SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

More horsemanship for Sage!

More horsemanship for Sage! 

Sage has a new friend: SAFE volunteer rider Scott B has started working with her and was kind enough to share his notes after their last session! I worked with Sage on Sunday. These are the issues I noticed with her: • She’s very herd bound • She needs to respect my space and “stay off” me • She need to connect to me • Found her to be very “reactive” This was my first time working with Sage. I…

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Roscoe: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Roscoe: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Volunteer rider Lisa G rode Roscoe in last month’s Joel Conner clinic and had this to report: I worked with Roscoe in the riding portion of the recent Joel Connor Clinic, and we made much progress.…. and found many things to continue to work on! Roscoe has always had a hard time moving his forequarters around and engaging his hind end, so we focused a lot on this; getting a smooth rhythm going…

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Sage: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Sage: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Miss pony mare Sage got to participate in her very first Joel Conner clinic last month, thanks to her friend Lisa! Here’s what Lisa had to report: I had the happy fortune to work with Little Miss Sage in part of the groundwork portion of the recent Joel Connor Clinic. This was Sage’s 1st introduction to the SAFE Horsemanship work and this little old gal did great… despite the fact that the…

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Sienna: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Sienna: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Terry worked with newbie Sienna in the groundwork portions of the Joel Conner clinic, and had this to report: Sienna was a superstar for the Joel Conner clinic! She became very relaxed and calm in the clinic setting with the other horses around. She even stood quietly with me and almost fell asleep during a break. This smart, athletic mustang mare is making amazing strides and transformation in…

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Mason: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Mason: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

SAFE Barn Manager Lori M took her favorite guy Mason in the first day of the Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what Lori had to report: On June 22nd, Mason and I participated in the Joel Conner clinic Friday morning groundwork session. Mason was feeling his oats that morning with all the clinic excitement! We started out in the round pen to work out some built up energy. Once we entered the arena for…

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Teddi: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Teddi: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Volunteer rider Phoebe T participated in the Joel Conner clinic with Teddi. Here are her reflections on the clinic and Teddi’s progress: This is my 4th groundwork clinic, I now feel comfortable asking questions and asking for help. I have realized that much like for the horses, the time between clinics is important for me to ‘soak’ on things heard & seen in prior clinics. It’s part of the…

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Nashville: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Nashville: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Nashville and her volunteer rider Casey A took part in the last Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what Casey had to say about the progress that Nashville is making: Nashville did very well during the riding portion of the Joel Conner clinic. At the last clinic, she was very concerned about the close proximity of other horses, though she was safe and reasonable with all of the energy. During this…

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Stella: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Stella: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Stella and Casey took part in the June Joel Conner Clinic and had this to report about their experience: I worked Stella during the groundwork sessions the first two days of the Joel Conner clinic. I had noticed that Stella was very troubled about changing eyes, the flag, having things touch her legs, and having the back cinch and saddle strings touch her sides. This trouble was apparent both on…

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SAFE Alumni Update: Opal 

Opal (now known as Bella) enjoyed a trip to the ocean with a friend!   For updates on many of your favorite adopted SAFE horses, visit our SAFE Alumni Facebook group! It’s where SAFE adopters can post updates, photos, and videos of their SAFE horses, to share their progress with the SAFE community!

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Ru: Horsemanship Clinic Report

Ru: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Ruach was able to participate in this month’s Joel Conner clinic, thanks to volunteer Scott B, who worked with him all three days in both groundwork and riding. Here are Scott’s reflections on the clinic: The clinic with Joel was really an amazing experience for me. I loved it, loved being a part of it and loved how much I was able to learn and apply during the three days. As I said to Joel at…

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Duchess’ Next Chapter of Hope

Duchess’ Next Chapter of Hope 

Here at SAFE we have a lot to say about our horses, a lot of stories to share. But in the case of Duchess, whose re-adoption became final in June 2018, a new voice has taken up her story, and it’s only fitting that we share that with our wonderful supporters so everyone can appreciate the journey that this horse has taken. She’s been rechristened Esperanza, which means Hope. This is the latest…

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Lacey: Horsemanship Clinic Report 

Lacey and Erika participated in the June Joel Conner clinic at SAFE. Here’s what Erika had to say about the experience: This was my second clinic working with Lacey, and this time we went back to basics. We spent a lot of time working on moving her front-quarters, both going forward and backing up. Her hindquarters are easily moved, but she tends to put her weight on her front end, which gets…

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SAFE Alumni Update: Nora 

Nora, now known as Mercy, in her new home:   For updates on many of your favorite adopted SAFE horses, visit our SAFE Alumni Facebook group! It’s where SAFE adopters can post updates, photos, and videos of their SAFE horses, to share their progress with the SAFE community!

