SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna 

Horsemanship volunteer Kaya took Sienna into last week’s Joel Conner clinic. Here is what she had to say about their work together: This clinic was my first time ever working with Sienna! She did so great and I learned so much. There were a couple of moments when Sienna kind of lost track of me and got overwhelmed with the commotion, but I got right to her hindquarters…

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Luna and Nova Get Outside 

Jessica Farren took these lovely photos of Luna and her filly Nova. The two spend most of each day outside on the grass where Nova loves to run and run and run!

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Rae and Mina Outdoors 

Jessica Farren took these lovely photos of Mina and Rae enjoying the great outdoors. The mares and their fillies spend each day outdoors on the grass.

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Two Healthy Fillies Born at SAFE

Two Healthy Fillies Born at SAFE 

Exactly two months after the birth of Pippi, we welcomed two new lives into the world! Mina delivered a lovely black filly on November 1, 2018 at 11pm. The diminutive little girl with no white markings was christened “Rae” in memory of our dear friend Raven. Rae is healthy and full of life, and momma Mina is taking wonderful care of her. The very next night, Luna decided she was going to follow…

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Working with Angel

Working with Angel 

SAFE horsemanship volunteer Kaya works with Angel from time to time, and had this to say about our favorite old gal: Angel is a super special horse. As our friendship has grown, she continues to surprise and impress me. Her ability to immediately find the best way to escape pressure is uncanny and makes my job really easy! Today we went directly into the covered arena instead of working at…

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November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming

November Volunteer of the Month: Blair Fleming 

SAFE is pleased to announce our November 2018 Volunteer of the Month, Blair Fleming. Blair is a busy gal who recruits new volunteers for SAFE, plans and executes work parties, and works the Friday PM shift, all while working two jobs and putting herself through radiology school. You would never know she leads such a hectic life, as Blair brings immense energy and a sunny disposition to her…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Lacey 

SAFE horsemanship volunteer Kaya M rode Lacey in the October Joel Conner clinic: Honestly, I was a bit nervous about riding Lacey in the clinic, since I had only recently started working with her, and we were still feeling each other out. I am now so glad that I had this opportunity to improve my horsemanship and have fun with her! This weekend really helped improve not only our communication,…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bowie 

Volunteer Kaya M had been riding Bowie on a regular basis and worked with him in the groundwork sessions of the October Joel Conner Clinic: Bowie and I participated in the groundwork portion of the clinic and it was a very good experience for both of us! I’m still new to this style of horsemanship, so Bowie was a great partner to help me work on the finer details of groundwork. He is quite…

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Check out miss Pippi! Apparently she is NOT going to be a light colored chestnut pinto…her winter coat is coming in dark! It leaves her looking a little comical. Pippi and Asha will be spending the next several months at a lovely nearby foster home, where they can enjoy a sizeable pasture and great care. We’ll miss having them here at Safe Harbor Stables, but we’ll be visiting them a lot and…

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Raven Flies Free

Raven Flies Free 

We are so sad to announce that we lost a dear friend last week. Raven, our three year old Thoroughbred filly, was humanely euthanized on Wednesday after a bad colic. We love all of the horses that pass through SAFE, but every so often, a horse comes along that works their way into the hearts of most everyone they meet. Raven was that horse. Her loss has been unbearably sad for the volunteers and…

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Save a Forgotten Equine of Redmond, WA is Verified by Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries

Save a Forgotten Equine of Redmond, WA is Verified by Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries 

October 12, 2018 (Redmond, WA) – The Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries (GFAS), the only globally recognized organization providing standards for identifying legitimate animal sanctuaries, awarded Verified status to Save a Forgotten Equine as of October 9, 2018. Verification means that Save a Forgotten Equine meets the criteria of a true equine sanctuary/rescue and is providing humane and…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Anderson 

Terry worked with Anderson during Joel Conner’s last visit, here’s what she had to say: Wow!! What a great ride!! Anderson has never felt this forward before. At this clinic, Joel gave Anderson the best compliment, saying he is ready to be adopted and will make it as a riding horse for someone. Joel asked what I’ve been doing differently.  I think these changes have to do…

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A Visit with Remy

A Visit with Remy 

We visited with Remy recently in Oregon where he’s been in training with Nick Donohue. The big dark beauty was about 2 weeks into his work with Nick. We got to see him go through the colt starting groundwork process as Nick checked off things needed before riding. Nick talked about the good changes he’s been already seeing in the big guy. We really enjoyed listening to Nick speak…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Tabitha

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Tabitha 

Terry took Tabitha in the riding sessions of the Joel Conner clinic. Here’s her report: I really like this mare!! Every ride is better than the last and she is changing so quickly. Her ground manners are impeccable and she is safe enough for anyone to handle. She no issues standing tied, picking hooves, grooming, saddling, standing for the farrier, or getting vaccines.…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Zoe

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Zoe 

Terry has been working with Zoe, and Joel Conner rode her several times at the last clinic. Here’s what Terry had to say: Zoe has steadily been progressing with acceptance of the saddle. She is still tight when it goes on, especially if she has had some time off. Joel rode her a few more times this past clinic. She was much more accepting of the bit than last clinic. He…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Renee

