SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Sienna 

Catherine N worked Sienna in the March Joel Conner clinic, and says the following about her experience: “I worked Sienna in the groundwork for the March Joel Conner Clinic. I feel like we were both nervous at first, but quickly settled in. Sienna, I felt, was able to grasp what I asked quickly and was able to let me get my body and hand the way that I needed to be. There were moments that I…

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Alumni Update: River

Alumni Update: River 

SAFE Volunteer Debbie M recently visited with SAFE Alum, River; his humans, Wendy and David Z; and “big sister”, Ameli, at their beautiful 5‑acre property in Snohomish.  River arrived at SAFE in December 2012, along with two herd mates as part of an owner surrender situation.  He was originally adopted in July 2013 and trained in dressage but sold to Wendy Z in late 2016.  After 2.5 years of…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Artie 

Kirsten L has been riding Artie for several months, and brought him in to the March Joel Conner clinic. Here is her report on the experience: “Mr. Artie Shaw is quite the gentleman! This was my first riding clinic with Joel and Artie was incredibly patient with my learning curve. Levelheaded. Confident with new horses. Unflappable when asked to walk, trot, lope, and didn’t spook once. We’ve…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bandit

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Bandit 

Kirsten L has been working with Bandit for well over a year now, and has the following to say about their time spent together during the March Joel Conner clinic: “In working with Bandit at our 6th Clinic together, the saying ‘one step at a time’ rings true. This 27- year-old sweetheart of a mare continues to give and give and give as she is ready. She has become much lighter and more responsive…

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Alumni Update: Betty & Eleven

Alumni Update: Betty & Eleven 

A SAFE alumni volunteer recently checked in with Betty and Eleven and their adopter, Cindee. Cindee admits these lovely mares are quite spoiled and are living the life every horse dreams of — plenty of running space, a heated stall in winter (Cindee’s husband wants them to be warm and cozy), fresh hay and grain supplements, a family that adores them, and neighbors who come to visit. Cindee is…

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April Volunteer of the Month: Laia Solsona-Holmes

April Volunteer of the Month: Laia Solsona-Holmes 

Congratulations to our April Volunteer of the Month, Laia Solsona-Holmes! We are incredibly fortunate to have had Laia join SAFE way back in September of 2021. Since then, she has been a standout member of the Thursday AM chore team, consistently demonstrating her dedication and enthusiasm. Laia not only fulfills her shifts reliably, but she goes above and beyond in her contributions. Whether…

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Rest in Peace, Lancelot

Rest in Peace, Lancelot 

Every once in a while, we are reminded of just how delicate horses actually are. While announcing the loss of one of our herd is never easy, this one is a bit more painful than most. During his first saddling, in a freak accident, Lance broke his leg. While a broken bone for a human means rest and recuperation, unfortunately for a horse, really the only and kindest course of action is…

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Alumni Update: Piper

Alumni Update: Piper 

Piper’s adopter, Talia, recently provided an update. It’s been a long time since I gave a Piper update! We’re all trying to get in shape for spring with hikes up the big hill. The Arabian (Nova) led the way, and Piper and I did just a little huffing and puffing behind her. We’re moving to new pastures this week, and we’re all looking forward to being roommates again! (The girls have been for…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Edward 

Kaya M has been riding Edward as of late, and the two of them participated in the March Joel Conner clinic together. Here’s what Kaya has to say about their time: “Edward and I had a little set back a couple months ago in the process of getting more life and have been working through a spot where Edward feels like he is going to take off, so I was really looking forward to getting some help from…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Theo 

As a young guy just starting out in our training program, the goal for Theo is to keep things light. We’re working to develop his balance and strengthen his confidence while wearing the saddle. Theo continues to get softer and is showing great improvement with connection, feeling, and responsiveness. Theo is a naturally gentle young fellow, but when we started working with him, he also seemed…

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Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training

Snohomish Animal Control Officer Training 

This past week, SAFE hosted two of Snohomish County Animal Control’s newest officers, Sarah Weaver and Ashlynn Trujillo for a day of hands-on education. Even for those with knowledge of horses, encountering an unknown horse in the field presents its challenges and questions, but we have quite a bit of tried and true experience when it comes to handling and assessing equines in need, and are more…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Frosting

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Frosting 

There are many things that we adore about Frosting but the overarching theme is her kind heart. As her understanding of the work grows so does the partnership with her handlers. Over the last few weeks she has been getting ridden consistently at least 4 times a week. She is developing more balance in all three gaits and is one of the softest horses at SAFE currently. She has almost zero changing…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Barb 

Barb is named so because back when she was a wild thing, veritably feral as part of the Fall City 40, she ran herself through a barbed wire fence. This would not be Barb’s only brush with fencing, as several years later she would tweak her back crawling out of her paddock. From those two sentences alone you can picture what a crafty, tough-as-nails, and determined horse Barb is. These traits…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Blanche

