awkward with her long legs and high haunches but that is a phase that will be over soon. We have turned her out with several different buddies and she seems to get along nicely with a variety of personalities. This fall and winter, we are still working with her in preparation for riding. Not with rigorous work sessions: we throw the ropes on…

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Cameo: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Cameo: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

Cameo took part in the first day’s groundwork session of the November Joel Conner Clinic. Here’s what Scott had to say about the experience: I worked with Cameo for just one day of groundwork. She was the easiest horse I have worked with at SAFE. She took a couple of minutes to size me up and determine if she would respond. By offering her a good deal and gently firming up quickly, she responded…

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Cyrus: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Cyrus: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer Phoebe T has been working with Cyrus on groundwork and saddling. Here’s her report about the November Joel Conner Clinic: First off it was a privilege to work with Cyrus for 3 days in a row. He went from being constantly distracted on day 1, to being able to stay with me for much longer periods of time. Being able to change up what we were doing by day 2 kept his attention, and on…

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Amelia: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Amelia: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer Jennifer A got to work with Amelia on the ground at the most recent Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about the experience: I was so excited for the opportunity to work with Amelia at the Joel Connor groundwork clinic. It was my first time as a participant. I knew Amelia had a tendency to crowd and push during turnout and was hoping to work on moving her out during…

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Remy’s Return From Training

Remy’s Return From Training 

After months of chiropractic adjustments and careful rehabbing, Remy seemed as recovered as he could be from his back issues and went back to training with Nick Donohue. Nick brought him along slowly and mindfully, being sure to pay close attention to the situations that brought out the trouble in him in the past. We were hopeful that we had gotten to the source of his pain and fixed it. But it…

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Adorable Miss Mara

Adorable Miss Mara 

Mara is arguably one of SAFE’s cutest current residents. Although she is still reserved, she has begun to come out of her shell and let us get to know her a little better. At first she didn’t want to admit it, but she eventually caved and allowed us to see how much she loves neck scratches from people. She’s itchy under that long Cushing’s hair coat so she gets regular currying, and she has an…

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Getting to Know Farley

Getting to Know Farley 

Farley has settled in well here at Safe Harbor Stables. We have gotten to know and love his gentle personality and sweet nickers. Although he is shy, he does seem to enjoy the company of people and will seek out attention from his caretakers. He and Butter are quite the pair and can be seen grooming each other in turnout much of the time. Farley’s biggest challenge since arrival has been getting…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Fancy

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Fancy 

Casey had this to say about Fancy’s performance in both the Buck Brannaman clinic in October and the November Joel Conner clinic: Fancy has had a busy and productive couple of months. In October, we rode with Buck Brannaman in Spanaway, which was a great experience. This was really the first time I had ridden Fancy off property. She did get troubled by the life of the other horses moving around…

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Butterscotch: Joel Conner Clinic Update

Butterscotch: Joel Conner Clinic Update 

Lori helped Butterscotch get introduced to horsemanship in our recent Horsemanship clinic. Here is what she had to say about working with this smart senior mare: Butter came to SAFE about a month ago. She’s a sweet girl but didn’t understand much about horsemanship. I took Butter into the Friday and Saturday classes of the Joel Conner clinic. In Friday’s class, we worked on the unified circle,…

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Butter’s New Look

Butter’s New Look 

Bathing Butter has been something that we’ve wanted to tackle due to her perpetually grimy, shaggy haircoat. The hope was that a bath with a medicated shampoo would help her be less itchy. None of the oral supplements and antihistamines that she’s been on have seemed to help the matter, and our next option would be oral steroids. Due to her Cushing’s disease we want to reserve the steroids as a…

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Amelia’s Trip to the Hospital

Amelia’s Trip to the Hospital 

Sweet Amelia has battled GI issues since before she arrived at SAFE. But so far, we had only seen her have one colic episode, and it was a minor one. But just before Halloween we found her down in her turnout, not wanting to get up. She hadn’t finished her most recent meal, which is very unlike her. She was given a dose of oral banamine, which did nothing to make her feel better. When it was…

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Understanding PPID (Equine Cushing’s Disease)

Understanding PPID (Equine Cushing’s Disease) 

We’ve taken in several “shaggy” senior horses lately. Honeycutt, Butter, and Mara all came to us looking suspicious for pituitary pars intermedia dysfunction (PPID), and all of them tested positive. Last year, our cute pony, Sage, also got the diagnosis. PPID, also known as Equine Cushing’s disease, is a common disease among horses over the age of 15. Equine veterinarians have begun moving away…

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Luna Finishing Training 

Here are some highlights from Luna’s training with Donohue Horsemanship in Banks, Oregon at the end of 2019. SAFE is thankful for all their hard work in helping us offer such well trained horses to the public. What a great foundation this young mare has received!

