SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Returning Friends

Returning Friends 

When SAFE adopts out a horse, we make it very clear to the new adopter that their relationship with SAFE is just getting started. Most of the people who’ve adopted from us over the last 14 years remain in regular contact with us, whether through site visits, emails/phone calls, or our Alumni Facebook group. And most are more than happy to share updates with us, because…

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Meet Cyrus

Meet Cyrus 

As part of our work to support Animal Control agencies in Washington state, SAFE is often asked to take in horses that are part of active cruelty investigations. Sometimes we can make this information public right away, but in other cases, we are asked to keep these horses confidential until law enforcement gives us the go-ahead. Cyrus is one such horse. If you’d seen him when he arrived at…

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Shasta and Sunny at the 2019 SAFE Show

Shasta and Sunny at the 2019 SAFE Show 

Sunnny and Shasta were out once again to meet & greet their fans the 2019 SAFE Benefit Horse Show at Donida Farm in Auburn. They were also celebrating their Syndicate Sponsorship win for the second year in a row — raising $975 and winning the coveted title of Champion Rescue Horse sponsor.

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Shasta and Sunny at the 2019 SAFE Show

August Volunteers of the Month: Allison Goldie and Maile Greenwell 

Volunteers are the heart of our organization. Our mission would be nothing but lofty goals without people that make this mission a reality. We have two special volunteers to recognize this month. They are enthusiastic SAFE supporters, hard working barn chore volunteers, and the kind of people who make other people want to come back to SAFE. Allison and Maile give their free time to SAFE while…

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Big Horse, Big Hoof: Slim’s Foot Problems

Big Horse, Big Hoof: Slim’s Foot Problems 

A 17.2 hh draft horse puts a lot of weight on his front feet. So it’s important that those feet stay healthy to help support the horse’s sheer mass. Unfortunately for our sweet Slim, hoof care has been a struggle. It’s unclear whether Slim’s hoof problems arise from a history of poor hoof care or if he’s just one of the unlucky ones prone to chronic hoof abscesses. We will never know for sure.…

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Quality Time with Angel

Quality Time with Angel 

Angel is living the good life these days. She gets to be in a lovely, large turnout paddock 24 hours a day with her best friend Renee as they do the very important work of being aunties to our three resident babies. Angel takes this role very seriously. She loves the weanlings as if they were her own daughters, she helps teach them horse manners, and she watches over them while they take naps.…

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Progress for Remy

Progress for Remy 

Remy has been working his way back to health slowly but surely. Dr. Meyer of Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital has been seeing him for chiropractic adjustments on a regular schedule, and each time he gets adjusted we see improvement. We are hopeful that this setback is now a thing of the past. When Dr. Meyer first saw Remy, he was incredibly reactive to palpation in his back and sacroiliac (SI)…

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SAFE Runs Smoother with the Help of Interns

SAFE Runs Smoother with the Help of Interns 

SAFE has been fortunate to have the help of some kind, capable young people this past school year who chose to spend their time working as interns at the barn. Thanks to a partnership with The Big Picture School in Bellevue, SAFE benefitted from the enthusiastic support of two students this school year, Julien D. and Jenna W. These two outstanding young people brought the best of themselves to…

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Glory Helps Start Luna

Glory Helps Start Luna 

We sent Luna out to Nick Donohue for her start under saddle, and it was so nice to see a SAFE horse helping another SAFE horse. Thanks for the flagging assist, Glory!

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Marvelous Mina: First Saddling! 

Mina and I have gotten to know each other well, and I think she’s pretty great. I think she truly does feel affection for “her” people. She has the softest, kindest eye of any horse I’ve ever met, and there’s a lot of soulfulness in her personality. But don’t let her borderline-sluggish demeanor fool you, there’s plenty of spunk in this mare I first started doing groundwork with her before our…

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Foster Update: Dottie Belle

Foster Update: Dottie Belle 

Sweet Dottie is doing very well at her lovely foster home in Woodinville. She has made a few new friends this spring including 2 minis, 3 alpacas, 4 goats, and a flock of chickens! Her SAFE buddy Piper has recently moved home to Safe Harbor for a bit of training and it took a while for Dottie to adjust to this move. Mini horses Dazzle and Bugsy are her main buddies. When Piper left, it took a…

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Millie’s Beautiful Transformation

Millie’s Beautiful Transformation 

What a beautiful mare this girl has become. She is gentle, interested, and affectionate with both her new human and horse buddies. While we have many weeks of training ahead before she is ready to adopt, this girl’s future is shining bright. Here are some lovely photos that our volunteer photographer Alessia Rauseo took recently of Millie:

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Teddi: On the Road to Recovery

Teddi: On the Road to Recovery 

It has now been a month since Teddi had surgery at WSU to fuse her pastern joint. We’re pleased to report that she’s doing great! Everything is going to plan with no complications so far. Her sutures are out and we are no longer needing to bandage her leg. If you asked Teddi, she’d probably tell you she’s rocking this stall rest thing! She’s as calm as can be and doesn’t seem to mind just…

