SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

New Video: Orion 

Orion is finishing 90 days of training with Nick Donohue. He has come a long way from his intake and has turned out to be a wonderful riding partner. He is ready to start his new life!

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Checking in with Sage 

Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe had this to say about her work with Sage and helping her get more comfortable and giving when asked to pick her hooves: Sage- a strong personality who has had things her way for quite a while. Roped her hinds again. Doesn’t take her as long to give. She doesn’t get as upset as she did the first time. My opinion — she needs a dominant leader, at least until she…

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Teddi and the Importance of Groundwork

Teddi and the Importance of Groundwork 

Teddi has been working on relaxing and gentling with Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe. We have seen wonderful changes in Teddi over the last few months as she develops more of a bond with Phoebe. We want to take a quick moment to acknowledge and thank Phoebe for her dedication and help with this sensitive mare. This work is truly at the heart of SAFE’s mission. Even after Teddi’s diagnosis of ring…

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Amelia Makes Progress!

Amelia Makes Progress! 

Glowing reports on Amelia’s progress from our Horsemanship Volunteer Phoebe! We will be talking with Joel Conner during this week’s clinic about his thoughts on offering her as a very light riding horse or a kids lead line. She is a sweet girl and in the right home she will be a great family member. Here is what Phoebe had to report: Amelia — sweet, easy going but always checking to make sure…

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Foster Update: Piper

Foster Update: Piper 

Little miss Piper has grown this summer into such a nice little lady. She spends nearly all of her time living like a wild horse with our herd in the large pasture, but she shows off her manners every time we handle her. Some of her milestones include: standing politely for trims with only the mildest baby shenanigans (it’s pretty boring after all), yielding out of the human’s space during…

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SAFE Alum Scooter is Available for Adoption

SAFE Alum Scooter is Available for Adoption 

Breed: Arabian Color: Chestnut Age: 23 Sex: Gelding Height: 14.2hh Registered Name: Padron’s Secret If are looking for an easy going, loving, docile companion/light riding horse, check this guy out! Pistol (known as Scooter at SAFE) was adopted from SAFE in 2012 but his current owner feels that there is a better situation out there for him. He is low man in every social situation and really…

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Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics

Video: Remy Learns Herd Dynamics 

Remy is a 6yr old TB who was found on a property without any other horses so we are unsure how long its been since he’s had other horses as companions. He is currently in training and the two other horses in the video are personal horses of the trainers. Tapadero, the roan gelding, is the “peacemaker/good cop” of the herd. He allows Remy to approach him, he is not aggressive towards him and…

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Guess the Foaling Date for Luna and Mina! 

Do you think you can guess when Luna and Mina will have their foals? We’re going to have a fun contest to see who can guess the closest to the actual birth! We’ll give a you a clue to get you started. The two mares were both palpated and ultrasounded by equine repro specialist Dr Brandi Hollihan from Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital on April 26, 2018. Here’s what we learned at that exam: Luna was…

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September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes

September Volunteer of the Month: Catherine Noyes 

Kirkland resident Catherine Noyes has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s September Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor because of her interest in every aspect of horse rescue. Catherine helps with the basics of cleaning up after the horses, feeding, watering, and she participates in every opportunity to learn about natural horsemanship which is practiced at SAFE. She’s…

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2018 Q3 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: July 11, 2018 Remy (owner surrender) Intake Date: August 8, 2018 Timmie (owner surrender) Birth Date: September 1, 2018 Pippi (born to rescued mare Asha) Placed Horses Ruach Euthanized Horses Raven (colic)

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Luna’s Getting Closer!

Luna’s Getting Closer! 

Right on the heels of Pippi’s arrival, Luna is showing signs of getting closer to foaling. She’s right on track for the predicted foaling date of sometime in October. She has recently started having some mammary development, and she is producing some “milk.” It’s still in the early stages, but it’s a sign that we need to start preparing for another baby. Now that Pippi and Asha have vacated the…

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Pippi Update

Pippi Update 

It’s hard to believe how quickly time flies when we look at our little Pippi! It seems like just yesterday she was a wobbly little bundle of legs, gangling awkwardly around the foaling stall. She appears to be growing before our eyes and is exploring her world like a big girl, imitating mom by trying to nibble hay and drink from the water trough. Pippi has blossomed into an outgoing little girl…

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Remy: School is in Session 

Remy is just beginning his work with Nick Donohue and thing are progressing well. He is a very intelligent, willing gelding. He is progressing a little every day and his kind personality is coming through. The biggest challenge for Remy has been that he was an isolated stallion until SAFE picked him up. Nick has been working to introduce him to other horses and feels that getting him out with…

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WEG 2018, Tryon NC

WEG 2018, Tryon NC 

What started as a vacation turned into a bit of a work holiday for three members of SAFE’s staff, who traveled to Tryon, North Carolina for the first week of the World Equestrian Games. This was a trip planned a year in advance and made possible by a personal friend who invited us along to share her WEG adventure. We were thrilled by this opportunity to experience a world-class equestrian event…

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A New Beginning for Aiden 

Aiden spent several wonderful years with the Henwood family, but sadly, changes in circumstances meant that Aiden needed to be rehomed. The Henwoods did a very responsible job of finding a new home for Aiden that would meet SAFE’s standards, and they found him another young person who would enjoy him and love him. Aiden now belongs to Maeve and the two of them have already formed a…

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Happy Birthday Pippi! 