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson 

Anderson lent his vast experience as a groundwork and riding horse to several clinic participants this weekend. First up was volunteer Sarah V, who did the groundwork sessions with him and had this to say about it: This was my second groundwork clinic with Joel and only my second time working with Anderson, but I learned a ton! It was a great chance for me to continue teasing out how much of my…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Cassidy 

Here’s an update on Cassidy from Casey: After Terry rode Cassidy in the morning, I did some additional groundwork that would support continued growth under saddle. The first thing I worked on was bridling.  Cassidy would try to avoid the bit by wringing her neck and sending the bit in the air (yikes!), lifting her head, or lowering her head. This is something that we see at SAFE quite a bit when…

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Alumni Update: Aubrey 

Here are some photos we received from Aubrey’s adopter. She’s doing just great in her new home with her best buddy, Ro, who is 26 this year!

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Amelia: Clinic Update

Amelia: Clinic Update 

Sarah V worked with Amelia in the September clinic. Here is what she had to say about getting to know this sweet mare: Amelia and I had only worked together once before the clinic and I’m still new to this style of horsemanship, but she was a lovely mare to work with and incredibly patient with my learning. During the two groundwork sessions, we focused primarily on feeling out how much of my…

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November Volunteers of the Month: Hillary Dixon and Warren Nolder

November Volunteers of the Month: Hillary Dixon and Warren Nolder 

Hillary Dixon, past shift lead, current groom, and Bingo caller extraordinaire! How and when did you first get involved with horses? Do you have one now you want to tell us about?  My first time I was involved with horses was when I was four years old and had my first pony ride at the Woodland Park Zoo.  It was all down hill from there.  I signed up for the 4H club at the Woodland Park Zoo on my…

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A Setback for Teddi

A Setback for Teddi 

At Teddi’s most recent post-surgery recheck appointment this month, we were excited to see the results of her rehab process so far. But that excitement turned to disappointment when we saw that she is more lame at the trot now than she was at her previous appointment. That disappointment grew even more when we saw the radiographs on the screen. At some point in the 60 days between rechecks, it…

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A New Plan for Valor

A New Plan for Valor 

We recently had radiographs done of Valor’s right hind pastern, the one that showed a potential issue on the bone scan last month. Our main concern was that there might be a bone chip in there, so clean X‑rays were a relief. With this knowledge, we formulated a new plan. With Dr. Fleck’s guidance we have opted to take a conservative route to start. Since Valor’s foot soreness was a clear problem…

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Zoe’s Lameness Exam

Zoe’s Lameness Exam 

Zoe had a lameness exam with Dr. Fleck a few weeks ago. She was positive in flexion tests on the left hind upper limb and had a referred lameness (a gait abnormality that appears as lameness but is a result of pain in another limb) in the right front. It’s likely a mild case of hock arthritis, which isn’t surprising based on the prior injuries she came to us with on that leg. It’s mild enough…

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Mina Getting Started!! 

Mina did a fantastic job settling into work under saddle with Donohue Horsemanship in Banks, Oregon. She was an uncomplicated start with a lot of try and acceptance. She has a great future ahead of her and we are happy to accept applications for her adoption. She has an easy-going frame of mind and will easily go in many riding disciplines. She is great for the vet and farrier, and trailers…

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This is Not Over

This is Not Over 

Just over a week ago, we took in a timid, lonely, emaciated mare with no name. A day later, she had a new outlook on life: she had a new name, a comfy bed, high quality food, veterinary care, and people who loved her, who were more than ready to be part of the amazing transformation she would undergo. On Tuesday night, just a week after arriving at SAFE, our nightcheck volunteer discovered Rowan…

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Mina: Training Update

Mina: Training Update 

Mina has been a star for her first rides in training with Nick Donohue. She was a bit lazy to begin with but once she found her zoom zoom, she has been an uncomplicated and a happy mare. With her big body and sweet nature, this girl will get along with many types of riders. She is still green and needs more rides but is ready to start looking for the right home. She would do well in just about…

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Luna: Training Update

Luna: Training Update 

Luna has done very well in training with Nick Donohue. She didn’t have too much trouble with saddling but required a bit of groundwork before riding. Once she accepted the new tack and a rider, things progressed nicely. She has three nice gaits and is maturing to be a steady partner. At times, she will become distracted by something outside of the arena but she quickly comes back to the rider…

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