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Blanche 

Lexee N, who has been working with Blanche since her arrival at SAFE, put the first rides on this lovely lady at the end of March, and has the following to say about her:   “This mare! Blanche has been checking boxes left and right since she’s arrived at SAFE. She’s sweet, gentle, easy going and absolutely stunning. This big black mustang’s first ride at SAFE during the Joel clinic went off…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Wren

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Wren 

This mare has “try” in spades! One of the sweetest mares on the property, she is eager to meet you at the gate, accepting of everything asked of her and lets out the cutest nickers when you dismount. She LOVE her tummy scratches when you take off the saddle and stretches her nose out to reciprocate mutual grooming. If you haven’t realized it yet, this is a very special mare! She has felt…

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Autumn Will Soon Run Free

Autumn Will Soon Run Free 

SAFE takes in a lot of unhandled, untouchable horses…mostly because a lot of unhandled, untouchable horses end up at rescues. It’s not against the law to let a young horse grow up without giving it an education, but uneducated young horses can grow up to be unwanted older horses when they get bigger…and more dangerous. Horses are generally good natured creatures, which is why past mistakes…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jupiter

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Jupiter 

Lexee N has been working and riding Jupiter for several months, and recently brought him into the March Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she has to say about this handsome guy: “Jupiter is one of the sweetest, dopiest guys you could ever meet. And although his demeanor is what dreams are made of, his physical balance still needs quite a bit of work to keep him happy and comfortable. Jupiter like…

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March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Pepper

March Joel Conner Clinic Report: Pepper 

Candi K, who has been working with Pepper since her return to SAFE, rode this cute little mare in the recent Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about their time together: “When it comes to our sweet Pepper, Cher says it best in her song “Just What I Have Been Looking For” You’re just what I’ve been looking for Something I never thought I’d find And everything I ever dream of Is…

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Look Ma, No Reins!

Look Ma, No Reins! 

Part of a horse’s education under saddle, perhaps the most basic yet complex thing they learn, is how to steer and stay hooked on to a rider’s line based on leg alone. Frosting, who was started last year at SAFE, demonstrates in the video below just how well she is doing understanding this concept. 

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Dorothy Health Update

Dorothy Health Update 

Dorothy came to SAFE from Pierce County Animal Control after being seized from a neglectful situation. PCAC does a tremendous job of vetting and rehabbing the horses that come into their care before they even come to SAFE, but Dorothy came to us still in need of a significant amount of TLC, which speaks to the gravity of her initial situation. She was recovering from a bad UTI that had led to…

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Alumni Update: Rae

Alumni Update: Rae 

Christina and Rae attended the March Joel Conner Horsemanship Clinic at SAFE. Here is an update from Christina. What a whirlwind of a week! Rae and I are still processing all the great things we learned at the Joel Conner Clinic at SAFE last week, but it was all SO GOOD. Rae really showed up and stepped up, I couldn’t be more proud of the little mare she’s turning into. For the curious minds or…

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Alumni Update: Angel & Renee

Alumni Update: Angel & Renee 

Best friends Angel and Renee continue to enjoy retirement together. Renee is the boss mare in their herd of pasture mates. These two have found a comfortable, peaceful home with Carla.

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Alumni Update: Sebastian (Sparky)

Alumni Update: Sebastian (Sparky)

Sebastian, now known as Sparky, is having a happy retirement in the herd at Carla’s. Sadly, Alumni Camille, Sparky’s best SAFE buddy, passed on in September 2023. But he enjoys the friendship with SAFE Alums Angel and Renee who are also part of Carla’s herd.

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Esme’s Abscess

Esme’s Abscess 

Pop Quiz: your horse, who was sound as a music note yesterday, walks out of her stall with a major head bob the next morning. Do you: A. PANIC! Something serious must be wrong, and the vet needs to come out immediately! B. Treat it like an abscess — soak the foot in warm water and epsom salts, and slap that thing in a duct tape boot. C. Do nothing. She’ll walk it off, right? While it is never a…

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Alumni Update: Lucy

Alumni Update: Lucy 

Alumni volunteer Lisa G recently contacted Diane and has this update on Lucy. Diane and Lucy made the move to Colorado in early 2023 and, after some adjustment to the new environment, soil, etc, they are both thriving! Diane has found an amazing community there, from her incredible vet and farrier team who helped Lucy transition into shoes while she adjusts to the new locale, to a boarding barn…

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Ciara’s Crossroads

Ciara’s Crossroads 

We talk a lot about ‘time’ here at SAFE, the time it takes for a horse to reach certain milestones (varied), the time we give them to get there (endless, for the most part). But to frame this in a linear style is not always the most accurate. Yes, the paths some horses take are mostly straight, but some horses’ roads are a bit more circuitous, doubling back on themselves. This does not mean,…

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Alumni Update: George

Alumni Update: George 

We received an update on George from Ana. Doesn’t he look amazing all grown up?! “George and I got to sneak in our first after-work ride of the year. The sunshine is coming and we need to work off some winter chub with our pony friends!”

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