SAFE Horses

SAFE News and Updates

Nashville: Joel Conner Clinic report

Nashville: Joel Conner Clinic report 

SAFE Volunteer Rider Casey A has been working with Nashville and rode her in the riding sessions of last weekend’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say about it: I rode Nashville in the riding portion of the clinic all three days. Joel put the first couple of rides on her about a month ago, and we’ve had about 15 rides since. She is so soft and responsive, and she learns really…

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Asha: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Asha: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

SAFE volunteer rider Casey A worked with new girl Asha during the groundwork portion of last weekends’s Joel Conner clinic. Here’s what she had to say: I worked with Asha for the groundwork portion of the clinic all three days. This was the first time she had been worked since arriving at SAFE, and she did great! She is quite responsive to a feel, so she settled in quickly and thoughtfully.…

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Tasara: Joel Conner Clinic report

Tasara: Joel Conner Clinic report 

SAFE volunteer Marie Jainga took part in her first Joel Conner clinic last weekend, working with Tasara in the groundwork sessions. Here are her observations about her experience: First, I want to begin by thanking Bonnie and Terry for hosting these wonderful clinics with Joel Conner. The insights he shares is truly amazing. I have learned so much from these sessions, both watching last fall and…

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Lacey: Joel Conner Clinic Report

Lacey: Joel Conner Clinic Report 

Clinic report from SAFE volunteer rider Erika: This clinic was not the first time I’ve worked with Lacey, but it was the first time I’ve spent so much time working with her. The first day, Friday, we really worked hard to get to a soft feel, and we got to where she can hold it for a couple of strides. Part of learning the soft feel with Lacey is learning how to have her respond to my legs and my…

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Valencia and new mom Kelly at the Joel Conner clinic

Valencia and new mom Kelly at the Joel Conner clinic 

Valencia’s adoption got off to a great start when her new owner, Karen K, took her in the Joel Conner clinic in order to better understand the language of horsemanship that Valencia is familiar with. The two did quite well together, and plan to continue this work once Valencia arrives at her new home.

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April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett

April Volunteer of the Month: Lillian Hinett 

Snohomish resident Lillian Hinett has been named as Save a Forgotten Equine’s April Volunteer of the Month. She was selected for this honor largely because of the numerous times she fills in when there’s a vacancy on a shift. Lillian has a regular chores shift at the barn; and even with her heavy work schedule away from SAFE and through recent surgery, she soldiers through like a trooper. She’s…

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Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love

Ru: A Face Only a Mother Could Love 

But if that is true, then Ruach has many moms (and dads) at SAFE because we love him a lot! He does have an interestingly shaped skull though… We hope that he was born that way, because it would break our hearts to image that someone could have hurt a horse like this. If we’re being completely honest, then we must admit that we are liking Mr Ru a whole lot better lately since his turnout…

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Amelia is not Pregnant

Amelia is not Pregnant 

Dr Holohan, DVM from Pilchuck Vet Hospital did an examination of Amelia today and determined that she is not pregnant, but is suffering from mastitis, which is causing swelling and edema in her udder and abdomen. Amelia has been prescribed antibiotics to combat the infection, as well as stripping of built up fluids and cold hosing to relieve her discomfort. Mastitis is not very common in…

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Teddi and Roscoe Training Update

Teddi and Roscoe Training Update 

A nice update from volunteer rider Lisa G about Teddi and Roscoe: Teddi is improving greatly in her groundwork. I slowed down and let go of my timeline expectations for her after the March clinic, and lifting that unconscious pressure has really helped our progress! There were several days that I simply didn’t have time to get into anything too troublesome (and therefore help her out of her…

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Two New Horses to Introduce

Two New Horses to Introduce 

SAFE has two new intakes to introduce to the community. Both of these horses have suffered some pretty serious neglect, and both have a long road of recovery ahead of them. Fortunately, that roads lead right through Save a Forgotten Equine and our rehabilitation team! Orion is a tall, strapping young lad, about 5–7 years old, whose body looks like he’s been through a war…covered in scrapes and…

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Adoption Announcment: Rosie & Cali!

Adoption Announcment: Rosie & Cali! 

This past spring, SAFE had been called to help on several large intake cases. This filled our stalls and while we have a great medical staff to get our horses healthy and training program to prepare them for new lives, finding the right home takes time. SAFE was in a dilemma: we had some lovely companions that were ready to be adopted and horses in the community who desperately needed our help.…

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Thank you, Jolene Duncan!

Thank you, Jolene Duncan! 

We want to recognize and thank a very special member of both our Operations Council and our Volunteer Riders, Jolene Duncan. For the past 3 years, Jolene has given her time, energy, and talents to helping in a multitude of facets at SAFE. Starting out as a Volunteer Rider, Jolene helped train, start, and ride many of our horses. Her time and effort helped prepare horses for their future lives…

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Introducing Asha and Tabitha

Introducing Asha and Tabitha 

SAFE took in two new horses today. Asha and Tabitha were seized from their owner by Animal Control officers who were called to the property by a report of a horse that was down and stuck in mud, but when they arrived, they discovered that the horse had been severely starved. They were unable to save that horse, but seized two other mares that were living on the property. Asha is about 11 years…

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Our last update on Finn

Our last update on Finn 

Finn was adopted by his foster Carrie G. in Woodinville in February 2018. His puppy-dog personality that made him a volunteer favorite at SAFE made it hard for Carrie to let him go, and her property was a great fit for his laminitis and navicular issues. Unfortunately, in March 2018, Finn developed a hard lump on his jaw that grew quickly in size and made it increasingly uncomfortable for him to…

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What’s New, Rucky Bleu?