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SAFE Alumni Update: Jewel 

Jewel and Julie went camping!!   For updates on many of your favorite adopted SAFE horses, visit our SAFE Alumni Facebook group! It’s where SAFE adopters can post updates, photos, and videos of their SAFE horses, to share their progress with the SAFE community!

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June Training Update: Ben 

Ben and Lisa’s June Training update: Yesterday during our morning ride, we were joined by three Hunter/Jumper students and their instructor. I was invited to stay for the lesson, as the instructor believed it would be good for her students and their horses to have another body in the arena. I knew it would be good for to work with other horses around, and the energy H/Js bring; so I asked a…

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June Volunteer of the Month: Carolyn Gudmundson

June Volunteer of the Month: Carolyn Gudmundson 

Woodinville resident Carolyn Gudmundson has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s June Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor because of all the years she’s helped look after our rescue horses with consistency, with genuine care, and with absolute gusto. Carolyn is a workhorse, a go-getter and a tireless leader of her crew team. She’s been an amazing, long-time asset to SAFE.…

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2018 Q2 Impact Statement

2018 Q2 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: April 4, 2018 Sage (Snohomish County Animal Control) Pyrrha (Snohomish County Animal Control) Intake Date: April 13, 2018 Orion (owner surrender) Intake Date: April 15, 2018 Asha (Pierce County Animal Control) Tabitha(Pierce County Animal Control) Intake Date: April 15, 2018 Luna (owner surrender) Mina (owner surrender) Intake Date: April 18, 2018 Bowie(Snohomish County…

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Healing Heartbreak: Tasara is Adopted

Healing Heartbreak: Tasara is Adopted 

We’re thrilled to announce that Tasara’s adoption is final! She is now living in Battle Ground WA with her new friend, Sherri. The story of how Tasara and Sherri came together is simply magical. Tasara became a SAFE horse in June 2017. We were contacted by a woman who told us that her sister was dying in hospice, and that she was leaving a beloved horse behind. Knowing that Tasara was safe and…

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SAFE Alumni Update: Bridgit 

Bridgit’s adopter shared these lovely photos of her girl, as well as one of her good friend Oreo the pony! Photos by Jessica Farren.   For updates on many of your favorite adopted SAFE horses, visit our SAFE Alumni Facebook group! It’s where SAFE adopters can post updates, photos, and videos of their SAFE horses, to share their progress with the SAFE community!

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SAFE Alumni Update: Tasara 

Tasara and her adopter Sherri, getting ready for a trip to Trout Lake for some trail riding!   For updates on many of your favorite adopted SAFE horses, visit our SAFE Alumni Facebook group! It’s where SAFE adopters can post updates, photos, and videos of their SAFE horses, to share their progress with the SAFE community!

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Sage Health Update

Sage Health Update 

Sage got a visit from Dr. Fleck today to recheck her ACTH level. She’s been on a trial dose of Prascend for several weeks since her level came back at the high end of normal at her last vet visit, and she looks and acts like a new horse. We’ll have answers from the bloodwork in a few days, but Dr. Fleck recommends that we just keep her on the Prascend indefinitely regardless of the test results.…

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Dental Day for Bowie, Orion, and Justin

Dental Day for Bowie, Orion, and Justin 

Our three newest gentlemen had their first visit from the vet recently. All of them have unknown histories of veterinary care. It’s likely that Justin and Bowie have at least had dental work at some point in their past, but it’s quite possible that Orion has never had his teeth examined by a vet until recently when he had surgery to remove the fractured teeth. All three geldings had very sharp…

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Where in the world is Ben? 

If you’ve come to visit Safe Harbor Stables, recently you may have noticed we are missing one very large chestnut boy who has been a long time resident of SAFE. So where is our handsome boy Ben? Well…After a brief adoption trial that did not work out, we decided that the best place for him to continue to grow and learn is with his wonderful friend Lisa. Lisa has been working with him for the…

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Unfortunate News For Teddi

Unfortunate News For Teddi 

Teddi had a visit from the vet last week. She turned up lame on her left front leg, and we noticed a suspicious bony lump on her pastern that has been getting larger over the past few weeks. After a brief lameness exam, Dr. Fleck took some radiographs, and the diagnosis was very clear: Teddi has osteoarthritis in her left front pastern joint, commonly known as ringbone. Hers is a relatively…

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