Last night at 10:35pm, we welcomed a new life into the world. Asha gave birth to a lovely and long-legged chestnut Tobiano filly. The delivery was straight forward and uncomplicated, and mom and baby are both doing very well. Here are some photos taken today by Jessica Farren:

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August Volunteer of the Month: Samantha McMaster

August Volunteer of the Month: Samantha McMaster 

Arlington resident and high school student Samantha (Sam) McMaster has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s August Volunteer of the Month. Sam was selected for this honor because this summer, she’s been volunteering almost every day at our farm. She’s done everything from moving horses, to grooming and bathing horses, to feeding them, to cleaning stalls and pastures, to polishing silver on…

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Seven Hours with Mason

Seven Hours with Mason 

The following is an article written by Elsa Sinclair, the San Juan Island native who pioneered Freedom Based Training™ in her movie Taming Wild. Elsa visited Safe Harbor last week to spend some time with Mason. Elsa has been working with several horses to explore the foundations of FBT, to discover how far Equestrian Art can be developed solely using body language. She writes about a few…

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Raven Gets to Eat Grass!

Raven Gets to Eat Grass! 

To our delight, Raven is getting ever closer to being a “normal” horse. We have been getting her out on fresh grass little by little to see how her digestive system handles it, and she’s doing well on it. She’s off all medication and now the only additive we give her for digestive needs is a probiotic supplement. We continue to watch her closely for colic signs, but so far so good. She also…

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Pippi’s First Day Outdoors 

Pippi and Asha ventured outside for the first time today. Pippi seemed to love this new adventure, running circles around her mom and exploring the pasture. She’s such a little cutie pie, and so full of life! Photos by Jessica Farren

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Asha is getting close!

Asha is getting close! 

Last night we were 67.2% sure that Asha would have her foal. Turns out she did not, but now we are 92% sure that tonight is the night! Here’s what Foal Watch 2018 looks like at Safe Harbor Stables, as we prepare for our first foal in TEN YEARS (click slides to advance): 

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Getting to know Pyrrha

Getting to know Pyrrha 

Pyrrha a bit of a mystery. We have had a few conversations around the barn as to what breed she might be but nothing really fits. But no matter what type of horse she is, this mare is strong as a brick house! She’s most likely been around the block and seen many people and horses come and go in her many years. We still are uncertain her age but given her swayed back and body condition, she’s…

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Justin Makes Steady Progress

Justin Makes Steady Progress 

Justin is doing very well in preparation to become a riding horse. We have spent a great deal of time strengthening him and getting him balanced to hold the weight of a rider. He initially had trouble transferring his weight off of his forehand and over his hocks. He would get stuck with his front feet when asked to yield in the front or when backing up. This “vapor lock” would panic him and…

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A Showing for Roscoe

A Showing for Roscoe 

A few days ago, we had a potential adopter come out to meet Roscoe. Roxanne is looking for her next equine partner and on the advice of a friend, she decided to check out SAFE. After reviewing her application and talking to her over the phone, it sounded like a few of our horses could be matches for her needs. Being a responsible horse owner, Roxanne knows the importance of not rushing into a…

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Anderson Goes to Oregon

Anderson Goes to Oregon 

Anderson traveled to Oregon this past weekend to the lovely Northwood Stables for a clinic with Joel Conner. It was an opportunity to see how well he would work in a new place, around different horses. I am happy to report that Andy was brilliant! There was absolutely no bad behavior or changes in his temperament being in an unfamiliar place. He did well traveling both down and back, and stayed…

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Orion Shines in Training!

Orion Shines in Training! 

We had a call from Nick Donohue today with a great training report on Orion. He told us that he has been able to have a few other riders work Orion and each was very successful. He also said that he used Orion this week as a “support” horse for a troubled horse as they rode them outside together. WOW! Our sweet boy is just roughly 45 days under saddle and is already able to be used to help do a…

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Adventures with Anderson

Adventures with Anderson 

This summer, we had the opportunity to take Anderson for a 3 day camping trip to Cle Elum WA. He was an awesome boy for this new experience and did a fantastic job dealing with everything that was asked of him. We took the horses out every day for up to 5 hours of riding, grazed in a field for lunch and climbed very steep hills, passing hikers and dogs along the way. Probably the most…

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Checking in with Star

Checking in with Star 

Our new guy Star is settling in well to the day-to-day routine at Safe Harbor. We have not pushed him too hard, given his age, but we have assessed him for soundness and temperament. For the most part, he is easy to handle and can be safely lead and groomed, bur he does tend to be on the “pushy” side. His behavior makes us think he may have been a late cut stallion, which explains some of his…

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