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Surgery for Mina

Surgery for Mina 

The very first time we saw Mina from a distance, we thought she was a gelding. But when we got a little closer, it became clear that she was actually a mare with an umbilical hernia. Umbilical hernias occur when the abdominal wall around a foal’s navel fails to close at birth. What you see externally is a bulge on the underside of the abdomen. This bulge is tissue and/or intestines being held in…

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New Fancy Video 

Recently Joel Conner was at Safe Harbor and Casey asked him to jump on Fancy to see how the work she had been doing felt to him. He was very happy to see how far Fancy had come in the last weeks and complemented Casey on a very nice job setting the foundation for this young mare. Fancy is a very willing mare with a lot of try. She is going to have a great future! Joel let us take a quick video…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Moon

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Moon 

Kaya has been helping us with Moon and recently took this lovely big mare into the Joel Conner groundwork class at Safe Harbor. The two really connected over the weekend and Moon had some great changes. Kaya’s groundwork is improving and she has become a very BIG help to us in our Horsemanship Program. Here is what Kaya had to say about her experience with Moon in the clinic:   “I had the…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson 

Recently Kaya has taken over riding Anderson at SAFE. She is doing a great job with him and it is really great to see him take to a new rider. He is keeping up the training and seems as the saying goes “the student has become the teacher.” He has been a good boy for Kaya and no issues have come up with the transfer to a new person. This is helpful for his transition to an adopter and we are…

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Training Update: Kat

Training Update: Kat 

Kaya has been doing a fantastic job helping prepare Kat for adoption. Kat has gained a ton of weight and has some topline muscle now! She has settled in so well to life at Safe Harbor and her special connection with Kaya is very sweet. We’re glad she has such a great friend to help her feel loved while she is with us. Kat is looking great and ready to be adopted! Here is what Kaya had to tell us…

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A Cure for Amelia’s Allergies 

Trying to figure out why a horse is perpetually itchy can be a frustrating, head-scratching, expensive experience. Our last-ditch effort before jumping to allergy shots for Amelia was the elimination diet. Cutting out all of the things she is potentially allergic to in her feed regimen seemed to make a difference, but once bug season rolled around this spring there weren’t really any better…

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Asha gets started! 

The first of the mamas from last year is on her way to get started! Asha moved down to Nick Donohue’s training barn at the end of May. We had only been able to do a little bit of groundwork before she left Safe Harbor so Nick would be starting pretty much from the beginning. Asha was troubled about the flag and would need some time to prepare before saddling and riding could happen.…

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Luna: First Saddling 

We currently have two horses in training with Nick Donahue at Silver Spade Ranch. Today Luna was saddled for the first time, and allowed to move out in the round pen and become accustomed to this new sensation. Nick says he’s happy with how she did! We’re so excited to see this big mare take some big steps down a different path than the one she started out on! She’s got SO much more to offer…

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Stormy: Worth the Wait

Stormy: Worth the Wait 

Stormy’s story is truly a fairy tale! She came to SAFE scared and hurt, with little to look forward to. Today she lives like a princess, and although her “little girl” is a proper grown up, the love between these two is absolute magic. Thank you to Leigh for sharing Stormy’s story with us, and for giving this sweet girl the life she always deserved! “It’s been just over a year exactly since I…

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Who’s Your Fave? It’s Stella!

Who’s Your Fave? It’s Stella! 

Recently we asked our volunteers if they had a favorite among the SAFE horses, and if so, what it is that they love about them? The answers we received gave such wonderful insight into who our horses are and what they mean to us, so we wanted to share these words. After all, who knows these horses better than the people who care for them each and every day? “Stella is such an amazing horse. She…

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Shasta and Sunny at the 2019 SAFE Show

July Volunteers of the Month: Chase Wilson and Marcy Kubbs 

Cue the fireworks!! Blast the trumpets! We have two amazingly dedicated volunteers to celebrate! People like Chase Wilson and Marcy Kubbs make SAFE’s mission possible. These steadfast volunteers provide service on chore shifts, at events, and go above and beyond for SAFE. We could not do this without them. Chase’s Shift Lead, Sam, relates that Chase is a reliable hard worker, good with the…

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2019 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: April 4, 2019 Cyrus (Animal Control seizure) Intake Date: April 23, 2019 Millie and Boss Hoss(owner surrender) Placed Horses Justin Gunnar Nashville Euthanized Horses Boss Hoss

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Joel Conner Clinic Update: Sienna

Joel Conner Clinic Update: Sienna 

Sienna was set to be in the clinic with Joel but we had a little setback the day before he came out. It had been a very busy week with outreach cases and Sienna was not able to be worked as much as normal. I jumped on her for a quick ride the day before the clinic and during the warm up she became troubled and I fell off. Unfortunately, I was not in the right head space to be riding this green…

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