What’s New, Rucky Bleu? 

Alumni Update on Ruckus from adopter Jacquie: April marks one year since we were matched with our spicy Farm mascot Rucky Bleu. It feels like we’ve been together forever in a good way! Getting to know his personality, Ruckus is smart, spicy and sweet all wrapped into one. We call him the Thoroughbred Pony because he is quite hot, full of go and can be quite the handful. This also makes him THE…

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2018 Q1 Impact Statement

2018 Q1 Impact Statement 

New Horses Intake Date: January 5, 2018 Roscoe (Snohomish County Animal Control) Teddi (Snohomish County Animal Control) Intake Date: March 13, 2018 Justin (Snohomish County Animal Control) Glory (Snohomish County Animal Control) Fancy (Snohomish County Animal Control) Placed Horses Koko Jessel Finn Prince Deceased Annabelle (died of unknown natural causes)

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March Volunteers of the Month: the Bradbury Family

March Volunteers of the Month: the Bradbury Family 

The Bradbury Family (Robert, Karen, Annalise and Jon) from Woodinville have been named Save a Forgotten Equine’s March Volunteers of the Month. They were selected for this honor because they are exceptional role models of a family supporting their child’s desire to volunteer. Each of them is hardworking and dependable, honoring their commitment to care for the SAFE horses each week. Daughter…

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Godspeed, Chips of Rik O Shay 

We received the sad news last week that SAFE alumni Chip passed away from cancer. He was a sweet boy and had a very loving family to look after him at the end of his life. Chip was one of 39 horses seized by Pierce County Animal Control in late 2012, and he lived a significant portion of his life as a breeding stallion. He came to SAFE and became a happy gelding, and finally got to enjoy a life…

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Welcoming Justin, Glory, and Fancy to SAFE

Welcoming Justin, Glory, and Fancy to SAFE 

Justin, Glory, and Fancy were seized from their owner by Animal Control due to starvation and neglect. A few months earlier, Animal Control seized Roscoe and Teddi from the same person. The three are regaining the weight they lost, and are being treated for rain rot and other skin problems. Justin is 14 years old and may have been started under saddle already, but we’ll be handling him like an…

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Aurora and Belle: an Unexpected Happy Ending

Aurora and Belle: an Unexpected Happy Ending 

In journalism school, they say “don’t bury the lead,” so I’ll come right out with it: Aurora and Belle are being adopted together to a Thoroughbred sanctuary in northern California. They will live the rest of their lives, together, with nothing expected of them but to be horses. The sanctuary is called Humanity for Horses and already houses about 150 Thoroughbreds on 115 acres near Mt Shasta. We…

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He Is Indeed, Rest in Peace

He Is Indeed, Rest in Peace 

A beloved SAFE alum departed this world yesterday. Deeds, adopted by the Stewart family in 2012, was humanely euthanized due to colic last night. Deeds lived a happy life as a companion to many of the Stewart’s horses, and he was a good friend to all. He was a quirky fellow with a big personality and a big heart. He was a good horse. Rest in peace, Deeds, and to Brittney and Darby, we thank you…

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Rest in Peace, Annabelle

Rest in Peace, Annabelle 

We lost a dear friend last week. Annabelle, who lived with Aubrey in one of our very best foster homes, collapsed suddenly on Tuesday morning and passed away shortly thereafter. She may have had a heart attack or an aneurysm, we’ll probably never know. Whatever it was, it happened quickly. Annabelle came to SAFE in May 2015, traumatized by a life of neglect and abuse. As a SAFE horse, she…

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Jessel has been adopted!

Jessel has been adopted! 

We are happy to share that Jessel has found a home with Alexandra in Spokane, Washington! Alexandra, an accomplished rider, had just lost her 17 year old mare to colic. Alexandra’s experience is a perfect match for Jessel and her continuing education under saddle. Before her adoption, Jessel was in training with Joel Conner in Ellensburg and had been started lightly due to her age. She already…

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Photos of Lori and Prince

Photos of Lori and Prince 

Tomorrow Prince leaves for his new home. Today, photographer Jessica Farren captured a glimpse of his bond with Lori. Prince is moving on to the next part of his life, but he will not be forgotten.

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Roscoe and Teddi Updates

Roscoe and Teddi Updates 

Volunteer rider Lisa G has been working with Roscoe and Teddi on the ground, preparing them for Joel Conner’s visit on March 15. Lisa is using the flag and the coiled rope to help them get more comfortable being touched and moved about. Here are her reports on their progress: Feb 17: Roscoe and Teddi both did great this morning! Got the coils all over Roscoe, he was a little nervous at first,…

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