SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Unfortunate News For Teddi

Unfortunate News For Teddi 

Teddi had a visit from the vet last week. She turned up lame on her left front leg, and we noticed a suspicious bony lump on her pastern that has been getting larger over the past few weeks. After a brief lameness exam, Dr. Fleck took some radiographs, and the diagnosis was very clear: Teddi has osteoarthritis in her left front pastern joint, commonly known as ringbone. Hers is a relatively…

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Introducing Mina and Luna

Introducing Mina and Luna 

Mina and Luna are the latest additions to the SAFE herd and they are both pregnant. Mina and Luna have been in a vet’s care for 6 weeks and they have made nice recoveries from the neglect they faced in their previous lives. Their pregnancies have been confirmed by ultrasound and we have an approximate idea as to when they are due. Luna’s foal is expected in November and Mina’s about 30 days…

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Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update

Sage Gets a Spa Day, and Health Update 

Our little Sage has blossomed! She came to us with a long, dull coat from neglect and malnourishment–so long and scruffy, in fact, that some of us referred to her endearingly as our little yak-pony. But after some good nutrition, a few baths, and a round with the clippers, she is a beautiful little pony. When Sage first arrived, Dr. Fleck suggested we test her for pituitary pars intermedia…

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Piper’s New Foster Home

Piper’s New Foster Home 

Last week, we tearfully loaded Piper into a trailer and wished her well as she headed off to her new foster home. Because Piper is so young, she has a lot of growing up to do before she’ll officially start training. So we started thinking about sending her out to foster, and immediately, the perfect foster home became available to us! Piper is living on a property in the mountains just east of…

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Busy Bee update

Busy Bee update 

another brilliant update from Ruckus’ family: Hello hello, Here are some pics of Ruckus is his big boy bridle driving and also with his new fly sheet for this season with the cutest bee print ever 😂 We are calling it the “Busy Bee” very fitting for little man Rucky. He’s done super driving at the walk and jog, I hope to get him cantering once I get him a little more developed on the…

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Raven Takes Another Field Trip

Raven Takes Another Field Trip 

Raven’s colic saga has unfortunately continued since her last update. Although her colics are usually very minor, we still want to get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution if we can. We hauled her into Pilchuck Veterinary Hospital last week for an internal medicine consult with Dr. Mollat. Dr. Mollat performed a full abdominal ultrasound on Raven. There was nothing found that would…

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It’s Stormy in the Sunshine

It’s Stormy in the Sunshine 

Stormy took advantage of our nice weather this week by requesting a spa day. She must know that bath time is followed by grazing on fresh grass while fur is drying.

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Asha and Tabitha out on the Grass

Asha and Tabitha out on the Grass 

Two approaches to finally being back out on the grass again: 1) Asha: commence eating and don’t let anyone distract you. 2) Tabitha: run circles around your friend because it feels so good to be outside!

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Introducing Sage and Pyrrha

Introducing Sage and Pyrrha 

Sage and Pyrrha were seized by Animal Control due to neglect and lack of care. The two mares had essentially been abandoned in a field and left to fend for themselves for quite some time. They were both in poor weight with massive amounts of dirty, matted fur all over their bodies. Pyrrha was believed to be in her early 30s, and Sage, a pony mare, was closer to 23 years of age. Unsurprisingly…

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Ru: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Ru: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

I got to work with Ru for the groundwork and riding portions of last weekend’s Joel Conner clinic. The changes I saw in him over the two days that we participated had me smiling from ear to ear! I was so proud of this sweet boy’s “try.” The first morning was a little rough, as he was distracted by his old pasture mate Valencia whinnying in her paddock. It was a good opportunity for the two of…

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Meet Bowie!

Meet Bowie! 

This handsome hunk arrived at Safe Harbor Stables after several weeks in Animal Control custody and a few more weeks at Cedarbrook Vet Hospital. Bowie, a 20 year old Halfinger stallion, was seized from his owner along with 5 other horses now residing at SAFE. He became a happy gelding a few weeks ago, and is still healing from the procedure. We’re looking forward to starting work with him to…

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Renee: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Renee: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer rider Phoebe worked with Renee during the Groundwork sessions of April’s Joel Conner Horsemanship clinic. Here’s what she had to share about the experience: This was the first time I really worked with Renee, besides bringing her in and out from turnout. It took most of the first day for us to feel each other out and develop an understanding. She did well. Day 2 was better, and…

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Updated Photos of Amelia

Updated Photos of Amelia 

Amelia is looking much happier and prettier now that she’s enjoying some grooming and kindness. She will be going on trial for adoption as a companion horse, so fingers crossed she has a new home!! thank you for the photos, Jessica!!