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Renee 

SAFE volunteer Blair worked with Renee during the groundwork portion of the clinic. Here’s what she had to report on her experience: I had an anxious/excited vibe walking into the barn for my first Joel Conner Clinic. I was paired with Renee, who has a sweet demeanor and has had prior groundwork training through our horsemanship program, as have I. Renee knew what was expected while I gave my…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna 

Terry worked with Sienna during the groundwork sessions of the Joel Conner clinic, and Sienna was saddled for the first time! Here’s what Terry had to say: This was Sienna’s second time in a Joel Conner clinic at Safe Harbor. Joel and I assessed the work I’ve been doing with her and I asked for his help saddling her for the first time. I’ve done quite a bit of rope work with her and…

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Sage Turns a Corner

Sage Turns a Corner 

Little Sage is turning a corner! Her manners and groundwork have improved so much since she came to SAFE. We have a few different horsemanship volunteers working with her. Our biggest goal right now is getting her good about picking up her hooves. In the last week, we’ve brought her out daily to do rope work with her hind legs and boy, what a difference even a few sessions have made! This work…

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Looks Like He’ll Make It

Looks Like He’ll Make It 

We are all so excited about the work Justin has been doing at SAFE. Joel saw lots of improvements since his last visit and felt comfortable putting the first rides on him. There really isn’t any way to know what happened in Justin’s past but so far the Horsemanship work is getting him to a peaceful place. It was great to watch him change and develop over the four rides Joel put on him. His neck…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Nashville

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Nashville 

Nashville and I participated in all three of the riding sessions in this month’s Joel Conner clinic. I’ve been working with her for about 2 months and have really enjoyed getting to know her. It was great to get to take part in the clinic with her and develop new goals in our work together. Nashville is a sweet, level-headed mare. One of my main areas of focus now is getting her to be more…

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Fall Fun with Fancy and Glory

Fall Fun with Fancy and Glory 

Glory and Fancy are enjoying the first days of fall at their foster barn. They made a new friend named Guinness and together they get plenty of exercise! Glory and Fancy will return to SAFE at the end of October so that we can prepare them to be lightly started under saddle in mid-November. They will have groundwork and light riding through the winter. These young ladies will be slated for more…

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Rope Work with Justin

Rope Work with Justin 

Preparing Justin for a rider has been a fun and rewarding process. This gelding’s sweet disposition continues to shine through. He is a willing horse with a lot of try. The more we work him, the more we fall in love with his kind eyes. We hope to ride him in the near future, but we are letting him lead the way. He doesn’t have to prove anything to us. As an older restart with a troubled past,…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Mina

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Mina 

I worked with Mina for all three groundwork sessions for the recent Joel Conner clinic. I was excited to get the chance to participate with her because I already know that working with her is going to help me grow in my horsemanship skills. Mina is a sweetheart, and she’s not exactly a high-energy mare. She’s so easy going that it can be difficult to get her to move her feet. We believe that…

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New Video: Valor 

Valor is coming along nicely. He is a big mover who will make someone a nice looking riding partner. As his training progresses, he is becoming responsive to the rider. This video is after working with Casey for 15 rides.  We are accepting applications and he is available to meet potential adopters. Email with questions and fill out an application before it’s too late!…

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Joel Conner Clinic Reports: Stella

Joel Conner Clinic Reports: Stella 

In August, Stella and I had the good fortune to travel to Oregon to participate in Joel Conner’s horsemanship clinic at Northwood Farms. Though she hasn’t traveled off the SAFE property often, she was awesome. She loaded right into the last space on the trailer without a problem and handled herself safely for unloading. When we got out to the arena, she settled right in to work. Though she has a…

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Pyrrah Making Strides

Pyrrah Making Strides 

SAFE Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe is helping sharpen up some of Pyrrah’s groundwork. Phoebe worked with Pyrrah this week and here is what she had to say: It’s pretty clear that in Pyrrah’s past she was allowed to plow through her handler. During our work together we walked the arena and when I asked her to to stop she would move ahead despite my bumping the lead rope. I used a one rein stop…

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Valor Meets a Potential Adopter

Valor Meets a Potential Adopter 

Kasey O has been considering the adoption of a SAFE horse! She came out to meet Valor, and was kind enough to share her impressions of him: About two weeks ago, I visited SAFE for a second time. The first time was to meet and ride Roscoe. This time was to meet Valor, and hopefully make a decision as to which of the two horses would make the perfect fit into our little family. I want to share my…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Valor

Joel Conner Clinic Report: Valor 

SAFE volunteer Casey worked with Valor during the clinic, and had this to say about working with him: I restarted Valor about a month ago and got to ride him in all three sessions of the Joel Conner clinic. He is such an easy horse to be around and a lot of fun to ride. He consistently moves up and down all three gaits off my seat and has started to pick up a soft feel. He is comfortable around…

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Joel Conner Clinic Report: Cameo 

SAFE volunteer Casey worked with Cameo during the groundwork portion of the clinic: I worked Cameo in the Joel Conner clinic for the first time since she returned to SAFE. The first day her feet were quite stuck and she had changing eyes issues, which resulted in some concerning behaviors, including striking out with her front feet. With Joel’s guidance, I was able to help her work through that…

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