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Duchess: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Duchess: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer rider Phoebe rode Duchess in the April Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about the experience: Duchess, what a great teacher she is! Understanding that her inability to hold a focus for very long can be used to distract her from her insecurities. Joel was awesome at identifying the ‘jiggle’ of the rein as a focus changer. For her, it was gentle, quiet, and effective.…

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Nashville: Joel Conner Clinic report

Nashville: Joel Conner Clinic report 

SAFE Volunteer Rider Casey A has been working with Nashville and rode her in the riding sessions of last weekend’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about it: I rode Nashville in the riding portion of the clinic all three days. Joel put the first couple of rides on her about a month ago, and we’ve had about 15 rides since. She is so soft and responsive, and she learns really…

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Asha: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Asha: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer rider Casey A worked with new girl Asha during the groundwork portion of last weekends’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say: I worked with Asha for the groundwork portion of the clinic all three days. This was the first time she had been worked since arriving at SAFE, and she did great! She is quite responsive to a feel, so she settled in quickly and thoughtfully.…

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Tasara: Joel Conner Clinic report

Tasara: Joel Conner Clinic report 

SAFE volunteer Marie Jainga took part in her first Joel Conner clinic last weekend, working with Tasara in the groundwork sessions. Here are her observations about her experience: First, I want to begin by thanking Bonnie and Terry for hosting these wonderful clinics with Joel Conner. The insights he shares is truly amazing. I have learned so much from these sessions, both watching last fall and…

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Lacey: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Lacey: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

Clinic report from SAFE volunteer rider Erika: This clinic was not the first time I’ve worked with Lacey, but it was the first time I’ve spent so much time working with her. The first day, Friday, we really worked hard to get to a soft feel, and we got to where she can hold it for a couple of strides. Part of learning the soft feel with Lacey is learning how to have her respond to my legs and my…

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Valencia and new mom Kelly at the Joel Conner clinic

Valencia and new mom Kelly at the Joel Conner clinic 

Valencia’s adoption got off to a great start when her new owner, Karen K, took her in the Joel Conner clinic in order to better understand the language of horsemanship that Valencia is familiar with. The two did quite well together, and plan to continue this work once Valencia arrives at her new home.

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April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett

April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett 

Snohomish resident Lillian Hinett has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s April Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor largely because of the numerous times she fills in when there’s a vacancy on a shift. Lillian has a regular chores shift at the barn; and even with her heavy work schedule away from SAFE and through recent surgery, she soldiers through like a trooper. She’s…

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Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love

Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love 

But if that is true, then Ruach has many moms (and dads) at SAFE because we love him a lot! He does have an interestingly shaped skull though… We hope that he was born that way, because it would break our hearts to image that someone could have hurt a horse like this. If we’re being completely honest, then we must admit that we are liking Mr Ru a whole lot better lately since his turnout…

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Amelia is not Pregnant

Amelia is not Pregnant 

Dr Holohan, DVM from Pilchuck Vet Hospital did an examination of Amelia today and determined that she is not pregnant, but is suffering from mastitis, which is causing swelling and edema in her udder and abdomen. Amelia has been prescribed antibiotics to combat the infection, as well as stripping of built up fluids and cold hosing to relieve her discomfort. Mastitis is not very common in…

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Teddi and Roscoe Training Update

Teddi and Roscoe Training Update 

A nice update from volunteer rider Lisa G about Teddi and Roscoe: Teddi is improving greatly in her groundwork. I slowed down and let go of my timeline expectations for her after the March clinic, and lifting that unconscious pressure has really helped our progress! There were several days that I simply didn’t have time to get into anything too troublesome (and therefore help her out of her…

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Two New Horses to Introduce

Two New Horses to Introduce 

SAFE has two new intakes to introduce to the community. Both of these horses have suffered some pretty serious neglect, and both have a long road of recovery ahead of them. Fortunately, that roads lead right through Save a Forgotten Equine and our rehabilitation team! Orion is a tall, strapping young lad, about 5–7 years old, whose body looks like he’s been through a war…covered in scrapes and…

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